Remember That Time We Went To A Scout Trip

You know what it's like to be a scout even if you've never been one. Camping, learning how to tie different types of knots, survival tactics, etc. All of those universally recognizable traits of being a scout were either completely absent or horribly twisted if you were unfortunate enough to join the Greek scouts. Unfortunately, Leo and Roufail had both done just that.

-"Why would you do that?" Morris asked the obvious.

-"I dunno."

-"I did it cause he did it."

Leo and Roufail answered in that order, with the latter pointing at the former while giving his answer.

-"Yeah they've apparently been going there for some years now. Unfortunately the existence of 'adult supervision' limited the potential for actual fun to be had so we don't have a reason to bring it up so much." Tempest said.

-"And why is this being brought up now?" Morris asked.

Leo and Roufail looked at him dubiously before the scene changed and they were transported to the middle of a forest alongside the other scouts.

-"Being briefed on why we're here before being brought along greatly assisted me in understanding the situation at hand as well as our reasons behind participating in this. I would've likely been extremely confused otherwise." Morris remarked.

-"And that's not all!" Roufail said as he and Leo skipped steps to the front of a crate that was also there before it got destroyed and a distressed Tempest came out of it.

-"WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE?!" He yelled out.

-"It's simple, really. The scouts are having a camping trip in this forest and since Kewmed also joined the scouts a while ago, we figured there was a good chance of him showing up here-" Roufail tried to elaborate before Tempest interrupted him.


-"Because we know you'd say no if we asked you due to the effort that camping requires." Leo explained.

-"THAT'S… Actually a fair point I guess. Although I didn't know Kewmed had joined the scouts."

-"He's not the only one." Leo said as he pointed towards Fotis, Pavlidis and Nick who were also there.

Fotis was being a bum, loitering around and not assisting in anything as per usual. Pavlidis was the only one actually putting in work, trying his best to build all the tents by himself while making sure to endlessly complain about his situation. Nick was visibly concerned by something and he walked towards the boys when he asked

-"Do you guys know what happened to Michael? He never misses anything scouts related!"

They carefully thought before responding

-"No clue."

All at the same time with wide smiles on their faces. They did, in fact, not have a single clue.

Nick internally rejoiced at the prospect of Michael dying; the only possible fate worse than what usually happened to him whenever he hang out with the boys.

-"I'M FINALLY FREE FROM THE CURSE-!" He yelled before spraining his ankle and rolling down the forest into a foggy area, where he encountered a tribe of satanist orc crackheads that beat the shit out of him before slingshotting him back to the camping area.

Unfortunately for poor old Nick, nobody cared enough about him to notice his short absence and they had all moved on without even realizing he was gone.

-"Where is the adult supervision you mentioned?" Morris asked Tempest.

-"I'm uh, not sure." Tempest answered, seeing as he's just as new to the whole scouts thing as him.

-"Wait, I can see them over there!" Leo pointed at the "supervision", which included 3 nineteen year olds who took their position way too seriously.

They were walking towards them, dragged along with them was none other than… Kewmed?!

-"WHAT THE HELL?!" Roufail yelled out.

-"What? Isn't he the only reason we're even here right now? Shouldn't you expect to run into him? Wasn't that literally our entire plan?" Leo asked.

-"Well, yeah, but… I dunno, I guess I expected more… Build up… Or, something(?)" Roufail stumbled over his words while trying to explain his surprise.

-"You guys know this punk?" Roman asked.

-"Oh God damn it, why does he have to be here?!" Leo sighed.

Roman was a couple years older than the rest of them yet acted even more uptight than the actual supervisors, with him having a special grudge against Leo and Nick.

-"Yeah, surprise surprise, I don't want what happened last time to be repeated, so I'm not letting you off the hook any time soon. That means you can expect me to show up EVERY TIME you do." Roman said.

-"What happened last time?" Morris asked Nick.

-"We don't talk about the 2017 incident." Nick answered while staring blankly in the distance.

-"Nevermind that shit, why did you call Kewmed a punk?!" Tempest asked Roman while grabbing him by the shirt.

-"Oh yeah you guys arrived late so you wouldn't know huh? Well, he was getting in the way of the supervi… I mean, US, doing their… I mean, OUR job by constantly distracting them with his tomfoolery and encouraging the other scouts to join him in that, so the adults lectured him on the side." Roman explained.

It was then that the boys remembered something they had completely neglected previously. Something vital. The fact that Kewmed's gradual decline into becoming a jock never stopped.

-"Hey guys, long time no see." He greeted them.

-"Don't hit us with that bullshit. Where have you been all this time?!" Leo stopped him in his tracks.

-"Where have I been? It's not my fault you guys suck at organizing hang outs. You can't expect me to show up to something I don't find fun." Kewmed replied.

