Dual Cultivation

The two stayed in the pit for a couple of hours, fighting non-stop. Mo Xiuluo didn't have much of a problem, and the more he fought, the better he got.

The two of them quickly formed a connection, and they could predict what each other was thinking.

But even though they worked together, Bing Dong'er still took on most of the fights and just ordered Mo Xiuluo to attack from the back.

There was noting he could do. Who told him that his future wife was so protective that he doubted that she was the one with a system.

Talking about the system, Mo Xiuluo took out the system reward and hung it on his right ear.

The Blood Charm looked like a black and red gem and shined with a red and black aura around it.

"This charm sure looks nice." Mo Xiuluo admired the gift when he first.

When Bing Dong'er saw the new ear ring, she asked when he wore it and where he got it, but he only dodged her question.

Soon it became night, and the two of them left the fighting pit.

Seeing the moon rising in the sky, both Mo Xiuluo and Bing Dong'er darted back to the Peak of Life and took a long lasted break.

Looking at Bing Dong'er and the side who had a little bit of sweat coming down her face, Mo Xiuluo reach out to wipe some sweat away from her and gave her a smile.

Bing Dong'er didn't say anything, and just gave him a small glance and took out an iced drink from her storage ring.

The two sat in silence as the moon shone down its silvery light, and Mo Xiuluo suddenly thought of something Senior Brother Li talked about.

"That… Do you want to try dual cultivation?"

Hearing Mo Xiuluo words, the liquid in her glass turned to ice immediately.

"You! What did you say!?" Bing Dong'er voice raised and her face turning a bit red.

Mo Xiuluo's hand was waving in defense mode and explained.

"Li Wei told me that dual cultivation is very useful for cultivators, and he said it could bring unexpected benefits."

"Haha! Unexpected benefits my ass!" Bing Dong'er yelled, and Mo Xiuluo's face had a '???' look.

Seeing his expression, Bing Dong'er explained.

"Proper dual cultivation is only meant for two people to become one. But there is probably one thing he didn't tell you. To achieve such an effect one has to be intimate enough to have feelings for each other and have a deep connection. This kind of cultivation is also known as sex, and I refuse to do that with a guy I just met. There is no way in hell I'm losing my virginity to you."

Mo Xiuluo didn't expect Bing Dong'er to say that and was a bit startled.

Bing Dong'er looked at him and gave him a cold look.

"If you try to force me to do it, I'll freeze your manhood."

"Hey, hey, you got it wrong. He said we didn't need to do all of that unnecessary stuff." Mo Xiuluo tried to persuade Bing Dong'er.

Bing Dong'er calmed herself down and stared at Mo Xiuluo and waited for him to continue.

"He said we could try to merge our two Qi's and Spiritual power. He said if we can merge it, it would be beneficial for the both of us."

Hearing him, she pondered a bit.

"So we would just combine our two energies and see if it works, nothing more?"

Mo Xiuluo nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

Bing Dong'er paused and then sighed.

"Since it is for the sake of becoming stronger, I guess I'll have to."

Seeing her agree, Mo Xiuluo got up excitedly and wanted to try immediately but was shot down by Bing Dong'er's ice energy.

"It's late and we're both exhausted. If you're tired, you won't get any results. We'll start tomorrow." Bing Dong'er said, and got up.

"Wait, where are you going?" Mo Xiuluo stopped her.

"Back to my room, of course. I have to take a shower, and we have training tomorrow. You should sleep too." Bing Dong'er replied.

Before Mo Xiuluo could reply, Bing Dong'er already disappeared from his view, and he let out a sigh and headed to his room.

'That went better than expected. She said yes without trying to freeze me.' Mo Xiuluo thought happily.

Entering his room, he took off his clothes and laid on his bed.

His head was filled with thoughts about his Fiancée, but after a while, he couldn't hold it any longer and fell asleep.

The next morning, Bing Dong'er stood outside his door and knocked until she heard a response.

"I'm coming."

After a few seconds, the door opened, and Mo Xiuluo came out bringing the smell of mint into the air.

Bing Dong'er ignored the fresh scent coming from him and began to talk.

"Let's go. We have to finish early, and I need to meditate."

She pushed her way through Mo Xiuluo and came into his living quarters and sat down on a mat.

Mo Xiuluo could only smile at her behavior and didn't bother her and went over and sat across from her.

Bing Dong'er looked at him and took a deep breath and stretched out her two palms. Mo Xiuluo understood her message and stretched out his two palms and touched hers.

'If this is not going to work then we'll see just how good it does.'

Mo Xiuluo wasn't holding much confidence because of the words Bing Dong'er had said yesterday, but he was still going to try for the sake of becoming stronger.

Both of their palms were touching, and both of them closed their eyes to concentrate. Bing Dong'er could feel Mo Xiuluos Palm feeling rough like an adventurer, while Mo Xiuluo felt hers cold as ice and smooth.

Taking a deep breath, she circulated her ice energy while Mo Xiuluo wondered if demonic power and Qi would interfere.

After circulating some Ice energy Bing Dong'er began to mix the spiritual power with it while Mo Xiuluo mixed in his fire energy alongside mixed in his sharp spiritual energy.

Once both Qi's and spiritual power's mixture was combined and Bing Dong'er opened up her eyelids and felt her ice Qi mix Mo Xiuluos fire Qi creating something stronger which caused a lot of benefits.

She felt the speed of refining Qi was doubled and felt her body being strengthened. But feeling that crazy demonic spiritual power being mixed in took a toll on her and exited the state of dual cultivation.

Seeing the sweat on Bing Dong'ers face, Mo Xiuluo knew something went wrong.

"What happened."

Bing Dong'er waved her hand and took a sip of her drink she took out.

"Nothing, but that crazy spiritual power you have is terrifying. I feel like my body was being taken over by some demon."

Saying this, she took a deep look a Mo Xiuluo, causing him to cough.

"My spiritual power is like that. I'm sorry if I hurt you."

Mo Xiuluo answered, and Bing Dong'er shook her head.

"It's fine. We at least now know we have the potential for dual cultivation."

The look in Bing Dong'ers eye's became strange and she muttered something that Mo Xiuluo didn't hear.

"100% match…"

"Huh? Did you say something?" Mo Xiuluo looked at her, confused.

"No. Nothing."

Bing Dong'er's mind was full of thoughts, and she couldn't figure it out.

'Could he be the reincarnation of one of the gods that have come before?'

Bing Dong'er looked at the young boy in front of her. His appearance was quite handsome, and his eyes showed calmness, but his spirit and aura were something she had never seen.

After a minute of silence, Bing Dong'er spoke.

"Are you sure you're fine cultivating the demonic path?"