517 Years Ago
INT. Asgaror – Isamu's House – Morning
Its been 20 years since the child celestial was sealed inside Sakura, there is a big party going on for Sakura because today is her birthday, she is same age as Isamu 630 years old, every single god is present for this party and that is 108 million…
Why so many? Because Isamu Arakawa is everyone's favorite god out of all the grandmasters, Sakura is super happy
Ethan Arakawa: (Walks up to his mother) Happy birthday Mother!
Sakura Arakawa: (Holding Ethan's cheeks with her both hands) Thank you Ethan!
Anthony and Brook walk over Sakura
Anthony Fishman: Happy birthday mam
Brook Grim Lock: Happy birthday mam
Sakura Arakawa: Thank you cuties (squeezing both of their cheeks)
Cut to
On the other side there are 2 grandmasters doing something fishy
Alexander Okamoto: Open the portal fast!
Christopher Kobayashi: Hold on I'm trying to find where the ball is!
Christopher is using a device called Abyssal Resonator it took them 50 years to create it, it looks like a dark obsidian orb, it's a onetime use only
Christopher Kobayashi: Hey I have a question
Alexander Okamoto: What is it?
Christopher Kobayashi: Why can't demons just come in Asgaror, you know they can open a portal to anywhere
Alexander Okamoto: I don't know but demons and angels can't open a portal in Asgaror for some reason
Christopher Kobayashi: Yep I found the ball
Christopher throws the ball down on the ground and a portal opens up straight to demonic dimension
All the demons are standing ready for war
Demon: Hello god
Christopher Kobayashi: Hello
Demon: Valkyrios is not here right?
Alexander Okamoto: Yeah we finally managed to send him out of Asgaror for few weeks
Demon: Good
Christopher Kobayashi: So, the threat is gone right
Demon: Not exactly cause Isamu is still here
Christopher Kobayashi: And what's he gonna do
Demon: Kill us
Christopher Kobayashi: How?
Demon: He is the only god who has Yin and Yang written in his hands
Christopher Kobayashi: And what will that do?
Demon: There are only 2 ways you can erase immortality first through Yin and Yang also whoever has Yin and Yang written in their hands they are called the marked one, and second is through a Nullblade
Cut to
As Sakura is talking to the other gods, Isamu takes Ethan to the ruff to talk about something
Ethan Arakawa: Father what do you want to talk about?
Isamu Arakawa: Something about your mother
As Isamu starts taking, Ethan listens carefully
Isamu Arakawa: You know that the celestial's child is sealed inside your mother right
Ethan Arakawa: Yes, I know father
Isamu Arakawa: Its been 20 years since the child celestial has been sealed inside your mother
Ethan Arakawa: Mm-mm the celestial being can't come to our universe right because of the seal that Valkyrios did?
Isamu Arakawa: Yes but Valkyrios is not in Asgaror as of right now and he was the one who always made sure nothing is going wrong in anything
Ethan Arakawa: Yeah he is mother's bodyguard
Isamu Arakawa: Mm-mm but he is not here and I'm having this bad feeling
Ethan Arakawa: (Thinking) Father tell me more about this celestial being that everyone is afraid of?
Isamu Arakawa: You want to know about the Celestial Being? You've no idea the kind of evil you're asking about
Ethan Arakawa: Tell me how he is born
Isamu Arakawa: He was born out of pride and greed, the cosmic entity that made it fool that it was gifted the celestial being unimaginable power like fate manipulation and distraction powers but that wasn't enough, oh no… he wanted more, he demanded a celestial child an innocent gift and when it was given, he used that child as a weapon, a vessel to trap the very entity that created him
Ethan Arakawa: Trapped the cosmic entity? How?
Isamu Arakawa: A sealing spell… the cosmic entity was betrayed by its own creation, was sealed away inside the child and what did the celestial being do after that? He created 11 more versions of himself… copies, reflections, each one as real as the original all spread across the multiverse conquering and destroying universes
Ethan Arakawa: What about the child?
Isamu Arakawa: The child escaped, a miracle, if you believe in such things, fled to Asgaror the land of the gods, the child celestial insisted that he wants to be sealed because if the demons come to Asgaror they won't know who has the child celestial sealed inside them
Ethan Arakawa: But... if it's sealed, we're safe, right?
Isamu Arakawa: Safe? Boy, nothing stays sealed forever, the celestial being is still out there, watching and waiting for the perfect time to attack, he's patient, far more patient than any being could imagine
Ethan Arakawa: Why would cosmic entity even create such a thing?
Isamu Arakawa: Why does anyone play with fire? Because they think they can control it, the cosmic entity thought it was creating perfection instead it unleashed the closest thing to pure evil known to this multiverse… pray you never meet it, pray the son stays sealed
Ethan Arakawa: So you mean nobody could stand against him? No one?
Isamu Arakawa: As per the ancient books there was one man… the supreme deity, a deity so ancient and powerful that even the celestial being dared not approach him, there are many books over him stating that he was the one who created the cosmic entity
Ethan Arakawa: Than why can't he kill the celestial being himself?
Isamu Arakawa: Because the is a seal to our multiverse that won't allow anyone to enter the multiverse
Ethan Arakawa: Who put that seal father?
Isamu Arakawa: The cosmic entity itself!
