Into the Unknown: The Haunted Journey

Day – Sunday

Skyler, Ben and Jake are getting ready for the Haunted House adventure, Ben has given his car to the garage for some problem so Jake is going to pick up both of them on his bike

EXT. Ben's house – Midnight

Jake picks up Ben and they both go towards Skyler's house to pick him up

EXT. Skyler's House – Midnight

Jake and Ben pull in front of Skyler's house

Skyler Arakawa: (Looking confused) What the hell is this?

Jake Fishman: it's a bike you idiot

Skyler Arakawa: I know that but where do I sit?

Jake Fishman: There's a small space behind Ben go sit there

Skyler Arakawa: You really want me to sit at that fucking space

Jake Fishman: Yep (smirk)

Skyler Arakawa: (Sits on the bike) Well fuck you Jake

Jake Fishman: (Smiling) Fuck you too (starts the bike)

They 3 leave for the Haunted House, the Haunted House is in an unknown location

Benjamin Grim lock: Hey Jake

Jake Fishman: Yeah

Benjamin Grim lock: is the tank full

Jake Fishman: I think so, it should be I guess

Skyler Arakawa: Yeah man just in case let's go to the gas station

Jake Fishman: No need to worry the bike won't stop

Benjamin Grim lock: Alright if you say so

INT. Unknown Dimension – Midnight

The Haunted is in the middle of a forest and there are only 2 roads connected to the haunted house

Jake Fishman: I heard a lot of stories about this place that a woman in a white dress will try to approach you

Skyler Arakawa: Ok and?

Jake Fishman: If you see the woman approaching you, you need to walk faster or run

Benjamin Grim lock: And what will that exactly do?

Jake Fishman: There is a myth that if the woman is 10 feet near you, you will get hypnotized by her but if you keep 10 feet distance from her then you are safe

As they are talking to each other suddenly their bike stops

Skyler Arakawa: What the fuck?

Benjamin Grim lock: Jake why did the bike stop

Jake Fishman: Ahh I think we ran out of gas

Benjamin Grim lock: Oh no

Skyler Arakawa: Out of all the places, this bike chose to stop in a (Screaming) middle of a fucking forest

Benjamin Grim lock: Yep and what makes it even worse is that Jake you just told us a horror story 5 minutes ago

Jake Fishman: Don't worry guys the haunted house is just 3 miles/5 kilometres away

Skyler Arakawa: Bitch you think 3 miles is near

Benjamin Grim lock: Both of you shut up, let's just push the bike till there stay together ok

Jake Fishman: Ok

Skyler Arakawa: Alright

Benjamin Grim lock: Skyler you push the bike in front, Jake you behind him and I'll be in the last pushing the bike, come on let's push this damn bike as fast as possible

As they 3 are pushing the bike they hear a sound from the woods from their right side

Jake Fishman: (Puts his hand on Skyler's shoulder) Skyler what was that sound?

Skyler Arakawa: It... it.. it's nothing, it's just a rabbit hopping here and there I guess (scared to death)

Jake Fishman: Ok (also scared)

After a while, there was another sound but they didn't care and thought it was a rabbit again, also they walked 1 mile, remaining 2 miles

They hear one more sound, this sound is close but as usual, they ignore it

Female Ghost: Hey there boys

The 3 boys get scared but remember what Jake told them that never let the female ghost to come 10 feet near them

The voice of the female ghost gets closer and closer then the 3 boys start power-walking

Female Ghost: Skyler, Jake, and Ben, I want to say something come a little closer

Skyler Arakawa: Oh hell nah (scared) I rather get killed by a bunch of Piranhas than you bitch (starts walking faster and faster)

Female Ghost: Come here boys (in a little intimidating voice)

They 3 start jogging

Female Ghost: come here you brats (screaming in a horror tone)

Skyler, Jake and Ben leave the bike or drop the bike in the ground and start running like their lives depend on it

Jake Fishman: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god

Skyler Arakawa: I'm a dickhead, I'm a dickhead, I'm a dickhead, I'm a dickhead

Benjamin Grim lock: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

They 3 run as fast as possible

Benjamin Grim lock: are we really going to run 2 miles

Skyler Arakawa: If you want to be alive then run

They run 2 miles and reach the haunted house, Skyler reaches first behind him is Ben they are breathing heavily Jake catches up to them after 1 minute, and all 3 boys are breathing heavily

