Encounter with the Crimson lily gang

"We found Kage, the boss is so gonna be proud of us" Both of them jumped up in excitement as they prepared to launch another attack

"What who the hell are you guys" Kaito asked confused about the whole situation

He turned to the girls but they looked terrified to the bone as they shivered these guys were bad news

"I'm Ruby and this is Aqua we are part of the elite gang known as the Crimson Lily gang" They introduced themselves before they both created a large ball of fire and shot it at us

'Crimson Lily gang, I heard they were responsible for the killing of some important people' Kaito pondered to himself as the fireball was headed their way

"Mukai use flame strike" Kira commanded of her monster as the monster raided his claw and shot a fire claw attack but it was easily destroyed

So now they couldn't do anything about the fire that was coming their way but Kaito immediately rushed to the front of the girls trying to take the shot head-on

'I can't let anyone be harmed because of me, it's clear they want Kage and I'm not willing to let them have him' he thought as he stared at the attack dead on

As it was about to hit him a girl with dark wings and white hair came in front of him and dispelled the attack easily with her bare hands

"Are you alright" she smiled sweetly to Kaito while Ruby and Aqua quickly ran away

"Yeah I'm fine thank you very much" The three of us clapped our hands together and bowed

"You can thank me with a kiss" She smiled seductively as he quickly backed off

"No thanks, I think this is enough," He said sharply as he maintained distance

"well call on my name anytime you are in trouble, oh my name is Sirus" She waved and then flew away

"I guess that's what you call a succubus" he rubbed his head as he watched her fly away

"To think you would risk your life to protect us," Sage said with astonishment

"What happened to the vampire why didn't he do anything" Kira glared at Kage making him turn away

"He can't create stuff like that" Kaito smiled weakly as he rubbed his head

As they entered the shop they met a woman who had four arms working at the register

"Ahh how did you get four arms" Kaito quickly met over to the woman and started checking her arms

"Stop it, this is the cause of a disease, I don't know if it's contagious so stay away" she scolded Kaito for his rude behavior

"Sorry I didn't mean to come off as rude" he apologized as he and the girls made their way to the jewelry section

The girls looked like they were enjoying themselves which made Kaito stay longer since he didn't have anything he wanted to buy

As they exited the mall they bombed into a blaze on the way

"Well well well it seems like you're enjoying yourselves on your date," He assumed as he went along not waiting to hear what they had to say

"Sometimes I feel like punching him" Sage put her first up in the air

"Yeah but he can be caring sometimes" Kira smiled wryly trying to calm Sage down

'Caring...eh it didn't seem that way', he thought as he watched Blaze's figure disappear

'It also seems I'll encounter the Crimson Lily gang more often in the future' he pondered to himself