Alex didn't apologize.

Alisha held her face in dismay, why would she slap Alisha, that was uncalled for. Alisha glared at her angrily, but Isabella didn't bat an eye. 

"You whore, attention seeker. Hayden lied because of you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself for coveting my boyfriend? HE IS TAKEN! Or do I need to make it clear to you again" Isabella yelled out.

Alisha calmed down and felt guilty as she heard Isabella's words, Alisha felt that Isabella was right, she wanted to covet Hayden when he was taken and that was a bad move to do, 

''I am sorry, Isabella, I will not covet your boyfriend again. I love him but I will try my best to end my love for him," Alisha said, unhappy, and left the restroom with teary eyes.

She walked to the sit and saw Hayden skimming through his phone, Alisha chuckled painfully,

"I am so silly, I am not good enough for him," she thought to herself.

Alisha packed her things and cleared her throat, 

"Thanks for the care, Hayden. But I appreciate it if you stay in your lane" Alisha said, trying to leave. 

"What's wrong?" 

Hayden held Alisha's hand, her heart skipped a bit, then Hayden removed his hand instantly as he saw Isabella striding towards them.

Alisha traced his eyes,

"Bye, Hayden," Alisha said and left.

Alisha hoped for him to run after her, and tell her he loved her but Alisha knew he loved only Isabella. Alisha turned back and saw him hugging Isabella.

She wiped her tears and entered the cab she booked. 

"Why am I acting stupid, this isn't a heartbreak" Alisha slapped her face and said, "Don't you dare cry, he wasn't yours to begin with" 

She breathed out and took long breaths. The cab halted, Alisha paid the driver, and hopped out of the car. She walked to the door entrance and banged the door loudly,

"Stacey, stac" 

Alisha halted her words as Stacey opened the door, Stacey glared at Alisha

"Where did you go? This is your first day at work and you came home late"

''Blah, Blah, I am not a child. I was in the hospital for a while" Alisha muttered while entering the apartment alongside Stacey.

Stacey seemed shocked when she heard the word hospital, Alisha knew Stacey hated hospitals, Stacey held Alisha's hand and dragged her to sit on the sofa,

''How did it happen? Why were you in the hospital?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Alisha sighed and explained every detail to Stacey not leaving a single truth out. Stacey held her mouth in shock as she heard Alisha's story,

"That stranger is your CEO? Oh my god, but he is so cruel to leave you like that. I hate guys like him." Stacey blurted out, rolling eyes.

"I am at fault, I hope he doesn't fire me tomorrow. I will apologize to him"

"What! Just quit your job, Alisha. He doesn't deserve your apology.  He stooped so low and Alisha your love for Hayden must stop" Stacey said all in one breath.

Alisha agreed with Stacey's remarks but she would rather apologize than quit. The job is too precious for Alisha to quit. 

Alisha assured Stacey that she would be fine, Alisha stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Stacey had prepared pasta and bolognese sauce. Alisha smiled and ate it to her fill. She wasn't full at the restaurant,  she had to pretend because Hayden was present.

Alisha washed the dishes and went back to her room. She bashed into the bathroom and freshened up. 

A message popped in her phone, she took her phone and sat on the bed, skimming through it.

"I am sorry, Alisha. I will make it up to you tomorrow. Your best guy!"

Alisha laughed when she saw Hayden's message. She turned off her phone, lay on the bed, and drifted off to sleep, prepared to face Alex tomorrow.

The next morning, the alarm woke Alisha up, she sat up and yawned loudly. Today was another day to face that freaky CEO. 

Alisha got out of bed and bashed into the bathroom, she freshened up, got dressed, and applied some makeup.

Alisha strode out of her room and walked to the dining, taking some toast and tea to eat. 

"Good morning, Alisha. Oh my god! You are eating? When you are late already" Stacey spat out, revealing the time to Alisha. 

Alisha gasped and took the last bite,

"Holy shit, I had no idea, thanks babe. Please lock the door before you head to work. BYE!" Alisha shouted, storming out of the apartment.

She boarded a taxi and hopped into it. Then it drove down to Turner's company. 

The car came to a halt,  She got out of the car and headed into the company hurriedly.

Alisha took the elevator and stomped her feet on the ground, waiting for the elevator to open.

 The elevator opened, and she stopped in her tracks as she saw Hayden, her heart raced.

"Hi, Alisha. I am sorry for whatever Isabella did to you. I heard she slapped you, is it your left or right cheek?" he asked, touching Alisha's cheeks.

Alisha froze at his touch, a blush crept on her cheeks. She held her bag tightly, hoping for him to remove his hands, then she held his hand and brought it down,

"I am alright, thanks,"  Alisha smiled and left the elevator.

She took long breaths while walking to the office, 

"What the hell, he likes to play with my feelings" Alisha muttered to herself, blushing while touching her cheeks.

Alisha held the doorknob and opened the door, Mr. Alex sat on the chair,  working on the files on his table.

Alisha became tense, and Mr. Alex looked up emotionlessly. 

"Uhmm, Good morning sir, I am sorry for"

Mr. Alex raised his hand, cutting her off,

"How are you feeling?"  he asked, standing up from his seat.

"I am doing great, I am so sorry for the other day" 

Mr. Alexander chuckled, he moved closer to Alisha with files in his hands,

"Well, that's good. Take this and work on it. I don't need to do it myself when I have you" He tossed the files to Alisha and said, 

"I give you ten minutes to work on these files. Last night's incident was your mistake and not mine. Get to work now" 

Alisha nodded her head and strode out of his office,

"What a freak, he couldn't apologize," Alisha said to herself and sat on her desk.

Alisha's office was beside Mr. Alexander's office. She set a timer to finish the work in ten minutes. Ten minutes passed and she smiled.  Alisha was done with the files. 

She stood up, ready to offer Mr. Alex the files. Then she stopped in her tracks as she saw her biggest rival.