Yagami's hunger

As we were walking we noticed Yagami was sweating a lot and was also behaving rashly since when we started the journey

"Are you sure you can control yourself?" Kage asked distancing Kaito from Yagami

"I'm fine!" He replied angrily while Faith hid behind Kage scared

Kaito then moved closer to Kage and saw this his eyes started glowing and he was salivating

"Are you alright" He spoke with concern as he looked into Yagami's eyes

Yagami finally losing control bit into Kaitos arm, Kage quickly rushed and tried to separate them but the more he pulled the more he would hurt Kaito.

While this was going on Faith covered her eyes in fear of the gore happening in front of her

Yagami bit deeper into Kaito's hand making Kaito scream in pain and close one of his eyes

"Yagami..." He said in a weak voice as he tried to complete his sentence

"I'll allow this" He smiled brightly as he he pulled Yagami toward himself as he endured the pain

"You can't be serious Kaito" He wanted to rush in but Kaito raised his arm for him to stop

Yagami had eaten some of the meat on his arm revealing some parts of bone but after that, Yagami came back to control as he stared in horror at what he had just done

"Damn it all" he held his head and screamed

The fairy quickly came to Kaito's side and healed the place where he had been bitten, as she healed him the place slowly returned to normal

Kate didn't even pay attention to Yagami's rage as he ran to Kaito's side worriedly

Kaito then stood up and walked towards Yamami's side and put his hand on his shoulder

"Don't be angry, it was my decision so cheer up" He beamed as he patted Yagami's shoulder

"Your talk no Jutsu isn't working this time" He spoke in a quiet tone as he had a dark look on his face

"Talk no what, don't wuss out on me now Yagami" He put his hands in front of him trying to cheer Yagami

"I'm being logical what if I lose control again" He raised his voice as he clenched his voice

"Then I'll be here to stop you" Kage appeared to his side and smiled slightly

"Ah see we will be here for you" he held Yagami's hand while talking energetically

'You and who will be there for him' Faith stared at the scene as she chose to stay out of it

"Fine" Yagami sighed in defeat as he agreed

As they were walking Kaito took the chance to ask about that strange word Yagami used sometimes

"What is rizz" He smiled as he stared deep into Yagami's eyes

"Aren't you Gen Z also how don't you know?" He said as he stiffened at the question

"Well I never heard of it" he replied casually waiting for an answer

Yagami put his head down in defeat he decided to tell Kaito the meaning of the word

"It means when you flirt with someone" As soon as the word came out of his mouth everyone's attention quickly turned to him

Kaito then recalled the scene when Yagami used the word and then looked away immediately

"Dont ruin my innocent mind with those words" he muttered making everyone laugh

"Damn now I have the urge to tease you" He grinned waiting for Kaito's reaction

"Come on Yagami don't" Kage spoke up so that Kaito wouldn't be teased

"Such a buzz kill" Yagami replied and stopped smiling when Kage talked