Isabella yelled at Alisha

The wind blew towards Alex, and he jolted up at the sound of the thunder. Alex was exhausted from today's meeting so he decided to take a nap in his penthouse before he headed back to his mansion.

Alex took a glass of water and gulped it down his throat. Alex opened his phone and saw missed calls and messages from Hayden, 

"Oh no, Alisha is in the company and the lights must be out by now," Alex said, rushing back to the company.

Alex called the security man to put on the lights, then he went to his office and was terrified. Alisha was on the ground, Alex rushed to her and held her up,

"Alisha, Please wake up'' 

There was no response from her, Alex ruffled his hair in frustration, he called Hayden, Hayden picked up and Alex told Hayden everything and instructed him to be in the office.

Alex paced back and forth, waiting for Hayden's arrival, then Hayden burst into the office, he looked horrified as he stared at Alisha.

"What happened to her? And why is she on the ground?" He asked, carrying her in his arms.

"I don't know, man. Make sure she doesn't spill this out, my company would be at risk if she said something" 

"Wow, you are unbelievable,  she fainted because of you and all you care about right now is your company"

"Whatever, Hayden. I don't care about her. She brought this upon herself. Please take her to the hospital before she dies and her death can ruin me"

Hayden shook his head in disbelief and stormed out of the office angrily.

Alex breathed out in relief, he took his phone and left the office.

Alex knew he was also at fault but he blamed Alisha, thinking she dared to use Hayden to get into the company and will enjoy her new position. Alex would never allow that,

"She got what she deserved" Alex smirked, reminiscing the moment Alisha spilled the coffee on him.


Alisha opened her eyes slowly and groaned, she held her head in pain, Alisha saw Hayden conversing with the doctor, 

"Hayden" she called out, sitting up.

Hayden rushed to her with a smile, he looked excited to see Alisha. Alisha blushed when she saw his smile, and then she noticed she was in the hospital,

"How did I get here? I need to get back to work, Alex will be disappointed in me" she said, trying to get out of bed.

Hayden sighed and held Alisha's hand, Alisha's heart thudded against her ribcage, and she was breathless. Alisha removed her hand instantly. 

"I need to go, Hayden. Your girlfriend will be waiting for you" 

"Alisha, you are going nowhere. Alex knows you are here, he instructed me to bring you here, I am sorry for what he did. He is a good person, trust me. Please stay, you need a lot of rest"

Alisha heaved out and obliged, she felt happy to have Hayden by her side. Alisha couldn't care less about his girlfriend, her stomach growled loudly.

Alisha held her stomach, embarrassed, Hayden chuckled and ruffled Alisha's hair, she felt delighted at his touch.

"I will be back," Hayden said, leaving the room.

Alisha nodded her head with a smile, she wished Hayden could see her as a woman, but his eyes were on Isabella. Hayden walked in and held Alisha's hands,

"Let's get you something to eat. You have been discharged now" Hayden enunciated, leading Alisha out of the room.

They left the hospital and entered Hayden's car and he drove to a restaurant. Alisha hopped out of the car and entered the restaurant alongside Hayden.

They sat on a chair and a waitress brought a menu, Hayden conversed with the waitress, selecting the food. Alisha stared at him lovingly, then he looked at her and asked,

"Is there something on my face? Your stare is suspicious"


Alisha glanced away and cleared her throat, the waitress brought the food and placed it on the table, and Alisha salivated at the sight of the food.  She dug in her spoon and ate the food.

"Hmm," Alisha moaned,

The food was delicious, Hayden smiled and dug in his spoon to eat. They ate, talked, and laughed for a while. Hayden's phone rang, cutting off their conversation, he excused himself and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Isabella"

Alisha clenched her fist with jealousy.

"I am in the office, Alex called me for some important matter. Will be with you later. Love you, bye"  he said and ended the call.

Alisha gazed at him pondering why he lied, he could tell her the truth,

"Are you curious?" Hayden asked, noticing Alisha's expression

"Yes, it's not difficult to say you are"

"Eating with a lady in the restaurant? You know, you've got to lie sometimes, Isabella won't be pleased to see me with a lady, she would think I left her to be with you" Hayden said, cutting Alisha off.

''Ok, then you should get to her soon. She would be worried"

Alisha faked a smile and ate her food. Then she stood up,

"I will be back" Alisha excused herself and went to the restroom.

She entered the restroom and walked to the sink to wash her hands, she stared at herself in the mirror, 

"What does he see in her, I am beautiful too" Alisha muttered to herself, feeling disappointed.

Alisha wanted to be selfish for a while, she wanted Hayden to be hers and no one else, she turned off the tap and breathed out.

Alisha's phone rang, it was her bestie. It seems Hayden took her phone and she picked it up,

"Alisha, where are you? I am worried sick about you" 

"I will be back soon. I am with Hayden, don't ask me questions. I will tell you everything later"

"OK then. Bye" 

Alisha ended the call and breathed out, she smiled, Alisha wished she could be with him every time but she couldn't be selfish. Alisha turned to leave but stopped in her tracks.

She was shocked to see Isabella in the restroom, Isabella was fuming in anger, and Isabella walked to Alisha, angrily.

"How dare you," Isabella said and smacked Alisha's face hard.