The Nameless Swords

 Once Kai was finally able to enter the academy, he was introduced to a large hallway with traditional Japanese tatami mat flooring, wooden beams, shoji doors on the left, and large windows on the right. The space was serene and minimalist while maintaining its beauty and elegance.

Due to the large density of people, he could not find Shido or Shinten despite his large size. Even with all these people nearby, Kurenai stuck by his side closely.

At the front there was a young woman with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She wore the standard Shinigami Shihakushō, albeit the front was very loose as it revealed some of her slender voluptuous figure, which was hidden behind tightly wrapped bandages. A long scar travelled down her left cheek.

Next to her was a middle aged looking boy, with black hair and blue eyes who also wore the standard Shihakushō.

"Chikako, is this really everyone?"

"Yes ma'am!"

She made a face as if she was disappointed with everyone in the room.

"Listen up you fools. My name is Yamada Fujinishin, and I'm the grandmaster of Shino Academy. From this point onwards you're all under my authority, not even the central 46 can protect you from me. It doesn't matter if your from a noble family, or even the poorest person in the Rukon, I will beat your ass if your disobedient. Got it?"

She clapped her hands which caused numerous cane katanas attached to red strings to fall from the ceiling. 

"A Shinigami's traditional weapon is the Zanpakutō, they are used to help combat hollows and send souls to Soul Society. They also make up a large bulk of a Shinigami's strength depending on how they are used. But before one can obtain a Zanpakutō, they must carry an Asauchi which are present above your heads as we speak. By imprinting your soul and essence into an Asauchi, it will eventually evolve into a Zanpakutō. For your first task in joining this school, you must obtain any one of the Asauchi which are present."

The girl in the white flower pattern kimono, then jumped towards the roof with abnormal strength, even creating a gust of wind with her sheer power. She reached out and grabbed the highest Asauchi which was at the top of the building.

Just as fast as she got it, she quickly returned to the ground without even a hint of expression. She then unsheathed it to check its contents, which prompted it to emit a bright blue light which engulfed it. Once the light died down the Asauchi was no more as it had turned into a traditional Japanese katana.

Everyone who witnessed this event, turned their head in shock, even surprising Yamada who had seemed so disappointed before.

"Ma'am??! Never in all of Shin'ō Academy's history, has there been someone who was able to turn an Asauchi into a Zanpakutō after holding it just once!"

"You there? Whats your name?"

She approached the pedestal where the two stood, as she sheathed back her Zanpakutō,

"My name is, Yuki Tsubokoniri."

"What kind of training do you do?"

"I don't train."

Yamada smirked a little before shouting,

"And what are the rest of you lazy fools, looking at!? You have yet to even grasp hold of an Asauchi yet you're busy gawking your mouths at her?! GET BACK TO WORK!"

In a hurry, masses of students started to pile up on each other, while desperately reaching for an Asauchi. Even if someone did grab hold of one of them, they would soon start wrestling each other for it.

One orange haired kid, in Rukon clothes latched onto the walls of the hallway and started to climb the walls of the building, which prompted others to do the same as they all targeted the closest swords.

"Shinten, I got an idea to get Asauchi's for both of us.", Shido said to Shinten.

He quickly explained his plan, before Shinten picked Shio up by his leg. Shido crawled up into a ball like position, before Shinten threw him into the air with one great throw.

Shido crashed into many of the Asauchi but was able to grab onto two of them before falling back down to the ground. He attempted to grab a third one for Kai, but was unsuccessful as he plummeted towards the wooden floor.


Kai and Shinten quickly came to his rescue, but missed his landing spot by only a few inches, causing him to hit the floor with both Asauchi in hand.

"You don't have an Asauchi yet? Should I throw you too?"

"Hell no! I think I'll try climbing like everyone else?"

He looked over and saw the piles of unconscious bodies half asleep near the walls, which deterred him. The Orange haired short kid who initiated it all, sat on top of them with an Asauchi in hand.

"Why did you guys even try to copy me? I used to be a climber before dying."

Jinriyu, pointed a finger at one of the red strings and then muttered something under his voice. The string then snapped which caused an Asauchi to fall into his hands.

"Kurenai? Can you help me out?"

The butterfly fluttered its wings.

"Why did I even ask. I'm done for."

Kurenai then flew away from Kai, which prompted him to chase him while apologising. Kurenai then flew onto one of the Asauchi and fluttered its wings a little. Although Kai couldn't see it, the ends of the rope burnt a little from black flames which caused it to snap. The Asauchi then fell into Kai's hands. 

Kurenai quickly flew back down and landed onto Kai's shoulder,

"I have no clue how you did that, but it seems I underestimated you didn't I partner?"

Yamada then clapped her hands loudly, which prompted everyone who was still conscious to look at her.

"Listen here you fools. Those who were able to gain an Asauchi today, will become strong members of Soul Society in the future, however those of you who have failed will still have another chance. This room will be open to all of you who have failed today, so don't worry. But don't expect to receive the same treatment as the ones who succeeded."

A wave of Squad 4 nurses then barged into the room with armies of stretchers and personal. They all quickly and efficiently collected the injured students bodies, before taking them away for treatment.

Chikako then said,

"This school teaches four different classes: Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kido, these are known as the 4 styles of Shinigami. If you want to pass at the end of these three years, then you need to pass only one of these classes. In the situation that you pass all 4 classes but your school period hasn't finished, then you may even graduate ahead of time."

"There is only one type of person which I respect in this school, and that is a person who gives his life to protect his friends and humanity for that is the definition of a Shinigami. If you fight for things like honour then you might as well drop out. Things like that have no purpose here."

 Multiple nobles expressed their disagreement with what she had said, even Shinten was a little annoyed somewhat, but for some reason Jinriyu was completely neutral. in fact he even smiled at her statement.

"Retreat and rest at your dorms. All students will be supplied with a new prototype Soul Pager, which contains your class, curriculum and ID along with the Schools standard Shihakushō."