Dimensions of Fear and Desire

They all get teleported to another dimension, you see Noah has the power to create dimensions wherever he wants

Noah: Alright Moon I did as you said, now just because I helped you with your plan that doesn't mean I won't try to kill you, what you did to me in the training place I'll never forget that, now you all die

INT. Noah's dimension forest – Morning

Skyler and Moon get teleported to a forest location and its morning time

Skyler Arakawa: Woh what the hell was that? (looks around) where the hell are we?

Moon Chaeyoung: I don't know (she knows but she's acting like she doesn't know)

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension outskirts of the village – midnight

Ben and Mary are teleported to outskirts of the village near them is a castle and its midnight

Benjamin Grim lock: What the hell (shocked)

Mary Raven: Oh my god (tightly holding Ben's shoulder)

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension empty desert – afternoon

Jake is teleported into an empty desert and it's afternoon

Jake Fishman: Oh, my fucking god (in high pitched voice) oh, my, God (annoyed) out of all the places, out of all the places I could have been I ended up here talk about bad luck huh?

Cut to

INT. Haunted House

Noah: Well I'm off now (he leaves The Haunted House)

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension empty desert – afternoon

A glitch type thing happens to the surrounding

Jake Fishman: (Notices the glitch in the background) wait a minute, was that a glitch that I just noticed (thinking) interesting (hands on his chin, looking around) (in his thoughts) I know what's happening, I heard about this powers, someone told me that there was an angel who could create dimension, in his base form the dimension is City size, but in his ultimate form its country size, and since I can see the glitch happening in front of me I think I am in a city-size dimension, also I heard that when you are in this dimension two things will happen you see what you fear the most or you see what you desire the most and in my case I think we all know what happened, I hope everybody else is doing okay

As we can see this dimension makes everyone see what they fear the most and what they desire the most, in Jake's case he got what he feared the most and that is to be in a middle of an empty desert

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension forest – Morning

Skyler and Moon are walking trying to search for their friends

Skyler Arakawa: (Looks at Moon while walking) So, what's your story

Moon Chaeyoung: What do you mean?

Skyler Arakawa: Please Moon, Ben already told me everything

Moon Chaeyoung: That idiot

Skyler Arakawa: So tell me, why don't you feel anything and have no emotion

Moon Chaeyoung: Well that's a long story but you have to answer my question first

Skyler Arakawa: Ok what is it

Moon Chaeyoung: Tell me the truth who and what are you?

Skyler Arakawa: What do you mean like what kind of person I am?

Moon Chaeyoung: No what kind of being are you?

Skyler Arakawa: Well I'm an angel

Moon Chaeyoung: Bullshit I can feel your aura, it has no resemblance to an angel

Skyler Arakawa: I don't understand what you are trying to say

Moon Chaeyoung: It's just that when I'm with you I feel a Gods aura coming out of you!

Skyler Arakawa: What a gods aura?, you gotta be kidding me (confused)

You might be wondering how the hell Moon knows a gods aura, well her stepdad Anthony Fishman is a healer so she knows healers aura, also herself she is a half God and half demon so she knows how a demon aura feels like and her stepbrother Jake Fishman who half God and half healer so yeah she knows how a Gods aura feels like

Skyler Arakawa: (Looks at Moon) I could say the same to you, Moon

Moon Chaeyoung: (They both are walking) what do you mean Skyler?

Skyler Arakawa: You know what I mean (serious)

Moon Chaeyoung: Nope I have no clue

Skyler Arakawa: You sure Moon

Moon Chaeyoung: Yeah 100%

Skyler Arakawa: Then why do I feel half God and half demon aura coming from you

Moon Chaeyoung: (She stops walking) So you got to know huh, who told you this?

Skyler Arakawa: No one I figured it out myself

Also, FYI Skyler hasn't learned how to feel his own aura like Jake and Moon have

Moon Chaeyoung: How exactly did you figure it out

Skyler Arakawa: Well I know how a Gods aura feels like because I felt it when I was trying to kill 4 gods in my dream, I know Jake's aura his an angel but although I feel a little suspicious about him cause some how I also feel a Gods aura out of him, and when I know these 2 aura the only one that's left behind is demonic beings aura so my conclusion is your half demonic and half Godly being

Moon Chaeyoung: (Impressed) Mm interesting I thought you were a dumb person but hey look at you smart man

Skyler Arakawa: (Blushing) Oh you, Stop it, stop it stop it!

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension outskirts of the village – midnight

Ben and Mary are walking, they find a big castle and decide to enter

Benjamin Grim lock: Hello does anyone live here?

Mary Raven: I don't think anyone lives here Ben (her hand tightly holding Ben's shoulder)

The whole village and castle is empty because this is what Mary fears in the most is being alone

They both are on the 1st floor, and they both are sitting on the sofa in front of them there is a balcony and the moon is shining bright toward them Mary is giggling imagining something

Benjamin Grim lock: (Looks at her) What happened? why you smiling

Mary Raven: I'm just happy that Skyler will change Moon

Benjamin Grim lock: What do you mean he will change Moon?

