The Pit

Entering the building, they reached the bottom floor and Mo Xiuluo saw the top floors which were all seats. In front of him was a giant hole that if you could jump into and people were already fighting.

"The pit, a place where fighting takes place at any time. The rule is no killing and no permanent damage, but other than that, everything is fair." Bing Dong'er's voice echoed from behind.

"Rules?" Mo Xiuluo questioned, as he stared down into the pit.

"Since no killing is allowed, we can use the pit for practicing our coronation. But it's not just a pit for practicing. Sometimes disciples get in fights, and if they want to settle it here instead of out in the open, they can do so here. Also, the elders won't care about your fighting and only step in when it comes to the rules or someone gets too hurt." Bing Dong'er explained.

Mo Xiuluo didn't speak after that, and waited for her to finish her explanation.

"I've fought in the pit multiple times. Since it is still morning, there should be less people right now."

Mo Xiuluo couldn't figure out why she was saying this, and felt her palm pressed against his back as she pushed him down into the pit.

Mo Xiuluo tumbled down into the pit and was confused but landed perfectly and stood back up.

At this moment, Bing Dong'er jumped down and landed right beside him and looked around.

Looking around as well, Mo Xiuluo realized that there was a giant group of people staring at the two of them.

"Get ready, people attack for no reason here." Bing Dong'er said, as she saw people approach them at a rapid pace.

Mo Xiuluo took out his Ashura Great Demon Sword and got into a fighting stance and prepared himself for battle.

The people who were coming were a total of six people. 3 men and 3 women. They each had a weapon, and Mo Xiuluo could tell that they were not weak and could hold their own.

"Follow along and support." Bing Dong'er's voice sounded beside him.

Getting ready to attack and support her and attack the enemies, he could see Bing Dong'er took out both her Two Blue Moons. The wind started to cool around him and could see the enemy look cautious and getting prepared to attack. 

After seeing the enemy getting prepared Bing Dong'er quickly made her first move charging towards them first. Mo Xiuluo quickly followed beside her and slashed at the enemies on their right.

Feeling a wind passing behind her, Bing Dong'er made the first move at attacking the left side by making a quick slash with her right fan in which the male with the saber on the left side deflected by putting his saber in a parrying motion but Bing Dong'er quickly made the next attack by opening her left fan and quickly spinning around by going to the back of the enemy group and making a quick strike to hit the male who deflected her attack previously on the head making him unable to continue on to fight.

Meanwhile Mo Xiuluo clashes blades with the male in front who has a sword but Mo Xiuluo's sword strikes were too forceful making Mo Xiuluo strike clash to the ground. He quickly struck the guy's stomach with his left palm using the Phoenix Palm technique, burning away the rest of the Qi inside of the man's body.

One of the girls took this opportunity to strike at Mo Xiuluo when he was defenceless but was struck back by BingDong'ers fans from behind making a double hitting action which stunned the woman and giving the opportunity for him to follow up with another attack making her unconscious.

Two more enemies remained and the two quickly disposed of them making one attack of Bing Dong'ers fan knocking him unconscious with an attack to the temple of the man's head. Mo Xiuluo using Ashura Great Demon Sword strikes followed up the last remaining lady making her unconscious by quickly putting pressure on her by pinning her body and cutting off her Qi.

"Seems like training will go pretty smoothly," Bing Dong'er commented looking towards him as Mo Xiuluo retorted with a smile while putting Ashura Great Demon Sword into a more comfortable position with his hands.

"Our first battle as a team was quite fun, don't you think?" Mo Xiuluo said, but suddenly a cunning foe hiding in the dark jumped out a Bing Dong'er and Mo Xiuluo hurried and made a quick slash at the man, sending him flying into a wall.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for protecting his Fiancée for the first time and is rewarded with a Blood Charm!]

[Blood Charm: Boosts all Demonic attacks by 10% and appears in the form of an ear ring.]

Both Mo Xiuluo and Bing Dong'er were stunned.

Mo Xiuluo was stunned by the system's voice while Bing Dong'er was stunned by the fact someone actually protected her, a dignified god.

Snapping back into reality, Mo Xiuluo looked at Bing Dong'er who was stunned and took her hand and got her out of the central area of the fighting pit.

Mo Xiuluo dragged her into an Alley while still holding onto her hand. After taking the first left, Bing Dong'er snatched her hand back making her blush from the sudden action.

"What's wrong, senior sister?" Mo Xiuluo looking to his side.

"Nothing… Thanks...for" Bing Dong'er voice not coming out properly looking down on the ground embarrassed by someone actually helping her.

Mo Xiulu picked her chin up and looked directly into her Ice Blue eyes.

"It's natural to help your senior sister as I would to anyone who has a marriage contract with me."

Bing Dong'er controlled her emotions and snorted at him and grabbed the hand he was using to raise her chin and froze it into a popsicle.

"Still flirting! Here I am thanking you and you turn it around! Pervert!" Bing Dong'er said as she started to run while having her hair flow to the front.

Mo Xiuluo had sweat down his head and looked at his frozen hand in sorrow.

'Senior sister...Why do you have to freeze me...' Mo Xiuluo sighed while he circulated his Qi to his hand to melt the ice off.

After 3 minutes he got the ice off and shook his hand to regain his blood circulation.

Mo Xiuluo exited out of the Alley and looked at his fiancée's disappearing figure in the distance.

"She's really pretty." Mo Xiuluo thought to himself and quickly caught up.