Into the unknown

As the three of them hurried along and reached the house side of the office they quickly looked at each other before they kicked open the door but the only thing there was a purple portal

As Kaito was about to venture into the portal Kage quickly held his hand to stop him from going

"Stop they said if you leave here the big will explode" He looked down as he held Kaito's hand tightly

"Well that was a lie" Yagami quickly cut in to clear off the misunderstanding

"Now?" Kage took a huge sigh before letting go of Kaito'so hand

Kaito took a look at his hand to notice a mark left by Kage when he held his hand

"Are you sure you wanna go into that portal, we don't know what's in there" Kage said before they entered

"I'm sure" Kaito shrugged it off playfully as he jumped in the portal the others followed in pursuit

When they arrived at the other side of the portal they were in some type of pre-modern world where no humans were, everywhere was lurking with magical creatures

When they looked back they saw the portal had already disappeared meaning there was no turning back from here on out

The place had many mountains and many trees, and the view looked wonderful

They decided to explore the place and they came across a large dragon sleeping, they decided to carefully go around it but Kaito mistakenly stepped on a twig which made the dragon wake up and roar

As Kage shuddered in fear Yagami prepared to launch an attack on the dragon, Yagamilept forward to kick the dragon but it didn't even make a dent in it

The dragon then spat out the fire and the three of them made a run for it, as they continued running they stopped at the edge of a cliff

As the dragon came forward Kage held both Yagami and Kaito and flew away from the dragon

When they landed they decided to look for some food to eat, they all came back with apples and settled with that

As Kage and Kaito were eating they noticed Yagami didn't take a bite from the apples, Kage decided to ignore it because he knew ghouls only eat human flesh but Kaito decided to act oblivious

"why aren't you eating" He asked innocently as he munched on an apple

"I only eat flesh," He said in a whisper tone as he looked away

"yeah that's true what are we gonna do now" He put his hand on his chin as he wondered

Yagami then moved closer to Kaito and put into arm in his mouth making Kage shocked by this "How about I eat you" He grinned as he waited for a reaction from Kaito

Kaito simply smiled and put his other arm on Yagami's head "Don't you worry I'll find you some food" he said as he patted Yagami's head

"Hmph I thought I might see you scared for once," He said as he moved away from Kaito

As night drew by they decided to camp on the spot they were until morning came