
While they continued on the journey they came across a stone titan which stood Meyers above them, as it was about to step on them they stepped to the side to dodge it but as soon another titan quickly kicked them to a wall

"Looks like we have to get through them to go forward" Akito held his stomach as he stood up

Kage kept through the air as he delivered a kick but it didn't seem to have an effect on it,heoved swiftly as he continued to attack all sides of the titan using his speed as an advantage

Luxuria then fired a blast straight through the titan but Kage was held in the grip of another titan

"Luxuria fuse" Akito whispered as he fused with Luxuria

He kept onto the stone titan as he kicked the handaking it shatter to the ground, he then aimed at the centre of the titan and fired a blast straight through it

"C'mon" Akito yelled as they both rushed forward before the other titans came but it seemed they were too slow

Several titan stood in front of them but Kage paralyzed them as his eyes turned red leaving Akito to create a huge blast destroying them

After getting away Akito seperated from Luxuria as he fell on his legs and breathed heavily

'i'll never get used to that' Akito thought

They wondered farther into the forest and discouved an hotsping which made Akito's face light up

"It's been long since we've had a shower" He removed his cloths and went in the springs

"Are we sure we should bath in this situation" As soon as Kage spoke he saw Luxuria already in the spring

'oh well' He sighed internally as he got in the hotsprings

Akito noticed Akito was staring intensely which made him creeped out as he got out and wore his clothes back which made the others follow pursuit

"Well let's go" As soon as he spoke the earth between them crumbled as fell into a dark space, at the centre stood a stoolne titan larger than any titan they ever faced

"Shit" Akito cursed

The titan eyes glowed with a blue light as it stood up as he appeared in front of Akito as it punched him with tremendous speed and strength

Akito laid in the ground unable to move as the titan moved on to attack the rest

"Akito!" Kage ran forward but was but the titans hand dug into Kage's stomach as his pupils shrank and fell into the ground as blood seeped from his insides

Luxuria sent multiple blast at him but the titan blocked it easily as it went in for a punch but Luxuria dodged it by an hairs lenght as he sighed

'i see' He chuckled

"So you're the titan king" He yelled as his voice echoed over the place

Luxuria then shaped his energy into two blades as he leapt up and swung it at the titan as a beam came out causing part it's arm to fall off

"Kage!" He crawled to Kage's side as he saw that Kage's injuries were slowly healing

'thank goodness' he thought staring at the battle

As Luxuria prepared for another strike he was caught in the stone titans grip as it squeezed him causing blood to seep out of his mouth

'hah..this is not over yet,I still haven't gotten Akito to think I'm usefully' he coughed

He made the swords in his hand to explode causing the hand of the titan to shatter as he stood on his feets

He then summoned a hundred large blade storage at the titan pricing it's body as it fell to the ground

The titan them looked at him breathing heavily as he finally spoke out

"I look forward to the change you would bring to the world" as soon as it talked the light in its eyes diminished

'i feel like that was aimed aymt Akito instead' he smiled as he collapsed to the ground breathing heavily

"It seems I can't live longer" He stared as Akito approached him with a worried look as he held on too Luxuria's hand

"You can regain some energy from me" Akito said

"Why would you want to harm yourself for someone like me" Luxuria said with his eyes widened

"You're my friend so is that even a question!" He responded loudly as Luxuria smiled

"Hahaha" Luxuria laughed as a tear flowed down his eyes

"Then if you don't mind" Luxuria regained some energy but fell asleep as he was very weak at the moment

"Looks like he's finally happy with himself" Kage spoke from behind as he stared at luxuria