The Hidden Message in Sleep

Day – Saturday

EXT. Dark Alley – Morning

Skyler is at an alley walking, he sees his mother walking by the opposite side

Skyler Arakawa: Hey Mom (he shouts out loud waving his hand)

Suddenly he stops and looks up a grand piano is pushed from a nearby building and it is falling above Emily, Skyler rushes towards Emily but the grand piano crushes Emily, and blood spills out painting the scene red

Skyler Arakawa: Mom (screams)

The camera flys from Emily's dead body to Skyler's eyes making a transition

EXT. Deserted Highway – Night

Transition complete, the camera comes out of Skyler's eyes

Skyler Arakawa: Where am I?

Emily is standing in the middle of an empty highway

Skyler Arakawa: What is mom doing there?

A group of men pushes her from behind, and Emily falls to the ground

Skyler Arakawa: What the hell, why did they push Mom (curious)

Skyler's eyes widen as he sees a truck with no driver hurting towards Emily, Skyler sprints towards Emily desperate to pull her to safety he screams trying to push Emily out of the way but the truck hits her leaving nothing but a twisted body and splattered blood

Man: It's ok Skyler Arakawa, your mother's destiny is to get killed by us

Skyler Arakawa: Why (anger)

Man: Because she is a God and she gave birth to you

Skyler Arakawa: You mean your gonna kill my mom because she gave birth to me (anger)

Man: Yes now you understand

Skyler Arakawa: But why (shouting)

Man: Why mm... we are God, you all are Gods, there was an agreement which she broke so now it's her destiny to die by our hands and one more thing you can't stop us I mean your father can considering he is the 2nd strongest being but don't worry we will find a way to kill him too

Skyler is breathing heavily confused and filled with anger

Man: I promise you Skyler I will kill your mother in front of you, I will kill your father in front of you, I will kill your sister in front of you and I will kill all your friends in front of you

Skyler Arakawa: What did you just say (anger) (his blood is boiling)

Man: Oh you didn't hear me, let me say it in short I'm gonna kill everyone you love in front of you and you can't do shit about it

Skyler Arakawa: (Turns back) You monster (screaming) sword-style kaminari!

Skyler is about to hit them with his kaminari attack but he gets teleported again

EXT. Forest – Morning

Emily stands in a forest picking up flowers suddenly the roots and vines wrappers around Emily's legs, they tighten and pull her into the earth her face sinks below the surface, her scream because through the forest

You are probably thinking what is Skyler doing well at this point

Skyler has accepted his dream he has accepted that he can't save his mother in his dreams no matter what he does, Skyler is just sitting on a wood looking disappointed and sad

Suddenly a black hole opens side of Skyler and sucks into it Skyler is unsurprised by what's happening

EXT. Astral Realm – Time Nonexistent

Skyler is floating in the Astral realm when he sees a vivid image of someone, he sees a man in darkness but with an aura of overwhelming power and authority, the image becomes clear, showing the blue figure with a calm yet commanding presence

Skyler Arakawa: (Feeling his overwhelming aura) Who... who are you?

Supreme Deity: I am the one above all, the supreme deity (you can feel more aura as he speaks)

Skyler's eyes widen, a mix of fear and confusion flooding his body

Skyler Arakawa: Why are you here and where am I?

Supreme Deity: You are in the Astral realm a place where all beings go as a soul when they die and there is no time here it's nonexistent

Skyler Arakawa: Does this mean I'm dead?

Supreme Deity: No you are not, I can only talk to you in this realm or while you are sleeping

Skyler Arakawa: But I am sleeping

Supreme Deity: I know, I brought you into this realm

Skyler Arakawa: Ok I'm listening

Supreme Deity: I can only talk to you while you are sleeping or in the Astral realm

Skyler Arakawa: Ok I understand that part but why are you here?

Supreme Deity: I am here to tell you about your mother

Skyler Arakawa: What do you mean about my mother, is this regarding the dreams that I get

Supreme Deity: Yes

Skyler Arakawa: Why am I seeing my mother die over and over again

Supreme Deity: You are witnessing the future that you are not trying to change

Skyler's heart pounds fast in his chest, desperation creeping into his voice

Skyler Arakawa: What should I do to change it? I don't want her to die

Supreme Deity: Then train every single day without being lazy, today her word's may seem like more conversations, but in the future, her last words will be, "Skyler help me", before she dies, if you want to avoid that future then you must get stronger

Skyler feels a chill run down his spine the weight of the warning pressing heavily on him, the image of the supreme deity begins to fade leaving Skyler with a newfound determination and a haunting prophecy

Supreme Deity: Also this will be the last time we talk

Skyler Arakawa: Why?

