Kaito's conviction

During lunchtime, the teacher took the students to the forest side known to have a huge amount of monsters there both good and bad

"Teacher why do you choose to endanger us" one of the students shouted

"If you do not like it then leave the school," the teacher said glaring back at the student

"Professor Stien may I suggest we split up into groups" The one who suggested this was blaze

"Sure I see no harm therefore I have an assignment, your group must bring one monster to me, failure to do that means expulsion

The students were all shocked to the bone over why they would be expelled over a failed assignment

"Let's go" Blaze commanded Kaito and the girl as they followed behind him

As they walked along they saw a goblin so Blaze quickly prepared for an attack while the goblin wasn't looking

"Hello there" Kaito waved his hand at it making the others want to punch him

"The goblin quickly swung its axe but Kage quickly appeared behind it and caught it Kaito's loud noise attracted the other goblins

"Draco use roaring flame" Blaze commanded it as it shot fire at its mouth knocking out half of the goblins

"Mukai use flame strike" Kira commanded as Mukai used its flame claws on the remaining goblins

After they took care of the goblins everyone sighed as they relaxed their guards

"Dont just wave at any monster you see" Blaze scolded Kaito

"I'm sorry" Kaito apologized and laughed it off

"Good job" Blaze smiled at him which made the two girls surprised

"You can laugh," they both said in unison

"Don't get used to it" He turned away as he dragged one of the goblins

"When did the goblins show up" Kaito asked in confusion

"What did you just say," Kage said extremely worried about Kaito

"Are you dense we just defeated them now" Blaze raised his voice at Kaito

They were wondering why Kaito suddenly had memory loss an arrow was suddenly shot at Kaito from behind but he simply raised his hand and caught it

He turned back to see Ruby and Aqua standing on a tree branch

"We were just testing something we're not here for a fight not yet," Ruby said smiling through her teeth as they disappeared

"Why the hell was that gang here," Blaze said in shock

"They're after Kage," Kaito said in a low voice

"Then you can't keep that vampire" Blaze


"I will keep him, it's my dream to become the greatest monster tamer, and I wouldn't achieve that if I threw him away because I was too scared" he replies sharply making Blaze sigh deeply

"You're too naive" He mumbled as he dragged the goblin back to campus while the others walked beside him