Alex's punishment

"Thank you Hayden", Alisha smiled back at him.

Hayden directed her to the CEO's office, and he took her around the company. Alisha entered the CEO's office and was amazed, the office was spacious, and it oozes elegance.

"When will the CEO be around?"

"You will meet him after he attends the meeting"

"Oh ok. Thank you for your guidance. You didn't tell me you work here"

"Don't thank me Alisha, come on, what are friends for? I apologize for that."

"I told you I don't like working under a person, but 40% of my shares are in Turner's company. I am helping a friend"

"Oh. So you are friends with the CEO?"

"Uhmm yes. Childhood buddies. We knew ourselves through our parents. You know family friends, something like that".

"I should leave before I forget about the meeting"

Hayden left the CEO'S floor. Alisha's office was outside the CEO'S office. Some ladies entered the floor and scrutinized her body.

"Good morning, you are not allowed to be here, this is the CEO'S floor", one of the ladies informed Alisha.

Alisha greeted them and told them she was the new secretary. They chuckled.

"I am Elena, I will give you some advice, prepare yourself, you won't last here for a week", Elena wiggled her eyebrows.

Alisha was shocked at her words, she was curious to know the reason.


"Argh, I told you I don't need a secretary, why don't you listen to me?" Alex rolled his eyes. He preferred conducting things himself and didn't need anyone's assistance.

"Alex calm down, listen to me please, Alisha is a nice girl, we have been friends since college", Hayden held Alex's shoulder, assuring him.


"Yes Alisha, that's her name"

Hayden urged Alex to accept her as his secretary. Alex heeded Hayden's instruction, but he wouldn't fall for Hayden's tricks.

He knew Hayden was up to something, Hayden planned this so Alex could fall in love with her.

"When will she resume work?"

"She has resumed work today. See you later buddy, I want to prepare for the meeting."

Alex permitted him to leave. His phone rang, and Little sis was written on the screen.

"Alex, I need your help, I don't want to travel please convince Mom for me."

"Not now Isabella, we will discuss this later"

"Don't call me that, it creeps me when you do that"

"I am busy Bella, I will do that when I am free. Don't disturb me today"


Alex cut the call, cutting her off.

He stood up and headed to the meeting.

Everyone stood up when he entered the room.

Eventually, Hayden broached a topic,

"Alex, I came across something I think would interest you. It's an opportunity that could benefit your company."

Alex leaned forward attentively, his interest piqued by Hayden's proposal. "Tell me more about it," Alex replied, a sense of curiosity lacing his words.

Hayden elaborated on the details of the opportunity, discussing its potential benefits and the ways it could align with Alex's company goals.

They delved into a discussion about market strategies, potential collaborations, and the mutual benefits that could arise from seizing this opportunity.

They finalized the meeting and he instructed Hayden to gather the new employees to the Conference room. Alex was curious to see Alisha's face.

The new employees walked into the conference room, Alex scrutinized them to see their faces, and then he recollected that he had no idea what his new secretary looked like,

"Good morning to you all and welcome to Turner's company" Alex blurted out, taking a chair to sit.

"Good morning sir" They responded in chorus.

Alex cleared his throat and instructed them to introduce themselves and their ranks in the company. He had no business with that but Alisha's face must be seen.

He loosened his tie as they introduced themselves and their ranks, Alex got bored,

"That's alright, who is Alisha?" he asked, standing up from his seat.

A slender figure strode out, with her head bowed, Alisha seemed nervous, and she breathed out and raised her head. Alex scoffed as he saw the wonderful Alisha.

He couldn't forget her face, she was the lady who dared to spill coffee on him. Alex walked to her and smirked,

"Follow me to my office now," Alex said and walked past her.

"Holy shit, that stranger is the CEO. I am doomed" Alisha muttered to herself, following him.

She bit her lips, praying he wouldn't recognize her, and then they got to Alex's office. Alisha stood at the door entrance, afraid to enter, but Alex turned back and glanced at her.

''What are you doing out there, come in"

Alisha walked in and gulped hard, Alex told Alisha to lock the door, she did that instantly and sat down.

Alisha played with her fingers, her head was down, and she wasn't courageous enough to look at his face.

"Get to work now, but you won't go home until the work is done," He said, giving Alisha files to work on.

Alex stood up and left the office, Alisha breathed out in relief, she wasn't fired and that was the best part.

"I don't think I will go home today, These files are too much for me."

She stretched her body and started working on the files.

The time was past 8 pm, and Alisha was exhausted and hungry, she wasn't allowed to eat till she finished the work. Hayden stepped into the office,

"What did you do to Alex? Just go home, Alisha. Alex won't remember your presence here" he said, looking worried.

Alisha disagreed, she insisted on staying till Alex released her. Hayden received a call and talked for a while,

"Uhmm, Alisha. I would love to help you but I have an appointment with Isabella. Alex isn't picking up his calls so it is left to you to stay or leave" Hayden said and left.

Alisha sighed, she knew she was all alone, Alisha fought the urge to leave,

"I won't leave till Alex comes," Alisha muttered to myself.

The lights went out, Alisha was frightened, she couldn't find her phone. Alisha stood up to search for her phone but she had no strength to walk, Alisha gripped the table for support, then her leg hit something hard, and she slipped and fell to the ground. Her head hitting the ground, Alisha felt dizzy,

"Please help," Alisha said and fainted.