Supreme Deity: Cause the celestial being will know

Skyler Arakawa: I don't understand

Supreme Deity: I will speak to you when you unlock your true power

Skyler Arakawa: My true power, what do you mean by that

Supreme Deity: You will find out soon

Skyler Arakawa: How?

Supreme Deity: Your own father and mother will tell you

INT. Skyler's bedroom – Dawn

Skyler wakes up, the early morning light casting a soft glow in the room he sits up his mind racing with the supreme deity's words, now Skyler knows what he must do, the path ahead is clear, as the sun rises Skyler gets out of bed, a sense of purpose igniting within him, now he is ready to face the day and the future he now has a chance to change

Skyler Arakawa: (Takes a long breath and leaves it) One thing is confirmed a group of gods are coming to earth, why? I don't know, they say it's my mother's destiny to die and she broke many rules by giving birth to me, I don't still understand why they would kill Mom for giving birth to me and the God also said you all are gods in what sense did say that? cause

I'm an angel Jake said it himself or am I really a God

Regardless of this there are 3 more things that the supreme deity said that made me more confused he said the celestial being will know, I don't know much about celestial being cause Jake only briefly explained about him, also he said I will speak to you when you unlock your true power?

But I have already unlocked my power, thunder powers what is the supreme deity trying to say to me? also, one more thing that stood out the most was when he said my mother and father will tell me what's my true power? I'm confused! I can't take this as a joke or serious because it's just a dream but if this prophecy is true in any way, then I will try my best to protect your mom!

EXT. Angel Dimension - Morning 

The scene takes place in the same location where Skyler and Ben encountered Bigfoot, the sun is shining bright as usual and Jake, Skyler, and Ben are present there

Jake Fishman: (standing in the center, facing Skyler and Ben) Alright guys, today I'll show you the basics of fighting with your legs. It's not just about kicking it's about balancing speed and using your legs to defend as well

Jake steps back and motions Ben to step forward. Ben moves in front of him, ready.

Jake Fishman: (to Ben) Let's start with some basic kicks, Watch closely, Skyler

Jake demonstrates a roundhouse kick, He moves fluidly, lifting his knee and snapping his leg out in a swift arc, The kick stops just inches from Ben's torso

Jake Fishman: (explaining) Roundhouse kick, It's fast and powerful, but you need to control your momentum, Now, Ben, try to block it

Ben nods. Jake resets and throws the kick again, this time aiming for Ben's midsection. Ben raises his forearm, bracing against the impact. The sound of the strike echoes slightly.

Jake Fishman: Good block. But remember, use your legs to defend too."

Jake demonstrates this by shifting his weight back and using his knee to block an imaginary low kick.

Jake Fishman: Legs can be shields. Now, let's try a combo: a low sweep followed by a high kick.

Jake swiftly sweeps his leg low towards Ben's ankles. Ben hops over the sweep but is caught off guard as Jake immediately follows with a high kick aimed at his head. Ben barely manages to duck under it.

Skyler Arakawa: (impressed) Whoa, that was fast!

Jake Fishman: (grinning) Speed is key. But it's not just about offense. Now, Skyler, join Ben. Let's see if you two can take me down together.

Skyler steps forward, standing beside Ben. They nod at each other, readying themselves.

Jake Fishman: Remember, work together. Use your legs to block and strike. Let's go!"

Ben rushes in first, throwing a quick jab towards Jake's face. Jake easily sidesteps, but as he does, Skyler lunges forward with a low kick aimed at Jake's legs. Jake jumps, dodging Skyler's kick, and spins in mid-air, landing gracefully.

Jake Fishman: Nice try, but keep your timing in sync.

Ben follows up with a roundhouse kick. Jake blocks it with his shin, absorbing the impact, and immediately counters with a spinning back kick aimed at Skyler, Skyler barely manages to duck, but Jake quickly pivots and sweeps Skyler's legs from under him, causing him to fall.

