The Unlikely Union

When Kaito was awake he looked around and noticed that they weren't in the hospital as soon as he stood up Kage hugged him tightly

"Thank God you're awake, you were asleep for three days, I was so worried " he stood there still hugging Kaito

"It's alright I'm fine now" He hugged Kaito back as they stood there for a while before letting each other go

"Where are we" Kaito asked as he scanned the place

"We're in the villain's hideout, things are gonna get tough from here on out," he said as put on a serious look on his face

As they got out of the room Kage led the way as they walked down the corridor they encountered a ghoul with white hair and red eyes

As soon as the ghoul noticed them it quickly dashed in front of Kaito and aimed his claws at him but Kage held him by the wrist and flung him away

It landed on its feet and quickly appeared behind the page but Kage quickly flew away before the ghoul could land an attack on him

"Stop!" Kaito raised his hand signaling us to stop the fight

The should and Kage halted as they both stopped and stared at Kaito

"They knew we were here and didn't try to kill us, don't you think your boss will be angry if you suddenly tried to kill us now" he explained as the ghoul stopped attacking Kage

Kage stared at Kaito shockingly as he tried to mouth what he just saw

"Kaito... You said something smart for once" A smile quickly rose on his face as he came down

"Yo ghoul what's your name" Kaito waved at the ghoul oblivious of the killing intent it was giving out

"Huh why would I tell you that" the ghoul grunted as it frowned its face

Kaito quickly held the ghoul's hand with his face shining brightly "I simply want to tame you" he said smiling brightly

Kage sees the situation simply as a turn away from the sight

'Well that's Kaito for you' He thought to himself as a smile crept on his face

The ghoul simply slapped Kaito's hand away as he shouted at Kaito "Get your hands away from me!"

Kaito didn't give up and simply grabbed the ghoul's hand again with a determined face "I promise I won't let you down"

"That's what all humans say but in the end they betray us," He said less aggressively as he turned away

"I promise I won't," He said grabbing the ghoul's hand tighter

"What did I just say stop holding my hand are you trying to rizz me" He removed his hands from Kaito's grip as it backed off

"Huh a gen Z slang that means you were turned into a ghoul recently," Kaito said as he moved closer to the ghoul

"Does personal space not exist in your dictionary?" He backed off until his back hit a wall

"I can tell you were alone when you were turned into a ghoul, I promise if I turn my back on you then you can willingly eat me," He said as he stared into the ghoul's eyes determinedly

The ghoul stared at Kaito for a few seconds before agreeing to let Kaito tame him

"My name is Yagami" He muttered

Kage simply stared at the scene that unfolded before his eyes as he found it hard to believe

'How could you convince him with mere words'

"Yagami it's nice to have you on our team," He said as he grabbed Yagami's hands and jumped happily

Kage could not help but laugh at this situation as he watched Yagami and Kaito jump happily