Skyler Arakawa: I'm never going to a haunted house again in my life

Jake Fishman: Yeah me too

As they 3 are talking to each other someone puts their hand on Skyler's shoulder, Skyler screams in a girl's voice loudly Jake and Ben also get scared, the person who put their hand on Skyler's shoulder was Moon

Moon Chaeyoung: Is something wrong (shocked)

Skyler Arakawa: Moon (relieved) it's you

Jake collapses unconscious

Mary Raven: Oh my god what happened to Jake

Skyler Arakawa: I think he got scared and fell unconscious

Moon Chaeyoung: I knew it, Jake is scared of ghosts and you Skyler were you scared?

Skyler Arakawa: Who me no way I'm Thunder Knight girl (smirk)

Moon Chaeyoung: Who's that?

Skyler Arakawa: The greatest superhero

Moon Chaeyoung: Never heard of him

Mary Raven: Yep

Benjamin Grim lock: Sounds like a kid's TV show (smiling)

Skyler Arakawa: Alright (depressed)

Mary walks up to Ben and holds his hands

Mary Raven: Ben are you ok? (concerned)

Benjamin Grim lock: Yes (happy and super shy)

Mary Raven: I... I want to tell you something Ben I have these feelings that I wanna say to you

suddenly Moon grabs Ben's hand

Moon Chaeyoung: Hey Ben we need to talk right now! ASAP!

Mary Raven: Wait? (confused)

She holds Ben's hands and walks off a little far from the others

Moon Chaeyoung: Remember Ben when we go to the Haunted House you gotta ask her out ok

Benjamin Grim lock: I have a question?

Moon Chaeyoung: Yes

Benjamin Grim lock: Why are you doing this? like why can't Mary herself tell me that she loves me?

Moon Chaeyoung: She can but I don't know if she's changed or not

Benjamin Grim lock: What do you mean if she's changed or not, did something happen in her past

Moon Chaeyoung: Yes

Flash Back

EXT. A Quiet Park – Late Afternoon

Mary is sitting nervously on a bench holding a folded piece of paper, Daniel a confident man around the same age, walks towards her with a smile

Daniel: (smiling) Hey Mary! you said you wanted to talk about something?

Mary Raven: (Nervously avoiding eye contact) Yeah, I... I've been thinking a lot lately, and I wanted to share something with you (hands Daniel the folded paper) I... wrote it down

Daniel takes the paper, his smile fading slightly as he looks at it with curiosity, he opens it and starts reading it silently, Mary watches him her hand's tremblings slightly

Daniel: (After finishing the poem looking at her with a mix of confusion and disappointment) Mary, I don't really know what to say, I mean this is beautiful... really it is, but... (pause, searching for the right words)

Mary Raven: (soft voice) but?

Daniel: I need to be honest with you, if you can't confess your feelings to me without writing a poem, then... I don't think we can be together

Mary Raven: (Stunned, trying to hold back tears) What do you mean?

Daniel: I need someone who can talk to me openly, who can say what they feel without hiding behind written words, I just don't think this is going to work, I'm sorry Mary, but... if you can't do that, I don't want to date you or even be your friend

Mary looks down, heart breaking as she struggles to find her voice, but no words come, only silence, Daniel stands there for a moment then slowly turns and walks away, Mary watches him leave her eyes are filled up with tears

Mary Raven: (crying) Please come back, I'll change

Daniel: My ass you will change, it's been 2 years since we started dating and I have told you I love you a million times yet you can't even say it back even a single time

Mary Raven: Daniel please don't go!

Daniel: Sorry Mary but I'm done with you

The End Of Flash Back

Benjamin Grim lock: Oh that's sad

Moon Chaeyoung: Yes

Benjamin Grim lock: Ok now tell me what's your plan

Moon Chaeyoung: My plan is that you should avoid Mary's poems

Benjamin Grim lock: What? I didn't understand

Moon Chaeyoung: What I mean is when ever Mary comes up to you, to tell you a poem avoid her completely and act disgusted, there is a chance that she will get PTSD on how Daniel left her and this way Mary would just stop writing poems and tell how she really feels about you or we could go on another route you ask her will you go on a date with me maybe in this she will confess her love to you

Benjamin Grim lock: That's a good idea Moon

Moon Chaeyoung: Yep I knew it (smile)

Mary Raven: (Approaches them) Hey are you guys done talking

Moon Chaeyoung: Yes (leaves them alone) (walks towards Skyler)

Mary Raven: Ok (looks at Ben) Hey Ben

Benjamin Grim lock: Hey Mary

Mary Raven: I want to tell you something

Benjamin Grim lock: Sure go on

Mary Raven: (Looks at him) My heart beats a little faster, With feelings I've yet to be told.