-"What about school?" Tempest stepped in.

-"I moved houses and now attend a different school. Did you forget when I told y'all that?"

Tempest then checked every chat he was in.

-"You didn't tell us a thing."

-"Yeah I did. I just told you in person and you forgot, or something." Kewmed continued the gaslighting.

-"This is… Not what I expected." Morris commented.

-"Guys, guys, relax. Let's just move on with our camping trip!" Roufail stepped in.

Roman was reminded of his god given obligation to constantly get involved in other people's business for no reason.

-"Stop arguing and get in line! We're going hiking!" He ordered them.

Kewmed went first, followed by Roufail, pavlidis, Fotis, Nick, Leo, Tempest and Morris in that order.

Roman took the incentive and led them, with the 3 adults following behind at the end of the line.

-"What the hell was that?" Morris asked.

-"Yeah, guess we should've probably expected something like this. If his jockification continued while we didn't see him, then that means he's become considerably worse than at the Garlic party." Tempest answered.

-"Turning him normal is gonna be way harder than we thought by the looks of it." Leo remarked.

Meanwhile, at the front of the line:

-"So, how has life been?" Roufail asked Kewmed.

The latter then continued to have a 10 minute yap session where he bitched about barely real problems.

-"My parents don't pay attention to me! I mean, they only gave me TWENTY euros for my weekly allowance! What's worse is that all the girls I talk to end up leaving me on delivered! What, do they not like it when dudes treat them like objects to brag about?! What are they, stupid?" He complained.

-"Oh… That sucks, I guess."

-"Anyway, wanna get a haircut from me? Oh, did you forget the time I told y'all I decided to become a barber?"

-"You what-" Roufail was interrupted by the sound of the three supervisors behind them collapsing to the ground.

The scouts gathered around them to examine the situation.


-"Uh, yeah, didn't wanna tell you guys this but Kewmed-"

-"Relax, I just gave them some of that good stuff to chill their nerves." Kewmed interrupted Nick for the explicit purpose of confessing to giving Marijuana to the supervisors.

-"You did WHAT?!" Roman yelled at his face.

-"Come on, it's not that deep bro." Kewmed horribly underplayed the effect that weed has on unemployed college students with questionable hobbies.

-"Well, they're totally faded. But surely not having supervision can't be that bad-!" Morris tried saying before Fotis kicked him in the nuts, let out a war cry and crawled away from them on all fours.

-"That's what I'm talking about all the time! You savages don't understand the importance of order in life, I suppose a genius like me is your only hope in surviving in these woods-" Pavlidis attempted to take the lead before getting interrupted by one of the previous satanist crackhead orcs hitting him over the head with a club and carrying him to their tribe to use for crack-related rituals.

Everyone who remained panicked, with the exceptions of Kewmed and Nick. The former was genuinely unable to see what wrong there was in what he did, while the latter was just happy that nothing too bad had happened to him after the collapse of the supervisors...…. Yet. And that is what scared him. The orc incident must've signified that the curse wasn't dealt with, which in return meant that eventually, he was gonna get the worst fate out of everyone present. While on the outside he seemed perfectly calm, a storm was brewing on the inside.

-"Everybody, calm down! We are SCOUTS! When we wanna do something, we GET IT DONE! No ifs or buts! Follow me as we continue our hike!" Roman took the lead.

Everyone glanced at him with the most "I'm done with your shit" expression ever.

Suddenly, Nick began shaking, prompting Roman to try and "comfort" him.

-"Don't be a pussy, we're supposed to be crafty and hard working! Laziness will not be tolerated, buckle up and get ready to continue. The. Hike. Just like everyone else-"

Nick then proceeded to grab Roman, lift him, and throw him so far away that he reached the Grand Canyon before he stopped being airborne.

-"Wow. I guess someone is overreacting!" Kewmed remarked, only for absolutely no one to laugh, except for Roufail, who awkwardly chuckled due to the awkward silence.


-"Ayo dude, we're not in that much danger! We've been through way worse and look at us now, completely fine!" Tempest comforted him.

-"Easy for you to say! Let me ask you this; what will you do if something so bad happens you can not POSSIBLY return from it?!"

Silence ensued as nobody was really sure how to answer or deal with the situation in the first place.

-"Yeah. I'll be on my way now. Don't reach out to me, I think I'll start actually prioritize my physical well being from now on." Nick declared as he walked away, leaving the rest of them to process what had just happened. Alone.

-"Welp. What a pussy! Haha! Am I right?! So, Tempest, let's go hang out at your place now." Kewmed said.

-"... What." Roufail muttered to himself, being unable to properly understand what recently, Kewmed's insensitive reaction and, most importantly, what will come next.