Alisha's debts

Stacey's organized living room was scattered, with chairs thrown across the room and papers strewn across the floor. 

Her belongings scattered everywhere, Alisha was terrified and confused; she had no idea what she would do if it was them.

"Stacey," Alisha called out, her voice trembling. She panicked when she received no response. She searched the apartment for Stacey. 

"Oh no, what should I do?" Alisha screamed, shedding tears.

Alisha reached for her phone, trembling. She tried calling Stacey, but there was no answer. 

"Damn it, Stacey. "Where are you?" Alisha muttered, her mind racing. She called again, but the line was busy. She was terrified and frustrated.

She ruffled her hair in annoyance. She needs to find Stacey. She was afraid that the debtors would have used Stacey as bait to force her hand out.

Unsure of what to do next, desperation set in, and Alisha attempted to think rationally. She needed help and could only think of one name. She called Hayden.

"Hayden, I need your help; please come to Stacey's apartment; something terrible has happened," Alisha said, straining to keep her voice steady.

"I will be there in ten minutes," Hayden said with concern in his voice. 

Alisha paced around the room, her heart pounding, anxiety increasing with each minute. She waited patiently for Hayden while biting her fingers.

Hayden arrived on time, exactly as promised. He scanned the room with a grave expression. He approached Alisha with concern in his eyes.

"Tell me everything," he said calmly.

Alisha explained the situation. Hayden listened intently and walked through the apartment, looking for any signs of forced entry or clues as to who could have done it.

As he was inspecting the kitchen, the front door flew open, and Stacey entered with takeout bags. She stood frozen, her eyes widened at the sight of her home.

"What happened here?" Stacey exclaimed, dropping her bags and moving towards Alisha. "Are you OK?"

Alisha hugged Stacey tightly, relieved. "I am glad you are safe; I was worried."

"I went out to get us dinner and decided to stay out for a little while since you might be late today. How did this happen?" Stacey looked around with disbelief.

"We do not know who the culprits are yet," Hayden said, moving on. "However, I think you should not sleep here tonight. Whoever did this might come back."

Alisha's face went pale, "Where are we going?" 

"I think he is right Alisha, it's dangerous to sleep here tonight"

Alisha was hesitant to leave because she believes this is just a warning from the debtors, and if they move elsewhere, it could be dangerous.

"We are fine, Hayden. I appreciate your concern. We will get through it. It is getting late, and I believe you should leave.

Hayden frowned but eventually nodded, "Okay, but please call me if anything happens; make that promise to me, Alisha."

Alisha agreed. Hayden reluctantly departed, casting worried glances over his shoulder.

They started cleaning up the mess. Stacey asked, "Do you know who could have done this?"

Alisha's heart sank. She knew who did it or had strong suspicions. The debtors had always been ruthless, and that was their style.  


They gave her a warning to pay up. However, she could not bring herself to tell Stacey due to her massive debt. She does not want Stacey to know about the debt she is still struggling with. Which resulted in the invasion of her home.

"Alisha, are you listening?" Stacey asked, waving her hand in her face. 

"Uhm, yes. "I mean, I was listening to you."

"Can you tell me who could have done this?" Stacey asked, her eyes widening in concern.

Alisha swallowed, afraid to tell Stacey who might have done it. She did not want Stacey to know she was still in debt. "No, Stacey," she lied quietly. "I am not sure who would do this."

Stacey nodded and accepted her response. Alisha could see concern in her friend's eyes. 

As they continue to clean, Alisha's mind races to deviate from a plan to finally repay her debt that had been haunting her for so long before  endangering her friend. 

But for the time being, she hoped the debtors would not strike again. They finished the cleaning and collapsed on the sofa, exhausted.

Alisha's stomach made a noise, and Stacey laughed. She went to bring the takeouts she had brought back home. Alisha grabbed hers and mounted on her food.

The incident left her hungry and tired. She finished her meal and bid Stacey goodnight.

She returned to her room, freshened up, and planned to see where she could find money to repay her debt. She drifted off.

The alarm woke Alisha up, and she checked the time; it was late.

"Oh, no, I am late. How could I fall asleep? Damn it."

She dashed to the bathroom, dressed herself, and dashed out of her room. She went to Stacey's room to make sure she was okay. 

"Good morning, Stacey. "I am off to work."

"Alisha, are you fine?" Stacey inquired, her voice filled with concern.

"I am perfectly fine, Stacey. I slept well and felt refreshed. I hope everything is okay."

"I am only worried because of yesterday's incident."

"I understand. I will talk to you later; I am already running late, bye."

Alisha boarded a cab and rode down to her destination. She stepped out of the cab and breathed out. She knew Alex would screw her alive because she was late.

"Alisha," a familiar voice called to her.

She turned to face the voice, which turned out to be Hayden.

He strode towards her, smiling. "Good morning, Alisha. I hope you had a wonderful night!"

A blush appeared on Alisha's face as she remembered she was late.

"Good morning, Hayden. I'm late; we will talk later," Alisha hurriedly entered the company.

She heard a commotion at the receptionist and moved towards them to see who was causing the uproar. 

When she saw the person, her face turned white, her heart pounding, and she exhaled and inhaled to catch her breath.

"Why are they here?" She murmured to herself, terrified.