Because You Are My Wife

"It's too late today. Eat a little less. I can make barbecue. If you want to eat it later, I'll make it for you. I'm quite good at it."

Lily took a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth. "No need to trouble yourself. I just eat it occasionally, and not much at that. It's too much hassle to barbecue myself."

Edmond replied, "Besides barbecue, I can cook a lot of other dishes."

Edmond asked her what dishes she liked and mentioned several of his specialties.

 With his calm and gentle demeanor, Lily relaxed considerably and didn't feel as constrained while talking to him. Unconsciously, Lily had eaten her fill.

She had eaten most of the barbecue and a bit of the oden. Edmond, who hadn't eaten much in the evening, finished off what she left.

 He asked Lily to sit in the living room while he cleaned up the dining table and washed some fruit. Lily tried to help a few times but was always shooed out of the kitchen by him.


Hey, who's the host and who's the guest here? Later, they sat on the sofa chatting, and Edmond briefly told her what had happened at the old house that night, mainly about Malika hitting Nadia.

 Lily was surprised that Malika would act out publicly. The Malika she knew was someone who was very good at pretending:pretending to be elegant, happy, and kind.

In front of people, she wouldn't harm a fly; behind their backs, she could strangle an elephant with one hand.

 Lily gloated, "If they're already fighting now, I can't imagine how much worse it will get after they're married."

Edmond watched her expression closely, his voice soft.

"This time, their marriage is confirmed, and they are about to send out new invitations. Are you really... okay?"

After all the commotion before, Royce and Nadia's marriage was now set in stone.

When he heard her talking about eating barbecue alone, he knew that her heart must still ache a bit.

That's why he wanted to come and see her.

 Edmond reached out to her, "Do you want a hug?"

Lily understood his meaning, swallowed the banana in her mouth, shook her head, and smiled.

"I'm not sad."

The current situation was orchestrated by her own hands.

Royce was her gift to Nadia, so there was nothing to be sad about.

She just suddenly wanted to eat barbecue, that's all.

 Edmond didn't continue the topic.

He withdrew his hand, chatted for a while longer, and then looked at his watch. It was already one o'clock in the morning.

"Rest early. I'll head back now."

He got up and walked towards the door. After changing his shoes, he looked back at Lily, who had followed him. His dark eyes were deep.

"I used to indulge you because you saved my life.

Now, I indulge you because you are my wife. I have the responsibility to protect you."

He raised his hand, wanting to give her a hug, but ultimately gave up, fearing to startle her. He simply pressed his palm gently on her head.

"Do whatever you want, make as much trouble as you like.

Even if you cause a huge mess, don't let yourself be too aggrieved. If anything happens, I'll back you up."

Do whatever you want, make as much trouble as you like... Lily was stunned, looking at him in shock.

This sounded like he knew something.

Did he know she was still planning something? That shouldn't be the case, as she hadn't told anyone.

 Indeed, she caused such a commotion for another reason.

She wanted to mess with her father. With the New Year approaching, she planned to go home for the celebration and take the opportunity to extort a hefty dowry... and also deal with Zoya.

She not only wanted to steal Zoya's man but also kick her out of the L&S Group.

She had warned Leopold last time, and whether he took it seriously or not, she didn't care. If he didn't, she now had support.

She was going to take over the L&S Group and leave Zoya with nothing.

Within a few days, some people received the new invitations from the Zhou family.

The design of the new invitations was far inferior to the one sent out for Lily, showing that they were made hastily.

The groom:Royce. The bride:Nadia.

The wedding date remained as previously announced with Lily, mid-February, on Valentine's Day.

Initially, when Lily helped them 'announce' it, some people didn't believe it.

This time, it was confirmed. Not many people received the invitations, but the news spread quickly within the circle.

"Our family received Royce and Lily's invitation but not Royce and Nadia's."

"Same here. I heard they only notified close relatives and friends this time, probably out of embarrassment."

"How could the Zhou family agree to this marriage?"

"Nadia must have some skills. Breaking up a twenty-year-old childhood romance and getting into a wealthy family isn't easy."

"Just wait. When Lily regains her memory and realizes Royce married his mistress, there will be more drama."

Lily was indifferent to Royce changing brides and continued pursuing Edmond.

From delivering meals, snacks, and flowers to spending money on outdoor LED screens to confess her love.

Opposite the Jingxiu Group, there was a display screen in the tech park.

As night fell, the light purple screen expanded with her confessions in the air.

[Edmond, today is a day of missing you.]

[Edmond, today is a day of loving you.]

[Edmond, today is a day of both missing and loving you.]

[Edmond, today is another day of loving you. I'll continue loving you tomorrow. Heart, heart.][Edmond, you are my ideal husband. Miss you.]

The LED screen displayed these messages continuously for a week.

After getting the news, people drove over, took pictures, and shared them on social media.