Remember That Time We Went To Leo's Party

Noverember 37th marked the most important day of the year. It also happened to be Leo's birthday or something.

Because the birthday hadn't lost all jolly, yet, he decided to host a party where he invited all his friends. And Rousilleas.

-"How am I invited? I don't mind but you kinda barely know me." Rousilleas asked him.

-"Nick is… Missing, basically, so there was one empty position, besides, we need you for Project Oliver™." Leo answered while winking at him.

Rousilleas had completely forgotten what "Project Oliver" was supposed to be, but that wasn't about to stop him from having a swell time at a party!

Other invitees included Roufail, Tempest, Manos, Rin, Renie, Achillop and none other than Kewmed, who actually attended.

-"So what's the plan to convert him back?" Tempest whispered to Leo and Roufail after they walked away into a corner away from everyone else, quite similar to the image of an introvert isolating himself on a couch with the party host's dog, only slightly more depressing.

-"What plan?" Leo and Roufail replied.

-"The fuck you mean 'what plan'? This is one of our only opportunities for the foreseeable future and we're just gonna fumble it?!"

-"Let's be honest, there's no way any conversion attempts would work in this environment. Last two times we tried to convert him during a hangout he ended up crashing at your place with no permission." Roufail answered.

-"I hate to say it but I agree with Roufail. Besides, this is LEO DAY! Not 'Let's Try To Convert Our Idiot Friend For The Third Time Day'! Leo said.

-"By the way, why wasn't Morris invited?" Roufail turned to Leo.

-"I have known him for less than three months while he's the most notorious bank robber to ever live. Ain't no way I'm letting him inside my house!" Leo added "I'm CAREFUL with who I allow within my residence."

-"Hey Leo can I use the bathroom for a bit?" Kewmed asked from a distance.

-"Sure, it's down the hall and to the right."

Kewmed then opened the door to Leo's bathroom, which was decorated with LED lighting that was flickering so intensely it could give an epileptic person a seizure. Kewmed wasn't phased by that and proceeded inside like normal, closing the door behind him as he went in.

-"So like… Is there a specific reason or?" Tempest said, referring to the peculiar choice in bathroom lighting.

-"Don't ask. It was my Dad's idea." Leo shut him up.

A few minutes passed until the rest of the invitees had arrived, with the exception of Renie.

-"Wonder where he is." Roufail pondered.

-"Don't worry, I had planned for this." Leo said.

A couple moments of silence passed, with most people assuming Leo had developed schizophrenia, until an assassin broke into the house with the intention of taking out Leo.

-"NOW!" Leo yelled out as Man flew in through the living room walls, crashed onto the assassin and continued dragging him through the ground, without ever stopping.


Leo facepalmed before elaborating

-"I had hired Renie to assassinate me because I knew he isn't attending shit unless he does it under the pretense of completing a job. The plan was for Man to stop him and force his ass to sit down so the party could begin, making me look cool in the process. But it seems like I greatly overestimated the common sense or communicative skills of Man, and now I need a new wall."

-"Oh no don't worry, it was totally cool." Everybody lied to him to make him feel better, mostly because they'd all neglected actually getting him a birthday gift and didn't want to be called out.

-"Yeah yeah whatever, let's proceed already… Just, without Renie." Leo said as he looked down at the hole Man had created.

The first Leo Day activity was about to begin; Karaoke.

-"Wait, shouldn't we wait for Kewmed?" Rin pointed out.

-"He called and told me he'll be in the toilet for 'a while'. I don't want any further details, so until he's out he'll be participating over call." Leo explained.

Nobody wanted to get any further details either, so they quickly moved on with the activity.

-"Okay, who wants to go first?" Leo asked.

-"It shall be me." Manos exclaimed with depression.

Surprisingly enough, Manos didn't mean that in the sense of being the first to die. He just legitimately wanted to be the first one to participate in karaoke.

-"Thus, behold… The most hardcore song… A most true mirror of my soul… But first, a warning; my darkness is simply too much for most people to handle." Manos exclaimed before singing Imagine Dragons.

Rin was the only one who clapped out of sheer pity.

