Ava stood in her lavish living room, sipping her morning coffee, when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't expecting anyone, especially not Sister Cecelia from the orphanage. "What are you doing here?" Ava asked, her tone firm but polite.

"I came to check up on the baby," Sister Cecelia replied, her eyes scanning the room.

"My baby, you mean, that is already two months old?" Ava raised an eyebrow. "I mean no harm, Mrs. Ava, just to check up on her, then I leave," Sister Cecelia said persistently.

Victoria, Ava's maid, appeared with the baby in her arms. "Bring out the child," Ava called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Hey, Madam Victoria, are you alright?" Sister Cecelia asked, her concern evident.

"Yeah, sure," Victoria replied, handing the baby to Ava.

"You can hand the baby over to the health inspector Victoria" Ava said with mockery.

Ignoring Ava's words,Sister Cecilia took the baby from Victoria and examined her, satisfied that she was fine and healthy. Then, she looked at Victoria, who seemed well too. "You can go, Sister Cecelia and do not return" Ava said, her voice firm.

But Sister Cecelia stood her ground. "I told you, till the baby is of age, Ma'am," she reminded Ava.

"I can take care of my child, Sister," Ava said, her expression unyielding.

Sister Cecelia's face fell, but she persisted. "I will return," she said.

Ava's eyes narrowed. "OK, then you leave me no choice, Ignacio," she called out.

Her bodyguard, Ignacio, appeared instantly. "I do not want to ever see her face in this estate again. I have no business with her anymore. It doesn't matter whoever she comes with or whatever she says. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ignacio replied, his voice firm.

Sister Cecelia's face fell, and she walked out of the building, defeated.

Later that day, Ava's husband, Joseph, approached her on the balcony. "You must return the child to the Orphanage," he said, his voice firm.

Ava turned to him, her eyes flashing. "Must?" she asked, her voice icy.

"Yes, I know it's difficult for us to bear our own children, but we cannot raise someone else's child," Joseph explained.

Ava's face hardened. "Why can't we? Joseph, I am not forcing you to raise the baby with me. I can do it on my own. Do you really want me to die childless? Look at my rivals, Aria and Luna. Do you want them to mock me? I need an heir, Joseph."

Joseph hesitated, but Ava cut him off. "There is no but, Joseph. Cut me the slack."

With that, she walked away, leaving Joseph standing alone on the balcony, looking defeated.

Back in the Orphanage,

Sister Cecelia walked into the Mother General's office, her habit rustling softly. "Mother General, I need to speak with you about my visit to Ava's estate," she said, her voice calm and collected.

The Mother General looked up from her desk, her eyes concerned. "Yes, Sister Cecelia? What happened?"

Sister Cecelia took a deep breath. "She sent me out and instructed her bodyguard never to let me in again. I tried to explain that I only wanted to check on the baby's well-being, but she was adamant."

The Mother General's expression turned thoughtful. "I see. Well, Sister, it seems that Ava is determined to keep the baby's care to herself. And since Victoria is there with them, and you said the baby looks well, I think we should respect Ava's wishes."

Sister Cecelia nodded, understanding. "Yes, Mother General. I agree. Besides, Victoria hasn't called to complain, so that means they are well taken care of. We'll let them be."

The Mother General smiled. "That's the spirit, Sister. We'll focus on our work here and trust that Ava will do what's best for the baby."

Sister Cecelia bowed her head. "Thank you, Mother General. I'll leave it in your hands."

"Go in peace, Sister," the Mother General said, her voice warm.

Sister Cecelia left the office, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that she had done her best, and now it was up to Ava to care for the baby.

Ava's phone rang, piercing the silence of her office. She picked up, expecting a business call from one of her colleagues or perhaps a client. But instead, she heard her friend Catherine's cheerful voice on the other end.

"Hey, Ava! Your voice doesn't sound so cool," Catherine said, her tone playful.

Ava sighed, rubbing her temples. She had been dealing with a stressful day at work, trying to meet deadlines and manage her team. "I'm stressed, Catherine. My company wasn't friendly today. Files that need signing and clients to meet weren't one or two."

Catherine's laughter echoed through the phone. "Your voice sounds merry, what? You've found a golden bird?" Ava teased her.

Ava chuckled despite herself. She and Catherine had been friends for years, and they always knew how to make each other laugh. "More like you've found a golden husband, I hear," Ava replied, her curiosity piqued.

Catherine giggled. "Well, I'm getting married in a week! Can you believe it?" she exclaimed.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise. She had known Catherine for years, and she had always been the independent type, never one to settle down. "Woaw! That's a surprise, Catherine! I thought you didn't believe in Romeos," Ava said, her voice laced with disbelief.

Catherine's voice turned serious. "Ava, please. I need you to be there. It would be a shame if you didn't see me get married. Everyone is going to be there, you know."

Ava raised an eyebrow. "By everyone, you mean Locke, the Hungarian, Aria, Luna—" she listed, her voice trailing off.

Catherine cut her off. "Yes, all of them! Women have to bond sometimes, besides, it's my wedding. No one would want to miss it for the world."

Ava laughed. "Alright,

Thanks, special invitation coming up. Bye." Catherine said and hang up.

As she hung up the phone, her husband, Joseph, walked into the room. "Catherine's marriage is coming up by the weekend," she said to him, and her voice is filled with excitement.

Joseph nodded. "Congratulations to her."

Ava looked at him expectantly. "We will be attending the wedding, right?"

But Joseph shook his head. "You will be, Ava. I have a lot to do this weekend."

Ava's eyes widened in surprise. "It's Catherine we're talking about here. You can't miss her wedding!" she exclaimed.

Joseph shrugged. "I'm sorry, Ava. I have commitments I can't ignore."

Ava pouted, She had been looking forward to attending the wedding with her husband by her side. She planned to show off in front of Aria and Luna,But it seemed like that wasn't going to happen.

"Well, I'll be going alone then," she said, her voice laced with disappointment.

Joseph nodded. "I'm sorry, Ava. Maybe next time."

Ava sighed, her mind already racing with thoughts of the wedding she had vision how it would be and with the thought of attending without her husband,She knew that she will be giving her enemies something to gloat about.But still, she would have to make the most of it, even if it meant attending alone.