A rocky start

When the next day arrived Kaito and Kage were getting ready to go to school, Kaito was super excited but Kage was still nervous about the school life

"Come on we're going to be late" Kaito quickly grabbed Kage by the neck and ran to school

When they arrived they stood by the large gates and read the name of the school, 'Devine Academy' They both entered and noticed only one student was around with a medium-sized dragon next to him

"Looks like we were too early," Kage said as he sighed a breath of relief

They both went ahead to take their seats the student approached them, and the boy was pale white with black hair, he looked at them fiercely which made Kage a little nervous

"How are you able to tame a vampire" he asked firmly making Kage squirm

"Hey, you're scaring him," Kaito replied a little aggressively making the boy look at Kage

"I have never seen a more pathetic vampire than that in my life" he looked at Kage in disdain causing Kage's eyes to widen

"Who the hell are you to be talking to us rudely like that" Kaito raised his voice In anger

"I'm the top student in the first year so watch your tone," he spoke in a calmer tone

"Let's have a battle, your vampire and my dragon" he smiled as we both went to the training field

" Draco use roaring flame" the boy commanded as the dragon shot a huge flame ball from its mouth

"Kage use-" Kage didn't wait for me to reply before it dodged it easily and used fear inducement to make the dragon too scared to attack any further

The boy noticing this called his dragon back and sighed "It seems we lost but you can't even seem to control your vampire, how truly pathetic" he said rudely as he just walked off

When class started the teacher taught us about different kinds of monsters both their strengths and weaknesses overall it was a fun class

When it was lunchtime time two girls approached me with shocked looks

"wow so it's true then you did tame a vampire" They stared in awe

"And is it true you defeated Blaze in a battle" the blond girl asked curiously

"Who's Blaze" he asked distancing himself from the girls

"They both pointed making me realize and also frown at him

"Yup we beat him fair and square" he tugged Kage by the side as Kage tried to stay out of the conversation

"Hi I'm Sage and this is Kira" They both introduced themselves to the vampire

"I'm K-kage" he stuttered making the girls pat his head and making him turn bright red

"Can I take a look at your monsters " Kaito pit both of his fists in the air as he asked

"Sure" they reply in unison as Sage reveals her one-tailed kitsune and Kira reveals her dog demon

Kaito stared in awe as he covered his mouth with his hands thanking God that he had come to Shibuya

When school ended they all decided to go shopping, on the way they saw two vampires, as Kaito waved at them one of them shot a fire spear but Kage protected him before it could cause any harm to him

It seems like they had stumbled upon some evil people who would not let them go easily