Luna drove to a building and reached the gate, where huge men dressed in black were standing. One of them walked to her car, and she rolled down the window. On recognition, he beckoned to the others to open the gate, and they did. Luna and Ona stepped out of the car and entered the house, which was big and comfortable.

A man was seated at the dining table, eating a hearty breakfast. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked without turning in their direction, his voice deep and commanding.

"How does he even know we're here?" Ona whispered to Luna.

"Because he's a detective," Luna replied, her voice low and confident. "And a good one, at that.

"I'm not just a detective, ladies," he said, finally turning to face them. "I'm the best in the business." "If you're as tough as you say you are, then why haven't you gotten my daughter back?" Luna asked, looking frustrated.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but everything takes time," he replied. "For now, I assure you that no one gets in and out of Mexico without our consent. My men are all over the airport. Your daughter is still in Mexico."

"So, you guys don't want to join me for breakfast?" he asked.

"We aren't here for a picnic," Luna answered, staring outside the window.

"So, what's your plan, if I may ask?" Ona asked him.

"You look like a smart lady," he said to Ona. "Well, she is, so don't underestimate her," Luna confirmed.

"Come with me, I want to show you guys something," he said, leading them down to the basement of his building. "We have a general place where we plan, but this is my private place, ma'am."

He led them down to the basement of his building which has a small room attached.

And was equipped with state-of-the-art computers and surveillance equipment. "This is my Watch Room," he explained. "My team works 24/7 to monitor the streets of Mexico and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity."

"Like I said,you need not to be scared,he continues. "I've installed cameras on every corner of Mexico."

"By every corner, you mean even people's shops and houses?" Ona asked.

The man looked at her and laughed. "No, just on the streets. Although I've done situations like that, fixing cameras in people's homes. We take those measures when necessary, but I hope this situation doesn't lead to that."

They stepped out of the room, and Luna asked, "So, with all of this, when can I expect to see my daughter?"

"Ma'am, you will. Just be patient with us. Coming to CISEN means you're in the right place. We are not CISEN for no reason. I believe she is the only one who knows."

"Yes," Luna replied. "Don't broadcast it; in fact, tell no one else. I'm sending an investigator over to your house soon. I'll visit you soon, and when I do, some necessary actions will be taken. You said the person who took your daughter is your ex-husband, and she is practically his kid, right?"

"Yes," Luna confirmed.

"Then don't worry, she won't be harmed," he said. "All I'm trying to say is that the man wants you, not her. He is just using her to get to you."

"There might be an inside man too," Luna said. "Don't let anyone leave the house yet, or resign. If anyone tries to do that, involve the officers."

Luna shook hands with him and left with Ona.

Luna and Ona collapsed on the couch, exhausted. "I'm exhausted," Luna groaned.

"Me too," Ona replied, laughing. "Where is your personal detective?" Luna asked, calling out, "Ike!"

But there was no response. Teresa walked in and Luna instructed her to get Ike. A few seconds later, Mr. Ike walked in. "Greetings, ma'am," he said.

"Did anyone try to go out?" Luna asked.

"No," Ike answered.

"Okay, that's good," Luna said.

But Ona spoke up, "Yeah, except for the fact that you didn't ask the right question."

Luna stared at her, confused. "Who tried to go out, Ike?" Ona asked.

"Aitana," he replied.

"Oh! Where did she want to go?" Luna asked.

"I don't know," Ike answered.

"And what time did she want to leave?" Luna asked further.

"A few minutes after you left," Ike replied.

Ona nodded. "You can go now, Ike."

Luna was about calling Aitana when she walked in.

"Welcome, ma'am," Aitana said, walking in.

"Where were you after we left this afternoon?" Luna asked her.

"I was around, ma'am," Aitana replied.

Luna silently looked at her. "I was around, I swear. I wanted to go out, but Mr. Ike restricted me."

"Why did you want to go out?" Luna asked.

"Because i wanted to get drugs in the pharmacy," Aitana replied.

"Why?" Luna asked further.

"I was having a runny stomach," Aitana said with certainty.

Luna raised an eyebrow. "So why didn't you get it when I was still around?"

Aitana looked innocent. "That was when I was still battling with the toilet, and I didn't know you were gone."

Luna sighed. "Please, may I go to the pharmacy now, ma'am?"

"That's the voice of the baby I'm hearing now, isn't it?" Luna asked her."Yes,she said.

"Go take care of her, Teresa will get the drugs for you," Luna said.

Aitana turned to leave, but Ona spoke up, "Mrs. Aitana, don't worry about Mr. Ike. He means no harm. It's just that people won't be permitted to go out of the building for a while, except it's necessary or very important."

"Okay, ma'am," Aitana replied and left.

Ona turned to Luna. "This is the second time I'm hearing about a baby. I took her from one of my employees at the mining site."Luna told her

"They found her in the mining site?" Ona asked.

"No, he said he found her on the road," Luna replied.

Ona raised an eyebrow. "So what do you plan to do with her?"

Luna shrugged. "I don't know yet. I planned to give her away, but I haven't gotten the chance."

Ona looked concerned. "I can't imagine taking care of an unknown child. If you had adopted her, then it would be a different case. You won't want anyone to come and accuse you of stealing a child right?

"Luna laughed and who's gonna do that,who dare?A baby found just on the street?Besides there's something unique about the child."

"Which is?"Ona asked

"Umm,I'll explain when all this is over."

Meanwhile,Aitana rushed into her room and shut door

"No, no, nooooo"she screamed angrily but not audible.

Then she texted to Ronto "I can't leave the house,Luna restricted my movement.The ball is in your court,I await your Actions."