Mary Raven: Well I don't think you know this but Moon acts as if she doesn't have any emotions towards anyone but in reality she secretly she loves everyone especially Skyler, the moment Skyler helped Moon from Jason she started liking him and the compliments that he gave her literally melted her heart but something happened in her past that she prevents from having any type of emotion towards anyone

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension forest – Morning

Skyler Arakawa: So are you gonna tell me now

Moon Chaeyoung: Yes but if you tell anyone about this I'm gonna kill you

Skyler Arakawa: I'm ready to die by your hands my princess

Moon Chaeyoung: I'm not your princess

Skyler Arakawa: Alright my queen

Moon Chaeyoung: (Blushes) This idiot (starts power walking)

Skyler Arakawa: Yo why are you walking faster

Moon Chaeyoung: Simply (trying to hide her feelings)

After 5 minutes they both sit down on grass because they're tried of walking

Moon Chaeyoung: (Looking at Skyler curiously, we can clearly see in her eyes that she has fallen in love with Skyler) Hey you want to know about my past

Skyler Arakawa: I'm only interested if you're interested to say

Moon Chaeyoung: Alright listen up

Flash Back

There was once a lovely 10-year-old girl named Moon, known for her full of energy, expressing every feeling joy, sadness, and excitement without holding back. Her friends loved her for it, especially her best friend, Emma. They spent their days laughing, playing, and dreaming up wild adventures together.

One day, Moon excitedly gathered her friends and said, hey, let's do something unique today!

Emma: What should we do? (curious)

Moon Chaeyoung: You know what? My stepdad has this cool sword why don't we play with it?

At first, the idea seemed like harmless fun. They sneaked into Moon's house and grabbed the sword, a shiny, intimidating weapon far too dangerous for children. At first, Emma held it, carefully swinging it around while they giggled, imagining they were warriors

Then it was Moon's turn. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she picked up the sword.

Moon Chaeyoung: Why don't you act as the villain, and I'll be the hero and defeat you?

Emma: Your imagination is running wild

Emma agreed, playing along, pretending to be the evil villain, laughing as Moon was caught up in the thrill of their pretend battle, she charged at Emma, the sword in her hand.

But in that moment of pure excitement, everything went horribly wrong. Moon swung the sword, not realizing how sharp it was or how close she had gotten. She felt a strong slice, and time seemed to slow down. Emma gasped, blood staining her clothes.

Moon's heart stopped, dropping the sword

Emma: (looked up at her with pained, confused eyes) In the mix of emotions... you cut me

And then, just like that, her best friend was gone.

The weight of what had just happened crushed Moon. But nothing could change the fact that in her moment of excitement, she had taken her best friend's life.

After that day, everything about Moon changed. Emma's last words haunted her, echoing in her mind. She believed that it was her emotions, her passion, and her wild imagination that caused her friend's death. In her young heart, she came to a terrible conclusion that if she let anyone in, if she ever showed her emotions again, they would get hurt just like Emma.

So Moon stopped expressing herself. She stopped showing joy, sadness, or excitement. She became quiet, closed off, and distant. No one could get close to her, and she never let herself trust anyone again, terrified that if she did, they would end up like Emma because of her

And so, she carried that silent burden, hiding her emotions, not out of fear for herself, but because she never wanted to hurt anyone else ever again

The End Of Flash Back

You might think oh, wait a minute if Moon's intentions were only to know what kind of being Skyler truly is couldn't she just ask this in front of everyone? will that's the problem my friend she knows that Jake hasn't told both Skyler and Ben the truth about who they are, she doesn't want their friendship to go on a different path or want them to start a fight with each other, so she made a decision of asking Noah to create a dimension for her, she asked Noah to make 3 dimensions, she specifically asks 3 dimensions because in the first one Jake would be there this would avoid the clash between the friends, in the second one there is herself and Skyler because she wants to ask Skyler what kind of being is he and in the third one there is Mary and Ben she put both of them in a separate dimension because she wanted Mary to express your feelings to Ben and the same goes for Ben too, but little did she know that Noah had other plans for her and her friends when she asked Noah to create a dimension she knew that he is going to do something but she wasn't expecting he will try to kill her.

Flash Back

INT. Angel Dimension Training Ground Showdown

The sun shines brightly over the training grounds. A group of people gather to watch a sparring match. In the middle of the arena stand two people Moon, smiling confidently, and Noah, strong, looking determined.

Instructor: Alright, this is just a sparring match! Keep it clean, keep it fair

The fight begins. Noah charges at Moon with a powerful strike, thinking he'll win easily. But Moon quickly steps to the side, dodging him with ease.

Moon Chaeyoung: Come on, Noah, is that all you've got?

Her teasing tone makes Noah even angrier. He attacks again, harder this time, but Moon blocks each strike smoothly like it's no big deal.

Noah: (frustrated) Stay still, damn it!

Moon jumps gracefully, flipping behind him. The crowd gasps in surprise. Noah, now sweating and furious, attacks again, but Moon grabs his wrist and twists it, making him drop his weapon.

With one quick move, she trips Noah, and he falls hard to the ground. Moon steps on his chest, pinning him down. The crowd cheers and laughs.

Moon Chaeyoung: (mockingly) Looks like I win, big guy

Noah's face turns red with anger and embarrassment. He pushes her off, standing up quickly, fists clenched in fury. The crowd's laughter echoes in his ears, making him feel even worse.

Noah: You... You'll regret this

Moon was smiling, not taking him seriously.

Moon Chaeyoung: (calmly) Relax Noah, It's just practice

But Noah is too angry to listen. The embarrassment, the crowd's laughter—it all burns inside him. He stares at Moon, hatred growing in his eyes.

Noah: (thinking) I'll never forget this. I'll make sure you pay for this humiliation... with your life

As the crowd starts to leave, Moon walks away, unaware of how angry Noah really is. But Noah stays behind, fists still clenched, his mind filled with thoughts of revenge.

He watches her go, already planning how to get even. He wouldn't rest until Moon was gone.

The End Of Flash Back

Cut to

INT. Noah's dimension empty desert – afternoon

Jake Fishman: (Tired) Oh it's so hot (sad) I wish I had some fucking water!

The End Of Chapter 12...