Your eyes, are like stars that I dive into.

In your presence, time has no place, Each moment with you feels secure.

I've watched you from afar, Dreamed of words I'd one day say,

Hoping you'd see who you are, To a heart that beats your way.

In silence, I've admired your grace,

The way you laugh, the way you move, Now courage finds a quiet space, And my love, I must prove.

So here I stand, no longer shy, With a heart that's bold and true, I love you more with every sigh, And hope you feel the same way too.

Benjamin Grim lock: Wow (shocked)

Mary Raven: Ben I wanted to ask you this a long time ago

Cut To

Moon Chaeyoung: Hey Skyler

Skyler Arakawa: Yes moon (melting in love)

Moon Chaeyoung: Can you do me a favor

Skyler Arakawa: Yes anything for you, what is it

Moon Chaeyoung: Call Ben for me real quick

Skyler Arakawa: Ok

Cut To

Benjamin Grim lock: Yes Mary go on

Mary Raven: Benjamin Grim Lock

Benjamin Grim lock: Mm–mm

Mary Raven: Will you go on a date with... (Skyler interrupts)

Skyler Arakawa: Hey Ben come here fast

Benjamin Grim lock: Just one moment, I'll be right back

Mary Raven: Ok

Benjamin Grim lock: (Runs towards Skyler) What is it why did you call me

Skyler Arakawa: Moon told me to call you

Benjamin Grim lock: What is it Moon

Moon Chaeyoung: Come here (takes Ben aside)

Benjamin Grim lock: Why did you call me

Moon Chaeyoung: Did you forget the plan, we would not let Mary say any poems

Benjamin Grim lock: I know but this went so wrong

Moon Chaeyoung: Wait what went so wrong

Benjamin Grim lock: Mary! She said she loves me in her poem which shocked me and she was about to confess her true feelings to me Moon and then right at that time you made Skyler call me

Moon Chaeyoung: Oh my god I'm sorry I thought she was going to say the same poem to you but I didn't know she was going to confess her feelings to you I'm so so sorry Ben

Benjamin Grim lock: It's ok

Moon Chaeyoung: Well what do we do now?

Benjamin Grim lock: We can go with plan B I guess

Moon Chaeyoung: Mm now that Mary has changed when you will propose to her she will also propose to you back

Benjamin Grim lock: Mm-mm and what are you going to do with Skyler

Moon Chaeyoung: (Puts her hand on Ben's shoulder) I'm going to see how strong Skyler is

Benjamin Grim lock: And by doing what exactly well you measure his strength

Moon Chaeyoung: Oh by torturing him physically

Benjamin Grim lock: Make sure you don't end up killing him (sarcastic) (Ben thinks Moon is joking)

Moon Chaeyoung: Oh please I'm not that cruel

Jake wakes up finally after 30 minutes, they all pack up the important stuff they need and leave

INT. Haunted House

They are inside The Haunted House with holding their torch looking here and there scared, and Moon has other plans as she had called someone for help before coming to the Haunted House

As they are on the 1st floor they hear the voice of someone laughing, they approach the voice

Skyler points his torch towards the voice, and they all see a black figure standing leaning on the wall

Skyler Arakawa: Who are you? (curious)

Noah: Me?

Skyler Arakawa: Yes who are you

Noah: Who I am mm, I'm the guy who owns this house and you people come to my house without my permission so you tell me, intruders, how should I punish you

Benjamin Grim lock: Look we didn't know that you own this house alright we'll just leave ok

Noah: Can't let you go mate

Benjamin Grim lock: Why not

Noah: Cause you all just entered my house without my permission and the law says if you have committed a crime you gotta have some consequences

Benjamin Grim lock: What consequences?

Noah: Well you all die (snaps his finger)

The End Of Chapter 11...