Chapter 13

After that Elia and Ashara talked some more and eventually she agreed to what I said. I proposed that if Aerys was that much of a problem… someone should just poison him discreetly.

Make it seem like an illness. Take out Pycelle first before doing it. She was shocked at the treasonous talk but I shrugged and said its less complicated.

Definitely not because I'll be having free access to Rhaella's cheeks.

Hours went by and I was telling stories to both Rhaenys and Aemon. Stories from my past life but adapted. Mostly about the greek gods though as that was their true interest.

Eventually they asked me about who I worshipped and I answered, The Old gods. As reference to my Northern Heritage. I plan to get a seed from on of the weirwood trees and grow it in my castle.

There is a ritual I learnt while reading through books on Valyrian magics in Essos that supposedly connects one to the god they worship for an audience.

I plan to use the weirwood to connect to the god that sent me here who I personally called The Faceless One. Modify it abit and use a ritual to massively boost the growth of the tree while it nourishes the land.

With it I'll be able to talk to the Faceless One. For frienship, for guidance and protection. I don't trust any of the local gods here. Too malicious from what I've seen even the old gods.

Too indifferent. They throw a bone once in a while and thats only for those with magical blood.

Eventually the princesses departed and I was left with Aemon. I decided to tell him about his abilities and the likely abilities of his siblings. And most importantly our true heritage.

To say he was shocked was an understatement. To learn that your father was a man who had special abilities or magic tied to his bloodline was amazing.

Hearing he will inherit some of them was even more but he was disappointed he will never have them all.

According to my DNA sight he has supercompetence, eideitic memory and the ability to fully control his body. While looking deeper I found out the magic gene I created that grants me warging, greensight and thr ability to learn and use other disciplines are there.

He was estatic because he knows how good I am at everything. Which means if he trains he will be the same.

He dragged me out in the middle of the night to begin his training in arms. I picked up Destined Death and looked at it with DNA sight while he was changing into his gear.

I saw the workings of the magic that made it as strong and durable as it is. The dragonfire that forged it embuieing it with more magic to make it even more sharper and dureable.

I thought back to other shows and anime I've watched and decided I can make it a true magic sword again. Making it truly unique in this world once more.

With some first man runes imbued with powerful magical blood… my blood I will first bind this sword to my bloodline. Making it that those not of it can hold it as it will heat up and force them to drop it.

Talk about a paternity test. Am I right?

Another one will be gathering the magic in the atmosphere and feeding on it to make the blade stronger and be able to conduct spells and other things easier. Like boosting the strength and speed of the user slightly.

Overpowered for this world I know. But because I am overpowered does not mean my descendants will be.

I already figured out how to become ageless with my ability. I plan to stop ageing at 35. When my time to pass has come I'll up and leave.

Probably try to find away to magic myself out of this dimension.If I fail I'll ask Faceless One for help through the upcoming Weirwood tree.

I can't stay in this world forever. It will be too boring. I might get bored and decide to go on a conquering run.

I picked up Solitude too. Hmmm I have a better idea all of a sudden. I'll go on a dalliance through Essos again. Steal some valyrian steel and make it the blade of our house for them to pass on. Destined Death and Solitude is mine alone.

Fuck them kids.

Aemon walked in with his weighted training blade and gestured for us to go. I sighed as I followed the little man to a small clearing outside the castle.

I could see the party was still going on… people are dancing…wait is that…Ashara? With the second son of House Stark?

Yikes. Not my business who she throws her pussy at. She's dornish afterall.

Aemon readies a stance and looks like he's prepared for a fight. I smile at him and give him Solitude to hold. Then gestured for him to strap it to his back with the leather I added to it so it can be carried abit like Captain America's shield.

'Alright,young general.while carrying the shield run 5 laps around the clearing. After that we will stretch then do some body excercises before we start swinging a sword.'

'Noooo. Why dad?'

'You must remember the body is the foundation of everything. Without a strong body you won't be able to do most of what I can do. For examples..'

I drew Destined Death and walked to a nearby pine tree. I breathed in and out briefly before using my ability to use the full totality of the human body and potential and swund the sword with such great strength the wind whistled loudly with the trajectory of the blade.

It swung across the tree and bisected it in half. You have to remember I am a supersoldier. I am already very strong, and fast for most in this world normally. When I use Sage's ability in tandem it becomes something else.

I become inhuman. When I am like this… I am not something that even thirty knights can handle.

I turned back to look at my son and see him wide eyed. His mouth open, staring at the sight of tha fallen tree. I chuckled a bit before continuing.

'As you can see… this is something you'll be able to do one day or albeit close. Train hard, read hard. Your efforts will never fail you.'

He started running with a lot of vigor. I did that for a reason. It's one thing hearing that your family is special… its another thing seeing it in action.

Unknown to me two eyes were watching me that night. Prince Rhaegar and Lady Lyanna saw me cut the tree in half and were slackjawed. Rhaegar thinking of how it was possible and if he can turn me to his side.

While Lyanna was thanking the Old gods that they did not irritate him more earlier.