New class

As it was about time to fight in the tournament Kaito was the last one remaining to fight,everyone cheered him on as he entered the arena with Kage

The opponent in front of him was a girl named Kikyo,the was the best when it came to making devices

His monster was a fire type demon named Talos,he had some mechanical parts on his face and arms to help boost his strength

'Ahh so devices are allowed' Kaito thought to himself as he prepared to face off against him

"Start!" The teacher announced as Talos quickly kept forward and threw a punch right in Kage's stomach whichade him vomit a lot of blood

Talos hand then began to emit a green light as he shot a hole right through Kage's stomach making his pupils dilate as he he fell flat down on the floor

"Is that it I expected more from our class captain" Kikyo had an emotionless look on her face as she stared down at Kage

"It's not over yet I know Kage will make it I believe in him" He yelled out loud as Kage began to emit a white light as it couvered his whole body

He then floated on the air as the light began to fade away,his hair was now while in colour as his fangs grew sharper,he then descended and got ready to fight back the monster

"What happened" Kaito stared in awe at Kage new appearance

He then smiled at Kaito as his fangs showing clarly"I got stronger"

Kage now focused on Talos as both of them raced and clashed blows,the both of them were in a standstill as one was unwilling to give up, the sheer power coming from the both of them was slowly braking down the arena

As the battle went on the both Kaito and Kikyo of the started feeling weak, their legs were already shaking but they refused to fall

"Something strange is going on" Kikyo said calmly as she analysed the situation making the two fighting monster halt

"Yeah my energy is draining quickly" Kaito eyelids were almost close to shutting as he spoke

Kikyo then brought out a device from her pocket and threw it to the air" the device wall ball like in shape as it wrote something on the screen

'strange activity from demon of greed!!'

The device warned us about a demon of greed, Kaito flew to the air and searched for the demon everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen

Talos then used the boinic part of his yes to search for the demon,the others already collapsed from having their energy sucked away from their body

The demon was then spotted not too far from then as he had made himself invisible,Talos then raised his hand and quickly shot an explosion at the demon but it does easily but Kage quickly appeared in front of him and sent a punch connecting with his face sending him crashing down on the ground

The demon then revealed himself as he begined to stretch his body"I needed a good stretch" he grinned as the both of them felt a huge amount of pain in their body

"Any attack sent at me simply harms you instead but I don't feel a thing" He explained as he waited for their next attack

"Is that all I already thought of a way to deal with it" Kikyo said calmlyas Talos left and held the demon against his body firmly

He then started to rise the temperature to a thousand degree Celsius making the demon burn from all sides as his body began to turn to dust

"Even a toddler could do better than this" She said coldly as he completely turned to dust

"Shall we continue" She turned to Kaito as she got prepared to attack

Kaito stared at her for a fee seconds before regaining his composure and replied "gladly" he smiled as he send Kage at Talos

Their punched connected with each others face as the both of them fell down and fainted

"Seems like a tie" She stared down as the two demons outcold

"Yeah" Kaito sighed as his smile returned back to his face

When the teacher woke up and saw the scene he declared a tie as the tournament had officially ended

The next day when both of them went to their classes, they noticed the others didn't make it to the class that they were in,even Akito had been sent to a class one step lower than him

"I wish the others could had made it" He made a sulking face which made Kikyo chuckle

"And here I thought you were never sad" she smiled as she spoke to him

"And I thought you didn't smile" He smiled brightly in response to her statement

"You really don't remember me do you" Her face returned back to her emotionless form as she spoke

"I remember I just couldn't believe I would see you again" He rubbed the back of his head as he smiled nervously

"Well we'll see eachother everyday because we will live in dorms " as she said it Kaito smiles widened

"Yeah and I'm glad Kage and Yagami have their classes,it's like we're in a different school"

"Well this is a five star class" As soon as she said that Kaito smiles lessened

"Right my friends are not in it" He sulked as he put his head on the table

"Say Kikyo what is your goal anyways" He raised his head as he asked

" I want to build monster modifications to that everyone will be safe and happy" She said with a calm demeanour

"Wow I didn't expect that, I want to be the greatest Monster tamer" He said determinedly as his face sparkled

As they were talking the teacher cr into the class making everyone go silent immediately

"You there Kaito come here" He glared at Kaito which made him nervous as he approached the teacher

"It's against the rules to dye your hair" he scolded Kaito not letting him speak a word as he flogged Kaito on his hand with a Cain

Kaito went back to his seat sulking as he made a bad impression on his first class