The shadowy truth unfolds

When Kage got back home he decided to go and ask his mom why she had been putting those pills in his food lately but instead, she just replied as if she had no clue about what she was talking about

When he went to the room he saw Kaito sleeping, he was sweating all over and then woke up panting like crazy

Kate quickly rushed over to his side with a worried expression "What happened did you have a nightmare" he said with a concerned look

"yeah I guess," he said still breathing heavily

"Enough is enough let's go find that doctor maybe might have an answer," Kage said carefully trying not to upset Kaito

"Alright," Kaito said determinedly as they went to the hospital to find the doctor

As soon as they saw him they got ready to attack

"Doctor why did you betray us" Kaito said with some lingering emotion in his voice

"I didn't betray you, I was trying to help you" He said in a calming voice

"By giving me those damn pills! " he stomped his feet angrily

"Yup why do you think your mother still gives you the pills" his grin grew wider as he continued to talk

Kaito made a sharp gasp as he tried to defend his mother "My mother would never do this!" He shouted

"Kaito calm down" Kage tried to calm him down as he noticed Kaito's breathing

As soon as Kaito fainted Rubyand Aqua came from their hiding spots and dragged Kaito away

"You know you can't defeat us alone so come with us, your father had been waiting" Ruby smirked at him

"We won't know if we don't try" he said as he quickly teleported to aqua and kicked him in his face but ruby grabbed his arm and twisted it making him yelp in pain

"Thanks again doc" They said as they teleported away

When Kage stared at the place, he saw the place illuminated with bright lights and it's looked like the walls were made of pure gold

As soon as they got there they put Kaito on a bed and left him alone with Kaito

"One last warning we attached a bug that explodes if he leaves this place so be careful" Aqua laughed as he and ruby exited