Do You Want To Be A Hero? (1) | Stiff Morning

Chirp, chirp, chirp

The sound of birds chirping could be heard from outside a dimly lit room, illuminated only by strands of light seeping through the curtains. These few strands of light reached toward the bed inside the room, where a young man lay sprawled in an ungraceful manner as he slept through the beautiful and serene morning of Musutafu City. His green, wild, and fluffy hair was tousled, and he occasionally scratched at his scalp, ruffling his hair further in his sleep. He snored softly, lost in blissful slumber.

Knock, knock, knock

"Onii-chan, are you awake yet?" A few knocks and a feminine voice came from the door leading out of the room, calling for the young man who remained blissfully unaware on his bed.

Knock, knock, knock

The knocking continued, as if expecting the young man to wake up at any moment... but to no avail. His snoring grew louder.

"Sigh... still asleep..." The voice of the young lady complained from outside the room. Finally, the door creaked open, and the owner of the voice stepped inside.

A young lady entered the room. As she walked further inside, her appearance became slightly clearer in the strands of light seeping from the curtain. Her deep green hair was neatly styled into a short bob that framed her beautiful visage.

Peering through the dim light, she approached the bed where the young man slept. She observed the sleeping figure of the young man before letting out another sigh. She then turned around and headed for the curtained window.

With a strong grip on the curtains, she pulled them open. The bright sunlight flooded the room, illuminating every corner, including the figure of the young lady, who was wearing the black sailor school uniform of Aldera High School, complete with its red tie. She was ready, prim and proper, for a beautiful day of school... not like a certain young man who was groaning from the sudden intense light.

"Ugh...! Too bright...!" The young man on the bed groaned and complained about the sudden light that assaulted his sleeping face, shielding himself from it with his arms.

"Onii-chan, wake up already," the young lady insisted to her older brother, who was now even covering his eyes with a blanket to continue hiding away from the sun.

"Ugh... 5 more minutes, Chisa..." The young man retorted back while grumbling, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Seeing her older brother's stubbornness, Chisa formed a small pout on her lips. She let out another sigh... before lifting her right hand and hovering it over her older brother's lying figure on the bed. Her right hand glowed faintly, and then the pillows and blanket that her brother was using also glowed as well.

Unaware of the objects around him glowing, the young man still tried to sleep through it...

Then... Chisa quickly jerked her glowing right hand, which also affected the pillows and blanket that her older brother was using, sending not only those objects flying to the side but even her older brother as well!



The young man was thrown out of his bed onto the floor with a heavy thud. As he lay on the ground, face down in a hapless posture, he groaned in pain from the sudden and forceful wake-up by his younger sister.

"Ow... Chisa... couldn't you just wake me up normally...?"

"Izuku! Chisa! What is that sound?"

A sudden shout came from the floor beneath them—the floor below the room of the young man, Izuku. He was still lying on the ground and could hear the voice of a woman from below.

"I'm waking up Onii-chan, Mom!" Chisa shouted back.

"Oh! Is that so? Then please tell him that breakfast is ready!"

"Okay, Mom!"

Mother and daughter communicated through the floor ceiling of the house while the only son still groaned in pain from the forceful wake-up. Slowly, he rose from the ground, rubbing his eyes to finally clear the sand off them. As he stood up, his lean and athletic figure towered over his younger sister, even when he cracked his neck a few times to loosen the stiffness from his neck.

"You know, you shouldn't abuse your quirk like that, Chicchan," the older brother chastised his little sister, using her childhood nickname on her. He even raised his index finger and wagged it in front of his little sister's pouting visage as if he were lecturing her, "Especially not with your beloved older brother like that~."

"Just get ready already, dumb Onii-chan," she retorted, ignoring his playful attitude toward her as she walked past him to leave his room. Her mission to wake up her older brother was successful, and she didn't want to deal with his silly antics.

"Yawn... Yeah, yeah," Izuku replied, stretching his body to relieve the intense stiffness that had set in. Not just from waking up... but also from his recent routine "nightly activities." After feeling that his muscles were sufficiently loosened, he continued with his morning routines, which consisted of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. All 100 times each in a quick succession.

These were routines that his dear grandfather had enforced on him to ensure he stayed in shape, especially in urban city life. Though this was just the "light" version of it, the young man shuddered a bit as he remembered the grueling sessions he had to endure from his "beloved" grandpa during the first few years of his childhood at his grandparents' place.

After finally finishing his morning routines, he went to his room window and gazed at the sight of Musutafu City's suburban complex. His gaze, in particular, moved toward Musutafu City's main urban landscape in the distance, where the buildings stood sky-high.

From the window of his second-floor house, he gazed momentarily at the distant skyscrapers of Musutafu, seemingly lost in thought about something important. He then opened his smartphone, checking on something of significance.

"Another one already, huh..." he muttered to himself as he read the news on his smartphone. Sighing, he began preparing himself for another day of high school.


<[ Check Chisa's Character Design's concept art on my P@tre0n! ]>

Author Note (and shameless promotion as usual):

We are beginning with a mundane morning...

And I would like to apologize for those expecting daily yesterday. I got sick all of the sudden and the only thing that I could write was for my mandatory Original Novel.

But, right now, I'm recovering and hopefully to the fullest.

So let's continue on with our fanfiction here!

As always,

Check out my


to see more concept art and other content I would include in the future for this fanfiction!

Of course, since I'm a shameless grifter, please also support me there as well!

And also, check out my current ongoing Original Novel too while you're at it~! See the misadventure of a supervillain's grunt in a world of superhero~!

Stay tuned for more~.