Skyler Arakawa: Fuck I wasn't ready for that

As Skyler falls, Ben takes the opportunity to attempt a high kick at Jake. Jake catches Ben's leg mid-air and, with a swift twist, pushes Ben off balance. Ben staggers but quickly regains his footing.

Jake Fishman: (smiling) Good, Ben. You're getting faster. But don't forget to keep your guard up.

Jake launches into a series of quick strikes: a low kick to Ben's shin, immediately followed by a knee strike towards his chest. Ben blocks the knee, but as he does, Jake spins and lands a light kick to Ben's side.

Benjamin Grim lock: (breathing heavily) He's too fast, Skyler! We need to coordinate."

Skyler nods, getting back on his feet. They both move in on Jake simultaneously. Ben feints a punch, while Skyler attempts another low kick. Jake, anticipating the attack, jumps and delivers a split kick, one leg aimed at Ben and the other at Skyler.

Both Ben and Skyler stagger back from the impact, but they quickly regroup. They rush Jake together, Skyler aiming a kick towards Jake's midsection while Ben goes for a high punch. Jake twists his body, dodging both attacks, and counters with a rapid spinning hook kick that knocks Ben off balance.

As Ben stumbles, Skyler steps in, throwing a series of quick kicks. Jake blocks the first two, but Skyler manages to land a kick on Jake's thigh. However, the victory is short-lived as Jake immediately counters with a powerful roundhouse kick that sends Skyler reeling.

Jake Fishman: (steadies himself) Not bad, Skyler. You've got potential. But you need to work on your speed and timing.

Skyler, panting, nods in acknowledgment. Ben, equally out of breath, gets back up and charges at Jake. This time, Ben manages to feint a kick and lands a solid punch on Jake's shoulder.

Benjamin Grim lock: Gotcha

Jake smiles and nods approvingly but quickly grabs Ben's arm, pulling him into a knee strike aimed at his abdomen. Before Jake can follow through, Skyler, seeing an opening, rushes in with a flying kick. However, in his haste, Skyler misjudges his aim and accidentally collides with Ben, who is still reeling from the knee strike.

The collision sends both Ben and Skyler tumbling to the ground. Jake stands back, catching his breath, looking at the two with a mix of amusement and approval.

Jake Fishman: (laughing) That was... something. You almost had me there, Ben. But remember, teamwork and communication are key. Skyler, you need to be more aware of your surroundings.

Ben and Skyler sit up, breathing heavily but smiling despite their bruises.

Skyler Arakawa: (rubbing his arm) Yeah, I need to work on that

Benjamin Grim lock: We'll get you next time, Jake

Jake Fishman: (smiling) I'm looking forward to it. Good work, both of you. Now, let's cool down and stretch You've earned it

The scene ends with the sun setting, casting a warm glow over the training ground, and the sound of their laughter echoing through the air

Jake Fishman: Hey guys I want to ask you a question

Benjamin Grim lock: What is it?

Skyler Arakawa: What is it?

Jake Fishman: You know the celestial being right

Skyler Arakawa: Yes

Benjamin Grim lock: A little bit

Jake Fishman: Just out of curiosity, what will you do if the celestial being wants to kill us all

Benjamin Grim lock: Why would he do that?

Skyler Arakawa: Yeah

Jake Fishman: I don't know, maybe he just wants something from someone (looking at Skyler)

Benjamin Grim lock: Like what?

Skyler Arakawa: I know what, revenge I bet his wife cheated on him, bro's so angry that he wants to destroy everything in his path (Skyler and Ben are laughing)

Benjamin Grim lock: Why would ask a question like this?

Jake Fishman: Simply, forgot about it

After 10 minutes Jake asks another question

Jake Fishman: Hey guys

Skyler Arakawa: Mm

Jake Fishman: What's your goal in life

Benjamin Grim lock: I wanna be a detective

Jake Fishman: That's good Ben (looks over Skyler) and you Skyler?

