Confrontation with Moloch

As soon as the fight was about to start everyone started feeling hungry to the extent that some monsters were unable to control themselves, everyone grabbed any food within their sights

"Seems like another demon" Akito alerted Kaito who had five candy bars in his mouth

They searched for the demon everywhere but they weren't to be found,they then decided to split up and search different places leaving Akito and luxaria in the training ground

As soon as they had left the demon had shown himself, he had orange hair with orange eyes and wore an orange kimono,

"Moloch nice of you to show yourself" Luxaria waved his hand smiling at the demon

"Shut the hell up how could you betray your brother's" He yelled at luxuria with angry eyes

"Luxuria attack him"Akito commanded with his arm in his mouth trying to resist the hunger

Luxuria then produced several illusion of himself to confuse Moloch,he then began to surround him draining him of his energy

Moloch then began sniffing and found the real luxuria giving him a swift punch on the stomach making him puke out blood

He knelt on the floor and began gasping for air l, he looked over to Akito as he saw him lying down holding his stomach in pain

His mind then began to flashback to when he was still an angel

He had lived a peaceful life with his brothers but one day he fell in loved with a human

He always sneaked out of heaven to go and meet the human,when the other angels found out they couldn't accept this and cut off all his communication with the human

Luxuria then gave up living in heaven to live with the human down on earth,but the human only wanted luxuria for satisfying their sexual desires,this corrupted the angels soul turning him to a demon of lust

When luxuria snapped back to reality he saw Akito standing up enduring the immense pain from the hunger he was feeling

"Why are you just lying there,let's defeat this monster....together" Akito said determinedly with a fierce look in his eyes

This brought a smile to luxuria face as she stood back up again to fight against the demon

While luxuria was getting ready to fight Moloch Blaze had already sent Draco to attack it but Moloch bit through the dragon's neck causing it to fall down and die

"The hell is wrong with you, why do you have to behave like you're strong" Akito said in a low voice as he was seething with anger

Blaze could not utter a word as he watched how his dragon had died right in front of his eyes

Luxuria created multiple versions of himself each having the power to drain people soul,they all ganged up Moloch and held him down as they began sucking up his energy till he died

When they had finished up with him everyone had started throwing up the food they ate,they were all glad things were alright

Akito then approached Blaze who was still in shock over the death of his dragon

"Look I took care of him so there was really no need for you to butt in like that" He said staring down at Blaze

"He's right you know" Luxuria sighed watching Blaze sadness over his list companion