The "Coincidence" of Catching an Affair

This club was for members only, and she didn't have membership.

 This club was members-only, and she couldn't get in without membership.

 It was just a coincidence that Zoya had returned, saying she had left something here and came back to get it, conveniently bringing her inside.

 Now she thinks it wasn't a coincidence, but rather Zoya's intention.

 Zoya deliberately led her to the club, intentionally made her see Royce and Nadia's intimacy, deliberately provoked her, trying to make her fall out with Royce, not wanting her to marry into the Zhou family.

 That day, she followed Zoya in. Zoya pointed out Royce's VIP room to her. She pushed the door open and saw a table full of mess. When she entered, only Royce and Nadia were there.

 Royce, somewhat drunk, had Nadia in his arms, his chin resting on her shoulder, while Nadia nestled against him like a bird.

 In that moment of impulse, she rushed over, pushed the two apart, and even shoved Nadia.

 Royce, half awake from the alcohol, was surprised to see her at first. But when he saw Nadia lying on the ground, his expression changed.

 At that time, Nadia didn't dare provoke her.

 No matter what, she was Royce's legitimate fiancée who had suddenly returned. She had to test Royce's attitude toward her as his fiancée.

 So that day, she carefully explained,

 "Lily, don't misunderstand. Mr. Zhou drank too much and was feeling unwell, so he leaned on me to sober up."

 Royce glanced at Nadia and agreed with her words.

 "Yeah, I was dizzy just now, and I borrowed Secretary Jiang's shoulder to lean on."

 Lily scolded herself for being foolish. If she had just been calm, she would have seen something was off.

 Unfortunately, she trusted Royce completely at that time. She believed everything he said.

 She also believed Royce would never betray her.

 After all, they had liked each other so much back then.

 She also believed in Nadia. In high school, she had helped Nadia a lot. She believed Nadia wouldn't be so heartless to covet her man.

 In the end, her trust blinded her. While they were secretly involved, she still foolishly fantasized about the future, even stupidly asking Royce to take good care of Nadia.

 How foolish.

 ... "Miss Jian?"

 Without membership, Lily waited by the roadside after messaging Alistair. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her.

 The person wore glasses and looked gentle. Lily recognized him as Edmond's assistant, Octavian.

 Last year, when Royce wanted to break off the engagement, she didn't want to let go, so she boldly went to the Zhou family's patriarch, Royce's Uncle Edmond.

 She was lucky. Having saved Edmond years ago, she owed him a great favor. She used the life-saving favor to beg Edmond.

 Edmond spoke, and Royce indeed dared not bring up the breakup again.

 Forced to stay together, it was not meant to last.

 Octavian glanced at her red and swollen cheeks through his lenses, his eyes flashing with shock before quickly returning to calm.

 "Miss Jian, please come with me."

 Night had fallen, and the black Bentley discreetly stopped by the roadside.

Octavian opened the back door, slightly turned his body, and gestured for Lily to get in. She bent down and climbed in, only to find Edmond inside.

 The interior light was on, casting a yellowish glow over the man, as if gilded.

 His features were hazy, yet his three-dimensional and handsome face remained distinguishable, with a high nose bridge, a superior jawline, and even a sexy Adam's apple.

 The man who controlled most of Jiang Yu's economic veins had an impeccable face, though his businessman aura was strong.

 Just sitting there quietly, his noble and cold aura already made one feel oppressed.

 Lily, feeling a bit uneasy, sat down carefully. The door was closed from the outside, and in the narrow space, all her usual arrogance faded. She respectfully addressed him,

 "Uncle Edmond."

 Actually, Edmond was only thirty-two this year, eight years older than her. But he was Royce's Uncle Edmond, and she had always called him that with Royce.

 Edmond's legs were crossed, holding a tablet, reading emails. Hearing Lily call him, his fingertips paused, slowly turning his head.


Ignoring the oppressive atmosphere inside the car, Lily always thought his voice was very nice—deep, cool, rich with a magnetic quality, like the deep, dark tones of a cello, with a tingling, penetrating sound.

 Unfortunately, he spoke little and was frugal with words, making it easy to fall into awkward silence.

 He merely hummed and then fell silent.

 Lily had no choice but to continue speaking.