The beast-taming exams begin

When Kaito woke up and smelled some food coming from the living room, he slowly made his way to the kitchen and saw Yagami cooking in the living room,he made his way to the dining room and sat down with the others

"Good morning" He waved his hand tiredly as his voice was groggly

"Morning" Kage greeted him back calmly

"Today is the start of the beast taming exams,your performance will determine your class,"He said as he excitedly dugged up on the pancakes that Yagami had cooked

After he was done eating he made and the others made thier way to the school where they went to the trading ground,it was wide and spacious with many grasses there was a large arena in between

"Wow isn't this awesome" His eyes sparkled as he stared at the arena whey they battle

There wareany of his classmate staring at it in awe as they were also excited over the tournament

"Can we get this over with" Akito frowned his face as he rested on the arena

"Come on Akito lighten up for once" Kaito scolded him and dragged his body from the arena

The teacher came in which made everyone silent, a drone came at the back of him and stood over the arena

"Today is the beast taming exams, be sure to do your best because everyone in the city is watching" he pointed over to the drone

"Now to start,first is Blaze versus Yuki" He announced as they both stepped into the arena

Yuki had a four tailed kitsune, it was very small compared to Blaze dragon whichade people think that Yuki was going to lose

"Draco use roaring flame" Blaze commanded as his dragon as it shot a fire ball from it mouth straight at the kitsune

"Kitsune do whatever" He waved his hand as the kitsune grew bigger until it was taller than Yuki

The kitsune evaded the shot and ran towards the dragon which as it leg set ablaze as he used it to hit the dragon's back

The kitsune then returned to the mastered side but the attack didn't have any effects on the dragon,the hard scales of the dragon shielded it from any damages

"Draco use Fire breath" Blaze commanded as the dragon brought fire balls from the mouth but missed the target

"What's this are you trying to lose" Yuki said but he instantly regretted it, he saw the many fire balls in the air souround him

His eyes widened in horror as he noticed what was gonna happen next

The fire balls then exploded one by one making them unable to stand up, their bodies were burnt but they were still breathing,Yuki then fell on the floor and passed out making Blaze the winner of the match

"The winner is Blaze,next is Sage versus Kira"The teacher announced making the girls go on the stage

"Do your best out there" Kaito cheered the girls on as their match began