Betrayed again

Akito sighed as he looked as Zero once more before signalling them to stop attacking

"What do you want" He said irritatedly

"Even though I added some additional stuff like a chess kingdom everywhere is boring" he complained in a childlike way

"Well Zero if I show you some fun stuff will you lend us a hand sometime" Zero paused for a while before he agreed

"Fine but I doubt you can" He put his hands on his waist proudly with a grin

After the small talk with Zero he left them as they continued their journey

'i noticed something,all our food supply has gone meaning we have to hunt monsters to eat' He glanced at the sky as he thought

'How terrible...'

'i remember when I was abandoned...the only person I could rely on were the monsters...ha...' His lips tugged up and as he felt a tear in his eye

Kage looked at with with worry as he preceded to pay him on his head with a sincere smile

"Don't cry,it's not like you" he said while Akito smiled back


Luxuria then hugged him with a pout on his face clearly jealous of the attention Kage was getting

Akito sighed as he didn't retort to Luxuria's antics and and let him stop hugging him one he got tired

They then came across an large house that hosted a lot of people, honestly speaking they had not seen any humans since the whole incident that happened so they decided to check it out

When they entered the house was filled with many people, the walls of the house were white along with the other things in the house

As he explored the house people threw various glances at him,he was the only kid here which made him feel out of place

He decided to exit the house not wanting to attract another problem, as soon as he took a step back the his whole world turned black as he fainted,the last thing he saw were the worried faces of Kage and Luxuria

When he woke up he had a blindfold over his eyes, making out his sourounding it seemed he was tied to a chair and he wasn't the only one here

He tried to free himself but but it seemed like the ropes woudnt budge, he decided to try and call out to Kage for help

"Kage... Luxuria"


It seemed like he was all alone so he resumed to trying to get untied, he then heard a chilling voice which made him stop

The man then removed the blindfold allowing Akito to see, there stood Yami, the teacher of the moon crescent club, he looked around and sawamy other children tied up

"What's the meaning of this, explain yourself" Akito spat out in anger

"Well my friend Kikyo here helps me to build machines capable of storing energy from children but don't worry it won't kill them" Yami flashed a deadly smile as he dug a needle like object through Akito's neck which made him yelp in pain

His eyes widened as the pain flooded his whole body,he was compelled to close his eyes as he heard the screams of the other children

'Why would Kikyo help him,it doesn't make sense'

He tried harder and harder to free himself from the ropes which made his hand bleed but loosened it which made him able to free his hands

He then untied his legs and removed the needle like object from his neck as he looked over the other children as they were tied up

He began to untie the other children but as soon as he was done Yami burst opened the door

The children fell to their feets in fear as he slowly approached them,Akito stood unmoving with his arms crossed as Yami stood in front of him

"What's the meaning of all this" Akito glared at Yami as he spoke

"You know the situation at hand, we need to defeat Alastor so this is necessary" Yami said

Akito decided there was no use talking sense into him so he proceeded in getting the children out

"Everyone run out now!" As soon as Akito commanded everyone started running to the door

Yami then attacked with an energy ball but Akito blocked it with his shield he then ran toward the door at full speed

Yami stopped his attacks as he watched as Akito ran to the exit,as Akito was just about to get out a kid pushed him back and ran away before Akito could do anything

Akito watched as Yami had a gleeful expression on his face as he fell to the ground

'Why would they do that...'

"Do you think this is the first time they are gonna break free" Yami said

"They knew you had a huge amount of energy so they left you here" He grinned

Akito watched Yami speak disgust in his eyes, he gritted his teeth anger as he spoke


"Oh come on you should already know why,since you were always abandoned I thought you should be used to it" Yami said

Akito's memories flashed back to what his mother said as he put his hand over his eyes

Yami then put the needle like object in his arm as countless energy flowed inside his body

"The hell!" He tried to remove it but he was stopped by Yami

As soon as the process was done the object was removed from his hand as he saw Yami's grin widen

"The energy of children who betrayed you is inside you now,..ha..they should all be dead now" Yami chuckled

Akito walked out the door quietly as the saw the dead bodies of the children being carried out

He felt a bit dizzy as he exited the building as he saw Kage and Luxuria severely injured,some of Kage's intestines could be seen which made him throw up intensely

"Kage...Luxuria...please don't die" He spoke weakly looking at their bodies

Zero then showed himself as he smiled cheerfully at the scene in front of him

"What do you want" Akito said in a low voice

"Have you forgotten our deal since you entertained me I have decided to help you" Zero smiled as he raised his hand and a bright light emmited from it which made the injuries heal quickly

"What part did you find entertaining" Akito said

"The part where you saw the those two, hehe" he laughed which made Akito's face darkened

"You're sick.."

"Watch your language" Zero said before disappearing as Akito slumped his body on the ground tired of what happened today