The black orb's dark influence

As they finished eating they decided to continue their journey in search of any clues about the crimson lily gang

"Where exactly are we searching" Kaito looked at Kage as he asked

"I don't even know but... trust me" he smiled wrily as he continued walking

"Keh" Yagami grunted as he walked faster

While they were walking they came across a ravaged land that looked desolated like something big happened

"This seems like trouble" Yagami stated as he frowned his face

"Let go" Kaito commanded as they all went to the isolated area

As they ventured into the area they saw the broken houses and the grounds polluted, it was very unfit for someone to live in

A small fairy with blue hair then came running to them with a sad look on her face, she looked beat down and was in a sorry state

"Please can you help my people" She said as she rested on Kaito's shoulder while tears welled in her eyes

"What's happened" Kaito asked as he brought the fairy to his arm

"A black orb started appearing on people's necks which made them act aggressive and they started to fight each other" The fairy couldn't hold back its tears as it started crying

"Don't worry we'll take care of this" Kaito smiled at the fairy as he asked her to guide them

When the fairy took them to the scene fairy suddenly shot a lightning blast at us but Kage quickly grabbed me and dodged the shot

The fairy was a boy with dark hair and black eyes, it quickly aimed for another attack but Yagami quickly caught the fairy in its arms and chatted the black orb that was on his neck

The fairy stopped being aggressive as Yagami let go of it seeing it was not a threat anymore

"Huh, what happened, I'm confused, how did our plans become like this" It seems he didn't have any memory of what happened while he had the black orb

The female fairy explained everything to him which shocked him beyond relief

"We can't just go breaking the orbs one by one, we have to get to the root of this" Kage stated while the fairies were having their little reunion

Yagami looked at Kage in disbelief as he suggested the idea

"What" Kage noticing the staring looked back at Yagami

"You've changed, weren't you all shy before"

"I got angry" he sighed as he turned his attention to the fairy

"Can I tame you?" Kaito said in excitement which made both Yagami and Kage facepalm

"I'm afraid not" She sighed

Before Kaito could say anything else he quickly asked the fairy if she could take them to the place that was causing all of this

She nodded as she built a portal but as soon as they tried to enter a shield appeared preventing them from entering

"Seems like we're taking a long way tomorrow we set out" Kaito commanded making Yagami smirk

"Looks who's acting like a leader now," he said as his smirk grew wider

"Little fairies what's your name," Kaito asked with a bright smile on his face

"I'm Faith and this is Nuale" She introduced both herself and the boy since he was stubborn

"I have a hideout let go there before anyone else catches us," She said as she led them to an underground place

As they lodged there they were able to eat food other than apples, they were able to eat vegetables

While they were eating they noticed Yagami wasn't eating again as he looked more stressed this time

'Damn what am I gonna do about him needing human flesh' He thought to himself as he momentarily stopped eating

Kaito thought long and hard but he couldn't find anything to do about it, he rubbed his head angrily and lay down

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" Hei smiled weakly so that they wouldn't worry about him

When the next day came it was finally Kage's turn to train Kaito as he looked forward to how Kage would train him

"Do a hundred pushups" Kage said as if it was mere child's play to do a hundred pushups

Kaito simply stared at him speechlessly as he wanted to confirm what he had just heard

"Did you just say a hundred" He raised his finger to confirm

"You heard me,"

"Ha that's nothing why are you exaggerating" Yagami chuckled as Kaitos display

"Fine" He started to do the push-ups but he could only attempt ten pushups

He looked at Kage's eyes but all his eyes said was that he was waiting for the pushups

Kaito then used every ounce and every bit of his energy until he was finally able to complete the hundred push-ups

When he was done he collapsed on the floor sweating and breathing heavily, he looked like he had just run a marathon

Kage then decided to spare Kaito as they were the fairiesesIif they would please guide them to the root of the black orbs

Faith decided to guide them while Nuale decided to stay and break the black orbs from his people before they could harm each other more

They then left the fairy village and set off to find whoever was responsible for the black orbs and maybe they might find clues about the crimson lily gang.