Batsu's defeat: The end of the seven deadly sins

While the moon crescent club was gathered outside the the instructor appeared out of thin air, he had long black hair with red eyes, some could say he looked like a demon

"Hello everyone, please call me Yami, I am your instructor for the Moon Crescent club" He flashed a smile at everyone which made them shiver a bit

"Who knew our teacher would be a demon" Kikyo stated calmly which made everyone turn their attention to her

"Why hello Kikyo, do you have any complaints" his smile didn't leave his face as he spoke

"No" she responded calmly and allowed him to continue on

"Today we are taking on an A-ranked monster, of course, I won't be there with you so you guys can handle it by yourself," He snapped his fingers which made everyone appear in a run-down area, and the ground looks like a monster had ravaged the area

Yami had not been with them which made them put their guard up

"This is bad, I sense Batsu is here" For once luxuria face showed one of fear as his lips quivered

Beside him, Kikyo stood calm and unwavering as her device floated in the air to alarm them of a demon

'The demon of wrath is present here'

The device floated back down as everyone was shaking in their boots, when the demon revealed itself felt immense pressure and some even started to faint

"Talos get ready" Kikyo alerted her beast as she she watched the demon carefully

The demon raised his hand as dark flames emanated from his hands,

"Soul scorch," He said silently as he unleashed the deadly flames at us, we didn't even have time to react before we were burnt instantly to ashes

We then appeared back to the spot where we died as we saw the demon standing in front of us, many students started to shudder in fear and fell in despair, some even started to shed tears

Akito and Kikyo were the ones who appeared to be least affected by what just happened and decided to formulate a plan to defeat the demon

"How about we attack together" Kikyo suggested as they stared at the demon

Luxuria began to steal some energy from the demon allowing Talos to shoot his energy blast at him but the demon swayed it away with the back of his hand

"You guys never learn do you" Batsu said as it killed them with his flames, time and time again they began to die at the hands of Batsu

"This is the one-hundredth time we're dying, where is our teacher anyway "Akito looked over to Kikyo to see her hesitating for a little bit

The demon was about to attack them again and Akito got frustrated with it, suddenly a bright light emanated from both Akito and Luxuria as they merged

Kikyo's eyes widened as she stared at them with shock and a bit of relief, some purple flames then appeared on his hands and he lunged at the demon of wrath

The two of them exchanged blows as the ground rumbled underneath them, Batsu then used his chains to capture them he set the chains on fire

A bright light then came out of them as they broke out of the chains and slammed Batsu to a wall causing a huge amount of blood to come out his mouth

He then burnt him with his purple flames as Batsu fell on the ground in ashes, the two of them then separated as Akito fainted in Luxuria's arms, his face had a blush on it as he was sweating buckets

"It's over now all my brothers have been defeated" Luxuria flashed a warm smile at Akito as he slowly woke up and stood on his own

"Ah I don't feel so good" He held his head with his fingers

The student then appeared back to the clubroom where they met their teacher silently reading a book

"Where were you anyways!!...."

"What kind of teacher does that!!..."

Many students began to tell at the instructor which made him close his book and glare at them making them keep shut

"Well you losers failed to even kill an easy demon, only Akito was able to accomplish that simple task, If you guys don't buckle up now you might as well die for real" He spoke coldly as the others didn't dare talk back at him

As they were dismissed Akito quickly rushed to his room and shut the door quickly, he vomited profusely while he was sweating buckets, and this didn't stop until an hour later

Luxuria had already gone to the monster dorm leaving him alone being weak, when he woke up the next morning he got a letter saying he got promoted to the five-star class

He quickly got prepared and headed to class seeing Kaito and Kikyo leisurely chatting, as soon as Kaito spotted Akito he rushed over to him brightly

"Akito thank goodness you're here now I have another friend in class" He spoke cheerfully but Akito was not in the mood to talk he walked quietly to his seat and sat down

"How was the club was it fun please tell" Kaito bombarded him with questions making him frown

"Don't even remind me" He faced the other side ignoring Kaito's words

Kaito then went back to his seat and asked Kikyo about what happened in their club but she said she couldn't tell, it was like a force forcing her not to say anything about what happened last night

"Forget it," She told Kaito as gave up and rested his head having no one to talk to

The teacher then came to their class as they had their usual lessons