Another Slap

Edmond paused, fell silent for a moment, and then put down his wine glass. His deep, raspy voice carried a hint of darkness.

"Let her come." Alistair gave Lily an address.

"We're having dinner here. It'll end in about half an hour. You have time to get here."

Nadia was at the birthday party as Zoya's friend.

The incident made her uncomfortable. Layla, seeing her come downstairs, wanted to strangle her.

Despite her strained relationship with Lily, Layla still saw her as her daughter.

Family quarrels were one thing, but being bullied by outsiders was another, as it would disgrace the Jian family.

Moreover, Royce was a prestigious member of the Zhou family. Such a good match couldn't be taken away by someone else! Layla was already angry, and seeing Royce nervously hold Nadia's hand to protect her made her even more furious.

However, before she could say anything, Zoya stopped her.

"Mom, I'm angrier than you are. I treated Nadia as a friend, but she secretly went after Lily's man."

"I already scolded her when we changed clothes. She said she's not worthy of Royce and doesn't hope to marry into the Zhou family. Royce won't marry her."

Zoya mentioned Lily pushing them into the water.

"Lily pushed Nadia into the water tonight, which made Royce very angry. Now she's threatening to call off the engagement."

"If you and Dad scold her again, what if Royce gets really angry and insists on breaking off the engagement?"

"Lily saved Uncle Edmond's life, but if he insists, the Zhou family won't force him to marry Lily just for that."

"If the Zhou family cancels the engagement, Lily won't be able to marry anyone."

Hearing the words "cancel the engagement," Layla forced herself to calm down.

Lately, she'd been so angry at Lily that she often felt chest tightness and irritability, but luckily, she had her smart and calm daughter, Zoya, to remind her.

Layla swallowed her anger and complained, "Your sister is completely out of control tonight. How can she casually talk about canceling the wedding?"

Zoya comforted her gently. "Mom, don't worry. Lily is just like this. She's made a fuss many times before."

"She's just trying to scare Royce. She'll be fine in a couple of days."

Layla nodded, agreeing internally.

Indeed, her younger daughter's temper had become more erratic over the years.

Especially after that incident when she was eighteen, she distanced herself from everyone except Royce.

She couldn't possibly cancel the wedding; she was just angry.

...Royce waited in the living room, worried the Jian family might trouble Nadia. When he finally escorted Nadia out, Lily was nowhere to be seen.

The driver went to get the car, and they waited at the door. Nadia clung to Royce's arm.

"Royce, Lily really hates me."

She pressed herself against Royce, looking utterly wronged. "I told her I wouldn't fight for the position of Mrs. Zhou. Why won't she leave me alone?"

Royce felt irritable. He hadn't planned to reveal his feelings for Nadia tonight.

He acted impulsively.

But that's how he was. He couldn't stand to see someone he cared about being bullied.

Moreover, Lily had become too arrogant, daring to give him the cold shoulder for two months and bullying Nadia in front of him.

He had to stand up for Nadia to curb Lily's arrogance, to teach her a lesson, to make her remember.

Feeling irritable, Royce didn't have the patience to comfort Nadia.

He pulled his arm away and hugged her, speaking softly. "I know you're upset. Your birthday is coming up. Whatever gift you want, I'll get it for you."

Nadia wiped her tears. "Anything?"

Royce nodded. "Yes."

Since Lily's return, Nadia had indeed suffered a lot.

Nadia hugged his waist happily. "Then, when the time comes, take five days off to be with me. That would be the best gift."


Seeing her satisfaction, with her heart and eyes filled with him, Royce felt a twinge of emotion and bent down to kiss her.

After the kiss, Nadia clung to his neck and tentatively asked, "Royce, what if Lily isn't bluffing this time and really wants to cancel the wedding?"

"She won't."

Royce never considered such a hypothetical.

"She always throws tantrums."

He hoped Lily would be strong for once, but her love for him was clingy and hard to shake off.

She was behaving unusually tonight.

She was probably just very angry. She'd be fine in a couple of days. Lily had a strong ability to heal herself.

He was used to it.

Nadia's eyes flickered, but she said nothing more.

...Alistair gave Lily the address of a private club.

The Pingxi Club on Huian Road, the most elegant club in Jiangyu City, with vintage decor and a rich cultural atmosphere, visible even from across the street.

Lily had been here once.

After high school, she was sent abroad and only returned last year.

Royce had promised to pick her up from the airport but stood her up, saying he was busy with an important client.

Zoya mentioned she had just returned from Pingxi Club and had seen Royce there.

After five years apart, Lily was eager to see Royce, so she went to find him as soon as she put down her suitcase.