-"Fuck you guys." Manos said as he sat back down.

-"No thanks, had enough of that at the Diddy parties… Brrrrr." Rousilleas said, trembling.

Next up on the karaoke went Rin and Roufail, who had teamed up.

-"Meh, how good could they be?" Leo scoffed.

Then, the lights closed. Smoke begun emerging from the ground and a single stage light shone at Roufail, who was suddenly wearing a completely different outfit; a black suit with a blue rose on the chest and a long black wig. He had even removed his eyepatch.

-"kotoshi mo haru ga kuru to natsukashii koe ga suru you na wasurerarenai dore mo omoide no sora ni kazatte iru sakura mau…" He sang, as the stage lights increased alongside the smoke which now had a pink color.

The two of them performed "Sakura Biyori and Time Machine" by Ado and Hatsune Miku, with Roufail singing the lyrics of the former and Rin of the latter. And it was perfect. They hit every single note perfectly, almost as if they were the artists in the flesh. To this day it is a mystery how Rin managed to match the vocal inflexions and tone of a literal vocaloid.

Once they finished their performance the lighting returned to normal, while all the smoke vanished alongside it.

-"I mean… I guess it was fine-"

-"SHUT THE FUCK UP IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!" Everyone interrupted Leo's smug ass.

Next up went Kewmed, over the phone obviously.

-"Alright guys, I dunno what lame shit everyone before me did but I assure you this will be the best thing you've heard in your life." He said prior to delivering the most atrocious, abominable, harrowing freestyle known to mankind.

The freestyle was so horrendous that everybody present to witness it no longer wanted to listen to any kind of music for the foreseeable future, ending the karaoke prematurely.

-"You guys are just haters!" Kewmed exclaimed unironically.

They moved on to the next Leo Day activity quickly as they desired to forget about Kewmed's """performance""". With the activity in question being Truth or Dare.

-"Truth or dare?" Leo turned to Achillop.


-"I dare you to get a haircut."

Achillop then brutally beat the everloving shit out of Leo before using the power of music™ to heal him because of the aforementioned lack of a birthday gift.

-"Should've seen that coming. Moving on!" Leo said begrudgingly.

-"Alright I'll go next. Ahem, truth or dare?" Roufail said as he turned to face Tempest.

-"Dare, obviously."

-"I dare you to release Minister Mistakes 4." Roufail said, referring to the 4th installment of an indie series the boys had made months ago but still wasn't finished due to the editor, Tempest, feeling too bored to do it.

-"I uhhhh lost all the files." Tempest lied.

-"Awh, darn it." Roufail believed him unconditionally.

-"Now, truth or dare-" Tempest stopped as he realized the other person next to him was Manos.


-"Urm, nothing. Nevermind." Tempest said before he awkwardly turned his glance away

-"Hey, I wanna say a truth or dare now!" Kewmed exclaimed with excitement, still through the phone.

-"Go for it." Leo responded.

-"Alright then, Roufail, truth or dare?"


-"Hehe, I dare you to do a love confession to RIN!"

Everyone stared at each other awkwardly for a bit due to the weird nature of the dare, until

-"Rin…" Roufail said as he kneeled down

-"I… Love… You. Like a fat kid loves cake, like a crackhead loves cocaine, like a US president likes committing undocumented war crimes."

-"Somebody get a bucket and a mop!" Rin responded while doing an over dramatic gesture.

Everybody let out a sigh of relief. There is no romantic tension and there never will be. However, Kewmed didn't feel as relieved despite what his current position may initially allude to.

-"Boooo. That's so lame. We all know you totally have a thing for each other!" He taunted them.

-"Uh, no? Where the hell did that even come from?" Roufail responded.

-"Just because you view all opposite sex relationships as romantic doesn't mean we're all like you, Kewmed." Rin told him.

-"What is that even supposed to mean? I'm totally not like that, and I'd have you know I have definitely moved on from your cousin!" Kewmed said, with a raise in the tone of his voice being made noticeable.

