Alisha's daring move.

"How did they track me down? Oh no, I have to get out of here before they notice me," Alisha muttered to herself, terrified.

She bolted from the company, her body overcome with fear. She bit her fingers, fidgeted, and considered how she could pay off her debt.

The last four years have been a nightmare for her. The difficulties of surviving from them and using every possible means to transform herself into a learned individual.

"I can give them my salary if they can be patient. I would rather hide than meet them," Alisha thought to herself.

Alisha felt a tap on her shoulder, jumped in shock, and screamed, believing it was the debtors.

Hayden looked at her with surprise. "Are you okay, Alisha? You look terrified. What's wrong?" Hayden asked, concerned.

Alisha clutched her chest in relief. She bit her lip, unsure whether she should tell Hayden about it. She knew she could not do it on her own; she needed help.

She was able to pass them the last time with Stacey's help, but she cannot let Stacey know about her current debt.

She faked a smile at Hayden, saying, "I am fine. Thank you for asking," Alisha replied in one breath.

Hayden knew Alisha was keeping something important from him, and he was heartbroken that she could not tell him. She should have considered their friendship before hiding the secret from him.

He pressed further to find out what was wrong. Hayden approached her, grabbed her shoulders, and gazed into her eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Alisha. I know you well, and I know you are keeping something from me. Please tell me; consider our friendship," Hayden pleaded, determined to discover what she was concealing.

Alisha could not resist Hayden; his hands on her shoulders and his eyes on her made her too weak to turn him down.

She pushed him slightly and looked down, hoping not to fall hard for him. She wants to forget him entirely.

"uh-huh, Hayden. I have a huge debt."

"I don't understand, Alisha. Please explain further."

"They are here again. I have been in debt since high school. I had to take out a large loan to continue my education because I wanted to live a good life, but I was unable to pay it back because they kept adding interest.

"I suspected that they were the ones who broke into Satcey's apartment last night. I had to flee to hide from them because they were making a scene at the receptionist's place again.

Hayden stares made her worried.

"How much do you owe them?"

"Uh-uh it's a massive amount, Hayden. It's uhmm, five hundred thousand dollars"

Hayden chuckled, "You call that huge amount, I thought it was something serious. You shouldn't have kept it from me. You know I would do anything for you, Alisha"

"It is not a big sum for people like you," Alisha mocked, adding,

"Do you know how many years I worked hard and suffered to pay off my debt that keeps increasing day by day, and you think I look stupid to you right?"

"It was not my intention, Alisha. I just"

"It's okay. Can you do me a favor?" Alisha said, cutting him off.

"What's that?"

"Can you please send them away? I particularly do not want to see them here."

With a head nod, Hayden gave Alisha the assurance that he would send them on their way. He instructed Alisha to wait in his car, which he had parked in the business' lot.

Alisha was restless and her feet were tapping as she waited for him to return. Alisha did not care about the debtors, but she was concerned about being late; Alex will not forgive her if he discovers she is late.

Alisha looked at her watch and saw that Hayden was taking longer than she had anticipated. Alisha was fed up with waiting in the car, so she got out and headed for the elevator.

Alisha's body froze, dumbfounded, as she watched them emerge from the elevator.

Alisha thought to herself, fearfully, "Oh no, what should I do; they will not spare me when they see me."

Alisha's mind became blank, she couldn't figure out what she should do next; she felt a hand pull her, her head landed on a person's chest. She stroked her forehead; Hayden's scent let Alisha know it was him.

Alisha's face flushed because they were so close; there was no space between them. Thoughts of absurdity flooded her mind.

Alisha was daydreaming, ogling his beauty and desiring to have him all to herself.

"Alisha, Alisha, Alisha," Hayden called out to her.

"Uhh," she answered, emerging from her reverie.

"I am sorry, Hayden. My mind wasn't here when you called me. Have they gone?" She inquired, poking her head outside to see if the parking lot was empty.

She was relieved when she could not see them again; Alisha had grown tired of running away from them; she did not like it because she had not had peace of mind since she took out her first loan.

Hayden shook her hand, bringing her back from her thoughts. She looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks for your help, Hayden. I am very grateful."

"You are welcome, Alisha. What are friends for? What do you think would have happened if you had not informed me?"

Alisha sighed, relieved she had not hidden it from him. She did not want to tell him because he would undoubtedly pay her debts, and she does not want to be indebted to him.

"Hayden, please keep what I told you between you and me. Stacey had no idea what was going on."

"Okay, I promise."

Alisha regained her senses and realized she had been so close to Hayden, even though it was not her first time being close to him, but it felt different.

She bit her lip to release it after staring at his lips, which appeared to be inviting. Their close proximity made her feel hot. She tiptoed closer to his lips, preparing to kiss him.