The Path Of Sacrifice

537 Years Ago

The celestial's son has escaped from his father, he arrives at Asgaror to get help, the gods agreed, in that time there was only 1 rank in Asgaror and that's the grandmaster, there were a total 108 million gods Asgaror and in them only 71 million gods are the grandmaster where the rest 37 million gods are born powerless, the celestial being wanted his son back because he needs the imagination power or also known as omnificent being powers

Now you might wonder what's so special about this, well omnificent being is all creating, capable of creating anything and everything, this being is often linked with the idea of being the ultimate source of all that exists, now the celestial being has the power to destroy everything but he's unable to create anything, the child celestial wanted to be sealed in someone so all the gods agree but no god wanted the child celestial sealed inside themself because of the danger it brings to the person, so Skyler's grandmother Sakura Arakawa steps forward ready to get the child celestial sealed inside herself

Child Celestial: (Walks up to Isamu Arakawa who is Skyler's grandfather, he is standing a bit far from her) Hey, thank you for letting me get sealed inside your wife

Isamu Arakawa: (Puts his hands on the child celestial) Its ok man, I know what you've been through

As the child celestial is talking with Isamu, he notices something on Isamu's hand/paws

Child Celestial: (Shocked) that… that thing on your hand, do even know what it is?

Isamu Arakawa: I don't know (looking at his paws) I was just born with it

Now you might wonder what's in Isamu's hands/paws that shocked the child celestial, well there is 1 word written in both of his hands/paws

In his left paw there's Yin and in his right paw there is Yang written

Child Celestial: You have no idea what this symbol means

Isamu Arakawa: Well then tell me what does this symbol mean

Child Celestial: Those who have this symbol are called the marked one, basically you have the potential to damage the celestial being

Isamu Arakawa: Oh, that's amazing (impressed)

Child Celestial: So, what do you say Isamu Arakawa, lets fight the celestial being together

Isamu Arakawa: I don't understand?

Child Celestial: What I'm trying to say is, if I got sealed inside you then you will be known as the chosen one

Isamu Arakawa: And

Child Celestial: Then you can become the distend one and kill the celestial being

Isamu Arakawa: Mm-mm

Child Celestial: So what do you think?

Isamu Arakawa: Ok, what are the things one should do to defeat the celestial being

Child Celestial: If you become the distend one, it will only take 1.5 years of training to defeat the celestial being

Isamu Arakawa: 1.5 years (shocked) nah I'll pass

Valkyrios seals the child celestial inside Sakura Arakawa, Isamu Arakawa starts studying about the Yin and Yang technique and the child celestial gets suspicious about one thing

If you want to know what is Valkyrios then read chapter 08

Also Ethan was 10 years old when this was happening

If the child celestial is sealed inside you, it will take about 15 to 20 years for the child celestial to awake up, why? Well that's how the sealing technique works, there are 2 types of sealing technique

1) FSS (fatal soulbend seal) this is a special technique where if someone is sealed away, they will die, once trapped, their life slowly drains away until they are completely gone, there is no way to escape and nothing can bring them back after the seal kills them

In order to activate or start the seal it requires 6 gods, you can't seal someone alone, you must need 6 gods and then all 6 gods have to say Shiketsu

Shiketsu directly translates to Death Knot or Death Binding, this Shiketsu technique can only be performed by 6 powerful gods, these 6 gods must stand in a hexagon formation each facing the person they want to seal, they all put their hands together in a prayer position and say the word Shiketsu at the same time, when they do 6 glowing red cones appear

Each cone hits the target in different places

2 cones stab into the target's knees, stopping that person from moving

2 more stab onto the target's hands, so that person can't fight back

1 cone hits the chest… trapping their heart and soul

The last cone hits the forehead sealing their mind

Once all the 6 gods hit the target, the person is completely trapped with no way to escape, after a few minutes the target will die

There is only one way to break the Shiketsu, you must kill all 6 gods who performed the seal, and this has to be done before the target dies, once the 6 gods are gone, the seal will break and the target will be freed, however if the target dies before the gods are killed, the seal becomes permanent and nothing can undo it

This makes breaking the seal extremely difficult

2) IBS (inverted balance seal) this technique follows a rule, you can only seal something into its opposite, if its something non-living, like energy or a spirit, it can only be sealed inside a living being, you can't seal 2 things that are the same like a person inside another person or energy inside another energy they must be opposites

Now you might be thinking hey wait a minute, you just said that you can't seal 2 things that are same, then how did Valkyrios seal the child celestial inside Sakura when they are the sames beings

Well let me explain, the rule of the inverted balance seal says that you can't seal 2 beings of the same type, a being can only be sealed inside an entity and an entity can only be sealed inside a being

The reason why Valkyrios was able to seal the celestial child inside Sakura Arakawa is because the child celestial had a secret, inside him the cosmic entity was already sealed

Since there was an entity sealed inside the child celestial, the child celestial could now be sealed inside a being like Sakura Arakawa

This is how the seal worked, even though the rule says 2 beings can't be sealed together the entity inside the child celestial allowed the seal to follow the rule of opposites

Ok back to the story, if you have done the sealing wrong and want to use the child celestial's and cosmic entity's powers then you would have to wait 15 to 20 years to use the power of the child celestial and you have to wait 14 billon years to use the cosmic entity's power as I mentioned in chapter 14

The child celestial did not tell anyone even Sakura Arakawa that there is cosmic entity sealed within him

Sakura Arakawa is a librarian and has read over 13.27 million books and has all the knowledge

When a being/entity is sealed inside you, it can access your memory, so whenever Sakura was asleep the child celestial read her memory's

Cut to

Also if there is a being sealed inside you and you want to talk to it than you would have to go to a place inside your mind, its not a real physical place, but more like a mental or spiritual space where you can connect/talk to the being, you can enter this place only by meditating

INT. Inner Realm

The scene is taking place inside Sakura's mind

Child Celestial: (Confused) Wait what are these memories that I am seeing?

The child celestial sees 7 gods going agents the celestial being

Child Celestial: I'm not scared about the 7 gods that are attacking my father because he is stronger than those gods, but there is something written in these books that makes me more confused its written that… every 500 years a marked one is born, as I remember correctly the 7 gods that tried to kill my father were all marked one and each of them came every 500 years and I always thought, why can't they all come together to fight my father, but this answers my question

As the child celestial is looking through her memories, he finds something more disturbing written in another book

Child Celestial: (Shocked and sweating) Wait, what is this written in this book

As he is reading it, he found something written in it

Child Celestial: It says that all those 7 gods that tried to kill my father were connected, no no no (shocked) this can't be real (his hands are on his head) it says that all those 7 gods are connected, they all belong to a single clan, they all had 2 things in common 1st they are gods and the 2nd is they all had the same last name (the camera zooms towards the child celestial face) the last names of all these 7 gods were Arakawa…

The End Of Chapter 22…