The Wedding That Must Happen

The old master stayed silent for a long time, gripping his cane tightly, veins popping from the effort. He ignored Malika and eventually looked at Edmond. "Edmond, what do you want to do?"

 Edmond's lips curved into a cold smile. "What do I want? I want you to stop this nonsense."

 He looked icily at Malika. "Now everyone knows Royce and Nadia are getting married. You opposed it. How do you plan to resolve this?"

 Malika was too frightened to speak. Edmond's gaze shifted to Nelson. "Bro, what do you think?"

 Nelson looked at him for a moment before slowly standing. "I've always believed in free marriage. If Royce loves her, I respect that."

He left the room, leaving Malika trembling with rage. "Nelson!" But the only response was the sound of the door closing.

 Edmond drank half a cup of tea before asking the old master, "What's your opinion?"

 The old master sighed deeply, withdrew his gaze from the direction Nelson had left, and stood up, leaning on his cane.

"I'm old. Do what you think is best."

 "Malika?" Edmond finally looked at her, waiting for her to agree.

 Malika pinched her thigh, suppressing her fear, and made a last-ditch effort.

"Royce and Nadia aren't suitable for each other, they—"

 Bang! Edmond set his cup down lightly but firmly, his patience running out. He stood, calmly adjusting his clothes.

"Why am I wasting my time dealing with your family's mess? Because your petty issues disgrace the Zhou family and me."

 "I'm handling this out of respect for my brother.

Nadia's ability to win over Royce must've had your support. Today's situation is entirely your fault."

 He shot her a cold glance. "Second sister-in-law, think carefully.

Or perhaps you'd prefer I send Royce abroad. If that's your wish, it can be arranged.

His absence would bring peace to the house."

 Malika shivered, struggled, and finally gritted her teeth. "I agree. I agree to their marriage."

 Leaving the old house, it was nearly ten o'clock. Edmond sent Lily a message:[Are you asleep?]

 Lily was on her way to the parking lot:[Not yet.]

 Within half a minute, Edmond called. He asked what she was doing, and Lily answered truthfully, "I suddenly craved barbecue, so I went out. Are you done over there?"

 In the afternoon, he had told her he would visit the old house to resolve Royce and Nadia's marriage issue.

 Edmond:"Yes. Send me your location, I'll come to you."

 Lily glanced at the bags in her hand. "I'm bringing it home to eat. I'm almost at the parking lot."

 The barbecue here was clean, delicious, and twenty minutes away from her apartment.

Lily had planned to eat at the restaurant, but it was too crowded, so she packed it to go.

 Edmond paused for a few seconds before asking, "Would it be convenient for me to visit your apartment? Just for a while, not staying over. If it's inconvenient, never mind."

 Lily:"It's convenient, come over."

 They were married, after all. There was no inconvenience.

 After hanging up, Lily realized she forgot to ask if Edmond wanted a late-night snack.

She only bought enough barbecue for one.

Instead of calling again, she stopped at a well-lit convenience store near the alley and bought some oden.

 Back at her apartment, Lily placed the food on the dining table and surveyed every corner.

The apartment was clean, the housekeeper had been there yesterday, but the living room was a bit messy.

 She had spent the afternoon on the couch, watching TV, snacking, and the floor was strewn with unfinished Lego pieces.

 Lily changed into comfortable clothes, tidied up the living room, and had just thrown the cloth into the bucket when the doorbell rang.

 Edmond came directly from the old house, still in his expensive, well-tailored black coat, exuding a mature charm.

Lily stepped aside to let him in, then remembered there were no men's slippers. "No need to change. Come on in."

 Actually, she used to have several pairs of men's slippers, all matching hers. She had always kept them ready for Royce, but he never visited.

She threw them out on Zoya's birthday, along with other things.

 "I brought my own." Edmond carried two bags, one with fruits, the other with slippers.

He put the slippers on the floor and changed into them.

The old house had many new pairs of slippers, so he brought one to avoid inconveniencing her late at night.

 Lily was taken aback, staring at his feet. Who brings their own slippers to someone's house?

Edmond placed the fruit on the dining table. "After barbecue, have some fruit."

 Hearing she was eating barbecue, he had returned to the old house.

It had plenty of fruits, many flown in from around the world.

He took a bit of everything, to see what she liked, so he could buy more in the future.

 Edmond helped her plate the barbecue and opened the oden, pushing it towards her.