-"Oh, yeah? Is that why you constantly stalk all our socials? I thought we'd try to ignore that fact for the sake of the party but if you wanna come at me like that then I'm more than willing to clap back!" Rin responded.

Leo noticed the tension within the house becoming higher and higher, and he hated that.

-"Hey, hey, hey, relax! Nobody here has a crush on anyone and we're not here for any drama. Now, Kewmed, I refuse to believe you've been in the toilet for all this time, so you WILL come out and apologize to Rin and Roufail so we can continue this God forsaken party like normal people!" Leo said as he forcefully opened the bathroom door, only to get blown away by a gust of steam which soon engulfed his entire house before it escaped through the wall that Man destroyed.

Then, everybody could see what Kewmed was really doing. He wasn't taking a piss or a shit, he was vaping inside Leo's bathroom!

-"What the actual fuck?! Care to explain what you're doing vaping in MY house?" Leo yelled at Kewmed.

-"Chill dude, I didn't know it wasn't allowed!"

-"If you 'didn't know' then why would you hide inside the bathroom and even lie about what you were really doing in there?" Leo exposed Kewmed's lies.

-"Uhhhh… Whatever, come on, it's not that big a deal. It's nicotine free!"

Everybody facepalmed in response, with Rin making her way to the door in order to leave the house, or at least, where the door used to be.

-"Sorry guys, I can't even pretend to tolerate this idiot anymore! I don't know why, and I don't care, but he's changed over the last few months and become a complete scumbag. I can't even stand looking at his dumbass, goodbye and happy birthday Leo." She said as she exited, leaving the attendees and the host alike in awe.

They all stood there, awkwardly, unsure how to proceed.

Eventually, Leo was reminded of the third and final activity.

-"Ahem, moving on from… That, we have one last activity. Achillop, hit it!" Leo exclaimed as Achillop manifested a guitar out of thin air and the entire apartment's layout changed to be reminiscent of that of a stadium. At the same time, a pair of drums appeared in front of Tempest, a bass in front of Roufail, a mic stand in front of Rousilleas and a manager's badge onto Leo's shirt.

-"We're reviving The Loppies just for tonight! Now with Rousilleas as the vocalist for an exclusive performance, let's go!" Leo announced before they had the most amazing, the most thrilling, the most fantastical performance… Of Hot To Go.

The entire world cheered and clapped, even if they didn't know why. They just knew that this was a moment worth cheering for.

-"Thank you, thank you. I will now go back to hiding from Diddy, Beyonce and music labels that are out for my head! So don't expect any performances for the foreseeable future!" Rousilleas said.

It'd be correct to assume that the mood had successfully bounced back from the previous downlight. Kewmed, however, decided to ruin it once again by breaking Achillop's guitar.

-"Oh no. Anyway." Achillop exclaimed before he pulled another guitar out of thin air.

-"Good thing it's not my previous special guitar. A real shame that that broke." he added.

-"Oh, you didn't know? I was the one who broke it!" Kewmed announced.

Silence ensued.



-"Why would you… Do that?"

-"I dunno, why wouldn't I? I've already said, I dislike you for some reason and you guys are too soft as is. You should be thanking me, if anything, and take some lessons while you're at it!" Kewmed explained.

-"Are you joking?" Leo asked him.

-"No. Unlike you guys' chances to stop being single, what I'm saying is real."

-"Dude, what are you even saying? Have you lost your mind?" Roufail said.

-"My head is screwed on tightly, as I said, take some lessons from me and maybe you'll stop being such lame nerds-" Kewmed was interrupted by Achillop smashing a guitar on his head.

-"We're leaving. You can thank that punk ass bitch for that. Goodbye." He said as he and Rousilleas exited the party.

-"Hmph, what the hell is their deal?! Whatever, I'm leaving too, this party was lame and boring and nerdy anyways!" Kewmed shrugged as he too left, only through the hole in the wall, leading to him falling off of a 2 story height.

The party had officially been ruined, and because it was a school night, Roufail, Manos and Tempest also had to leave and they didn't have time to discuss what had just transpired.

There was Leo, alone, after Kewmed had single handedly ruined what was supposed to be his special day.