Skyler Arakawa: I don't know man, not a lot of people agree with my goal

Jake Fishman: Well go on I wanna hear it

Benjamin Grim lock: Yeah me too

Skyler Arakawa: My goal is to stop this cycle of death, every time we lose someone to violence or murder, it feels like the world loses a bit of its light but what if we could change that? what if, instead of adding to the pain and bloodshed, we found a way to break this cycle of death? I want to end the violence and give everyone a chance at peace, so we can finally live without the shadow of loss and fear hanging over us

INT. High School Classroom - The Exam Begins

The clock ticks loudly in the quiet room. The invigilator walks in and hands out the test papers.

Invigilator: You have 60 minutes. No talking. Begin.

Ben immediately starts writing confidently. Jake smirks, glancing at the paper before casually starting. Skyler stares at the paper in confusion

Skyler Arakawa: (whispering to himself) Oh, crap. I should've at least gone through the book... or, like, read something.

Benjamin Grim lock: (focused) First question's a piece of cake.

Jake Fishman: (already on the second page) This is easier than the Sunday crossword.

Skyler Arakawa: (panicking, looking around) Uh... Hey, can someone tell me the answer to question one? I'll trade you a Snickers bar...

Ben and Jake ignore him. Skyler leans back, trying to peek at their papers.

Skyler Arakawa: (frustrated) Why the hell did I go out last night? I should've been studying instead of playing Call of Duty with those losers...

Jake Fishman: (without looking up) You know, Skyler, Edison once said, Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. But in your case, it's probably 99% desperation.

Skyler Arakawa: (muttering) Edison can kiss my ass

Invigilator: Mr. Skyler, focus on your paper.

Skyler sighs, going back in his chair. He glances down at the paper and suddenly gets an idea.

Skyler Arakawa: Maybe if I use the 'fill-in-the-blanks' method... When in doubt, C it out!

He starts circling random answers. Meanwhile, Ben and Jake are still writing confidently.

Benjamin Grim lock: (calmly, finishing his last answer) Done. This was easier than I expected.

Jake Fishman: (with a smirk, closing his paper) I could've done this in my sleep.

Skyler Arakawa: (frustrated) I'm so screwed.

Invigilator: (raising an eyebrow) Gentlemen, please keep it down.

Skyler Arakawa: Nailed it. I'm sure the professor will appreciate my creativity.

The invigilator approaches Skyler's desk, glancing at his paper.

Invigilator: Mr. Skyler, do you even know what this exam is about?

Skyler Arakawa: Honestly? Not a clue

The invigilator sighs and walks away, while Ben and Jake burst into laughter.

Skyler Arakawa: (leaning back, grinning) As long as I pass, I don't care. Hey, maybe I'll get a sympathy C.

The clock ticks down to zero. The invigilator collects the papers, giving Skyler one last skeptical look.

Invigilator: Alright, time's up. I'll... look forward to grading these.

Ben and Jake shake their heads as they leave the room, still chuckling.

Jake Fishman: (patting Skyler on the back) At least you wrote something

Skyler Arakawa: Hey, if I fail, I'll just tell my professor that genius is often misunderstood.

All three men laugh as they exit the classroom.

Cut to

Baseball Game: Evergreen Hill Eagles vs. Redwood Valley Wildcats

The crowd cheered as the Evergreen Hill Eagles played against the Redwood Valley Wildcats. Jake, the Eagles' best pitcher, started strong, getting three Wildcats players out quickly.

When the Eagles went to bat, they couldn't score right away. In the fourth inning, their best hitter hit a home run, making the score 1-0.

Jake kept pitching well, and the Wildcats couldn't score. The Eagles won the game 1-0, and the fans celebrated. Jake was the star of the day.


Jake walks off the field, tired but happy. His friends, Skyler and Ben, run to him.

Skyler: You were awesome, Jake!

Ben: Yeah, you nailed it. Great job!

Jake smiles and thanks them as they leave the field together, proud of the big win.

The End Of Chapter 10...

If you have this question then I'm here to answer it 

In chapter 6 Skyler fights Bigfoot, and he was almost about to kill him, in chapter 10 Skyler says that his dream is to stop the cycle of death so tell me why Skyler tried to kill Bigfoot when he wanted to stop the cycle of death?

Skyler doesn't want to kill anyone, but he might still believe in defending himself or others if necessary, his desire to stop the cycle of death in Chapter 10 means that he wants to stop unnecessary killings or senseless violence