Ona, accompanied with a man,stepped off the plane in Mexico, where a luxurious car awaited her arrival, just as Luna had promised. A bodyguard, Alessandra, greeted her, saying, "Welcome, Madam Ona. I'm Alessandra, sent by Madam Luna to pick you up."

Ona scrutinized him, unsure if he was telling the truth. She thought within her,"How can Luna send a total stranger to pick me up."

Just then, a message from Luna arrived, confirming Alessandra's identity and warning Ona not to trust anyone else.The text Luna sent to her was "Better don't go with anyone other than the guy in the photo,I won't be responsible for your kidnap." Ona smiled and cursed Silently"Crazy girl". Relieved, Ona entered the car and admired its opulence during the ride to Luna's estate.

As they arrived, Ona was struck by the mansion's grandeur and the numerous bodyguards and security personnel. An elderly woman, Aitana, welcomed her with a curious gaze, saying, "You're welcome, ma."

Ona replied in a light but unfriendly tone, "Which way?"

Aitana responded, "Sorry, this way, ma'am."

Aitana led her into a beautiful living room and Ona couldn't help but looked around.

Luna saw her and exclaimed, "Ona!" and rushed to hug her. "I thought I was in the wrong building," Ona said with a smile.

Looking at the direction of the man,Luna asked her "Him?"

"His name is Mr Ike,He is My Security and he is gonna come in handy"Ona replied."Oh!Okay"Luna said.

Then called in one of the servant and instruct her to take him to the guest room.

Luna led Ona to the couch, where Ona asked immediately, "Luna, where is the prince?"

Luna feigned confusion, "What prince?"

Ona pressed her, "Come on, stop that, Luna. You wat me to believe that you own all this,the cars,the securities even the house,Stop playing,Where is the prince?"

Luna laughed hard, then said, "Stop that, will you? I don't want to laugh unnecessarily."

Ona asked, surprised, "Six years ago, you were wealthy, but not as wealthy as this. What happened?"

Luna replied, "Nothing happened, dear. I invested, signed contracts, established my business, and opened a gold mine..."

Ona cut in, "You have a gold mine?"

Luna replied nonchalantly, "Oh yeah."

Ona teased, "You're such a bad girl, you didn't tell me about all this."

Luna laughed and said, "But I always tell you that I'm not the girl you knew before. Besides, don't pretend as if you didn't upgrade. You're glowing, Ona. Look at you, you're fat."

Ona laughed and said, "Well, I do have a company now."

Luna said, staring at her, "And I don't remember you telling me that."

Ona defended herself, "I always wanted to, but it slipped my mind."

Luna joked, "Wow, look at pot calling kettle black."

The friends laughed together, reunited and enjoying each other.

Aitana, standing near the living room, saw a maid, Teresa, approaching with a tray of drinks. She quickly took the tray from Teresa and said, "Let me handle it, Teresa. You can go back to your duties."

"Okay," Teresa replied, handing the tray to Aitana.

While they were still discussing, Aitana approached Luna and Ona with the drinks and glass cups. Ona stared at her while she served them the drinks.

"Aitana, why are you doing this?" Luna asked her. "Where are the servants and maids?"

"Hmm, I just wanted to do this, Ma'am," Aitana replied. "Besides, all of them are busy."

"That isn't an excuse," Luna said sternly. "It seems no one knows their duties in this house anymore. I don't want to see you do this anymore. You should be taking care of the baby and not running house errands."

"Okay, Ma'am. I'm sorry," Aitana apologized.

Luna swayed her fingers, indicating for Aitana to leave. Aitana bowed and left.

"Who is she?" Ona inquired, looking at Luna.

"Ximena's nanny," Luna answered.

"Hmm," Ona said, looking uncomfortable.

"Why?" Luna asked her, noticing Ona's disapproving look.

"Nothing," Ona replied, not convincing enough.

Luna looked at Ona and saw the same look she had on her face the first day she introduced Ronto to her. Luna sighed and said, "Let me guess, you dislike her?"

"Well, kind of," Ona replied, and Luna smiled.

Then Ona looked at her and whispered, "Luna, we need to discuss something important."

Luna nodded and replied back in a whisper, "We will move out soon."

An hour later, Luna stepped out with Ona. She took the keys from the driver, but when she was about to drive out of the gate, Ona called the security she came with and told him not to let anyone out of the building.

Luna was surprised. "I have a chief security," she said with a smile.

"Which we cannot trust for now," Ona replied. "Let's go."

"Alright, Detective," Luna said teasingly.

Immediately they left, Aitana stepped out of the house, but just as she was about to open the side gate, Mr. Ike said, "Don't go out."

Aitana turned to see him sitting a few meters away from her. "Hmm, excuse me?" she asked him.

"I said do not go out," he repeated.

"Why?" Aitana asked impatiently.

"Where are you going to?" he asked her.

"The only person who has the right to ask me that is my Employer, Madam Luna," she said and turned to open the gate when he spoke again with an angry tone.

"I do not like to repeat myself. Open that gate, and whatever you get from me, you accept."

"Arnold, Arnold!" Aitana called out.

Arnold, the chief security, walked out from the corner of the building and answered, "Yes?"

Aitana said to him, "He is restricting me from going out," pointing at Mr. Ike.

"And why is that?" Arnold inquired from him.

"Because I was given an instruction," Mr. Ike replied, staring at both of them.

"From who?" Arnold asked him.

"Madam Luna," he answered.

Arnold and Aitana went back silently, understanding the situation.

"This is trouble,I'll go contact Ronto"Aitana said to Arnold before going in.While Arnold stood afar staring at Mr Ike...