Clash with belial

Yagami was walking alone in the school compound, now that he was paying attention the school was quite massive

As he was walking along he saw a demon with long green hair with green eyes, he had almost confused him with a girl

He quickly made his way to attack him but he was sent back with a powerful blast of green energy

"Eh how lucky, I thought I might have to fight against Kage but thank goodness it's just you" The demon smiled as he continued to jubilate

"Which demon are you anyways" He stood up and wiped off the dust from his body

"I'm the demon of envy, Belial"The demon grinned as it said its name

Yagami then ran faster as he aimed for a punch but as soon as he got near Belial unleaved a powerful scream causing him to to kneel and cover his eyes

"You don't know how lucky you are, to be able to leach off someone strong and not have to do anything, to be honest, I envy you," The demon said as he shot a huge laser beam straight through Yagami's shoulder

"You think I leach on someone strong, you don't know how hard I train, sure I sometimes felt I would never be as strong as Kage but that didn't stop me from pushing hard so who the hell are you to tell me I leach on others" He yelled out

He then made razor-sharp tentacles come out from his back as his eyes glowed, he sent them

Belial shot through all of them but Yagami regenerated them easily as he sent some dark energy balls flying at Belial along with his tentacles

While Belial was shielding himself from the fireballs one of Yagami's tentacles strangled his neck

Belial had tried to free himself but the grip of the tentacles had only grown tighter on his neck

"You liar, I wish I was more like you" He started to cry as his head was being cut off

"Then I might have been able to live a happy life" His head was a few inches from getting cut off as he was crying

"You fool you always had the powers, you just didn't realize it," Yagami said as he ripped his head from his neck, the boy smiled peacefully as his head rolled on the ground

"Hah time to meet up with Kaito," He said heading to Kaito's way

While Kaito and Kage were out in the school gardening field Kaito wasn't sure whether they were looking in the right places but then the demon of greed from the act and descended to the ground making the ground below him crumble

"It's the great Mammon, the demon of pride" The demon grinned widely as it wore gold chains with an expensive coat

"Great this seems like a different danger than the one we were looking for" Kage informed Kaito as he got prepared to attack

"Well even so let's get rid of him," Kaito said determinedly as they both faced the danger in front of them