The pills sinister truth

When they got back to campus Blaze explained everything that happened to the teacher which made the principal summon us to his office

As we walked down the hallway I kept having a feeling that everything was going to go downhill as I realized it was time to take my pills and quickly swallowed it

Blaze eyed the substance intently making a shiver run down my spine "Why are you staring at me like that"

"No reason" He looked away leaving Kaito curious

'Now that I think about it I haven't seen the principal before' he pondered as they entered the principal office

The man was tall with white hair, he looked like someone straight out of an anime, he told us to take a seat as he wanted to ask us some questions

"So they say this isn't the first time you met the crimson lily gang" He spoke with elegance and calmness lifting any nervousness he had

"Yes sir we also met then on our way to the mall," Kaito said seriously

"I see and then was there anything strange happening since then" he continued to ask with a calm voice

"no-" Before Kaito could finish his sentence Kage interrupted him

"A doctor gave him some pills and ever since then he has been feeling dizzy" Kage spoke out loud without stuttering for the first time

"Is that so, can't have one pill so I can examine please" he stretched out his hand waiting for me to give him the pill

The girls looked at Kaito with concern thinking the pills were responsible for his condition

Kaito handed the principal a pill even though he didn't believe the pills did any harm to his body, he didn't want to believe it because he trusted the doctor very much

When school was over the principal called Kaito and Blaze in to have a look at the results, the pill had some intense dark aura coming out of it which made Kaito glower

"As you can see the amount of dark magic poured into it is no small deal, wonder how you haven't gone mentally unstable right now," The principal let out calmly

Kaito felt devastated that the doctor would betray them, he trusted the doctor with his own life when things were going bad, and his mother had a heart attack the doctor helped them free of charge, and that same doctor was the one to give him this pill

He started to lose his breath as everything went black and he fainted, they quickly rushed him to the doctor's office and called his mother to explain things to her

After his mother heard what the doctor said she burst out crying as the principal tried to console her

When Kaito woke up she quickly rushed to his side and hugged him tightly as she cried her eyes out

After that, they went home and decided not to bring up the topic anymore

As his mother was about to serve him food she slipped the drug into his food so he wouldn't notice and take the drug

'I know the doctor would never betray us' she thought to herself and served him the food

When she looked to her right she saw Kage glaring daggers at her which made her falter a bit

'Why... ' he wanted to stop Kaito from eating but before he could do that Kaito swallowed the whole food instantly

'Damn it... ' Kage cursed to himself