Shadows and sunlight

As the teacher was teaching them math he glanced at Kaito and asked him to come up and solve the question

He hadn't even given them a proper explanation before he had called Kaito up there he had wanted to embarrass Kaito

Kaito picked up the chalk and solved the question with ease which shocked everyone including the teacher, the teacher's mouth was wide open but he regained his composure and closed it

"You may go back to your seat now" he frowned as Kaito went back

When class was over he decided to visit Kage, he was in a class that teaches vampires instead, the five-star class offered teachings to both humans and monsters

As he entered the class all of them stared at him strangely like a rabbit that had made its way to the lion's den

A very tall vampire with huge muscles then came to stop him from going any further

"Humans are not allowed in the Monster class," He said coldly as he pointed to the exit

"Then when will we be able to see them" Kaito asked with a disappointed look on his face

He then exited and went over to the garden side to clear his mind for a bit, He then saw every class lined up from the five-star class to the one-star class

He then went over to the place Kikyo was standing in to ask her about what was going on

"Why are we in a line" He asked cluelessly which made Kikyo facepalm

"This is to decide which club we are in," She said blankly as they kept quiet till the principal arrived

"Hello new students, I'm sure some of you are confused about what going on, you see when you're in senior high school everything changes, now we have two clubs to choose from" he halted to see if everyone was listening and continued

"The Moon Crescent club will be allowed to go fight other monsters but in nighttime only while the Sunburst club fights monsters only in the day, club activities start tomorrow" After he finished explaining many students began to complain

"Well, that sounds useless..."

"Why not just put us together...."

Different murmurs could be heated but the principal clapped his hand making everyone keep shut

"Please write a note to me about which class you want to join" After he said that he dismissed everyone

Kaito and Kikyo decided to meet up in his dorm to discuss which clubs they were joining

"What club are you joining" Kaito's eyes sparkled with joy as he asked

"Moon crescent" She responded calmly

"Aww I'm going to the Sunburst club" He tilted his head as he spoke

When the next day came and classes were over he met up with Yagami and Kage and the other students who joined the club were also present

The Instructor of the club then revealed themself, He had blond hair with blue eyes, some people said he looked like an angel, and he wore a blue jacket to match his eyes

"Hello everyone my name is Tamaki Sota, for today's lesson we will go hunt c ranked monsters and the monsters are giant spiders" He spoke with grace as his smile lightened up the mood

As we went to the forest we went through a cave which looked dangerous and made some people scared

We then discovered some people who were tied up with some giant spiders in front

The teacher then stopped us and commanded us to attack, almost everyone was caught up in the spider-sticky web except for Kaito and another student

The other student didn't look faced at all, he didn't have a reason to be, in front of him stood a fierce Pheonix

"Pheonix fire breath" His voice resonated through the cave as he commanded his Pheonix to attack

The Pheonix then breathed out a huge flame towards the spider killing all of them, the teacher praised him while I made my way to untie the people but suddenly purple venom came flying at me but Kage quickly punched me in time

Yagami then made some tentacles appear from his backside and he unleashed them relentlessly at the spider

When the spider was weak and couldn't stand up Kage showed mercy and ended its life

"Are you alright" Kage looked at Kaito worriedly

"He's fine geez stop treating him like a baby" Yagami rubbed his ears as he scolded Kage

"No, it's alright you guys I'm fine" He waved his hand to lighten up the mood

Kaito began to untie the people with a smile on his face as the people cried their eyes out while Kaito assured them that they were fine now

After they left the cave it was already night time, The moon crescent club was already outside preparing for their mission, there Kaito saw Akito as one of them but he didn't have the chance to talk to him

When we arrived at the club room the teacher praised Kaito and the other students who were able to effectively deal with the monsters

"Today's MVP was Kaito" As soon as Tamaki announced that the other student glared at him with crossed arms as he yelled

"What I killed way more monsters than him" He gritted his teeth as he spoke furiously

"But he made sure the people's minds were at peace, here not only strength but your attitude toward the people matters, is that understood Natsume " He lightly scolded Natsume and smiled at him

Natsume hissed and walked out of the class, Tamaki then dismissed the other students as everyone went to have a good night's rest