Bound by life

Akito aimed for a kick but his leg was easily held by Luxuria as he just held on and didn't attack

"If I were to take it seriously, you would honestly die and I mean it when I say I don't want to kill you" For once his skill faded, and looked at Akito with serious eyes

"So what am I supposed to tame you" Akito said sarcastically as he cackled

"You can I mean you are the next coolest thing in my mind right now" His smile came back with his annoying blush as he spoke

"You know you will be bound by life to me if you agree," He said seriously not expecting the turn of events.

"The only thing I'm worried about is what pain we have to endure as I join your side"

"Fine then from now on you are now my tamed beast" He started at Luxuria with a serious look as the magical circle appeared

"Strange the magical circle doesn't appear around Kaito" Luxaria tilted his head but got no reply on Akito side

When the magical circle disappeared they suddenly had a stab on their stomach by an unknown force which made the two of them fall to their kneels as the blood splattered everywhere

"If you let me kiss you I might just be able to heal you" Luxuria said in a weak voice as he glanced at Akito who was steadily falling

"I would rather die"He fell with a bang as his eyelids were almost closed shut

"Fine" Luxuria with his wounds already healed held Akito hand and slowly started to heal him

He then stood up back almost immediately and he started to stretch his arms

"I thought I was almost dead for a sec" He sighed as he walked over to the slumped bodies

"Wake up you guys it's over" Everyone except for Kaito

"Yeah I don't think I need to explain the reason why he past out easily" Kage said as he carried Kaito's sleeping body back to his room

"Like is nobody going to question him" he pointed at Luxaria but Kage had already gone to the room and Akito ignored him

"At least give me an answer" He gritted his teeth at his question being ignored

"Well im Luxaria, Akito first tamed beast" He smiled as his never-fadingng blush was imprinted on his face

"I've got to ask is that blush permanent on your face" Yagami pointed out at the blush on his face

"Do I need to explain it's just my nature" He puts his hand up tiredly atYagami'si question

"Isn't it your nature to be seducingeveryonee and not act normal" He replied sharply at Luxuria who was growing more tired of his questions

"I ain't some mindless beast who just does astheyr programmed" He turned back as he walked to the chair where Akito was seated

As soon as he sat down Akito moved to the end of the chair with his let separating them

"Oh come on why are you being wary of your friend" He looked at Akito with the puppy eyes as he held on to his foot

"I never mentioned we were friends" He kicked the hand away and continued to enjoy the silence