Ethan Arakawa: Why would she do that?
Isamu Arakawa: There is no reason to that in the books
Ethan Arakawa: So the supreme deity can't help us?
Isamu Arakawa: Not exactly… he knows how the user could unlock the cosmic entity's power
Ethan Arakawa: (Thinking) Mm-mm, father lets find if there any book that could tell us how to use the power of cosmic entity so that mother could use it to protect herself
Isamu Arakawa: That can't happen!
Ethan Arakawa: Why?
Isamu Arakawa: Because if you want to use the child celestial's fate manipulation and cosmic entity's imagination power then you have to be born as a marked one like me
Cut to
Sakura Arakawa: So Brook how is everything going on in your home
Brook Grim Lock: (Sad) Not good mam… my father is abusing my mother every single day nonstop, and my mother, that poor soul can't take it, (he holds Sakura's hands) please mam do something… help my mother from that monster, I tried to stop him but I'm not strong enough to do anything
Sakura Arakawa: (Puts her hands on his shoulder) listen to me… after this party I am going to tell Isamu about this, he will beat your father and your mother will never be abused ever again
Cut to
Isamu Arakawa: You can only talk to the supreme deity if you are the marked one
Ethan Arakawa: So you are also the marked one father why can't you take the seal off mother and seal the child celestial inside you and talk to the supreme deity himself
Isamu Arakawa: Well that's impossible
Ethan Arakawa: Why father?
Isamu Arakawa: Because if you want to take away a seal from someone to someone else, you would have to wait 50 years to do it or if by chance if you take away the seal before 50 years then the host or the user who had the seal will die
Ethan Arakawa: So that's why you making sure mother is safe all the time
Isamu Arakawa: Yes its been 20 years since the child celestial has been sealed inside your mother, the moment its 50 years I will take the seal from your mother and place it on myself
Ethan Arakawa: Wow father you love mother that much?
Isamu Arakawa: I do
Ethan Arakawa: And then when the seal is on you the supreme deity will tell you everything right?
Isamu Arakawa: Not exactly… he speaks in riddles, never offering a straight answer… some say he's testing us, waiting to see if anyone is worthy of wielding such knowledge and others believe he is waiting for the perfect moment to strike the celestial being
Ethan Arakawa: So if you understand the riddle that the supreme deity said you can finally kill the celestial being right
Isamu Arakawa: Kill the celestial being? You think it's that simple? This isn't some villain you can cut down with a normal sword, the celestial being isn't just flesh and bone, it's a force, a cancer that infects everything it touches
Ethan Arakawa: Then how do we kill him? With the Nullblade?
Isamu Arakawa: No, Nullblade doesn't work on the celestial being… there is only 3 ways you can injure the celestial being
1) You have to be the marked one, because that's the only way you can use Yin and Yang
2) You have to be the chosen one, then you will get the power of fate manipulation so that you can rewrite your death and see every single possible fate of yours, also your body changes a bit giving you the power in which each punch or kick will hurt the celestial being but that's not enough to kill him
3) You have to be the distend one, then you will get the full power of cosmic entity's imagination power, you can use that power like you can erase the concept of fate manipulation before the celestial being could alter the future or see his fate, also you will get a sword called the Omniblade which can kill the celestial being, the omniblade also works on Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnifarious and omnimalicious
Ethan is thinking very deep
The omniblade is fluid in form, shifting constantly, reflecting the infinite possibilities of its power and its connection to every aspect of existence and non-existence
It obliterates the concept of the target, it can pierce not only flesh but space, souls, time, and even the essence of omnipresence
The omniblade can "find" its target anywhere, no matter how dispersed or concealed
The sword can only be wielded by the distend one and the cosmic entity
Each strike erases the past, present, and future of whatever it touches, ensuring that even omniscience cannot perceive the event or reverse it
Isamu Arakawa: Ethan, promise me that whatever happens you will protect your mother
Ethan Arakawa: I promise father whatever happens I will protect mother
Ethan leaves and starts talking with Anthony and Brook, while Isamu is talking to the other grandmasters
Cut to
Christopher is laughing holding a button in his hand, he clicks on the button, after a few seconds later 50% of the Asgaror starts getting blowen up one by one, everyone is scared and start panicking
Ethan Arakawa: The fuck is happening?
Anthony Fishman: I don't know but somethings wrong
We can hear people screaming in pain and everything is in chaos
The camera turns 360* around Ethan, as he searches for his mother
Ethan Arakawa: Mother? mother?
He keeps on searching but at one point he hears a voice, a voice of his mother screaming in pain, Ethan looks at his mother who is getting dragged by her hair in the hands of a demon
Ethan gets angrier as each second passes, he sees his mother, he launches towards the demon in rage screaming
Ethan Arakawa: Take your fucking hands of my mother… you filthy demon
He takes a sword out of his left hand and is about to cut the demon in the back
Demon: Fool… do you really think I don't see that coming
As the demon thinks Ethan's attack is slow, he turns back thinking he will kill Ethan but Ethan teleports behind the demon and cuts the demon in half… his body falls into 2 pieces
Ethan Arakawa: Are you ok mother
Cut to
On the other side Isamu is talking to other grandmasters
Grandmaster: Holy shit Isamu I didn't know that you are currently the strongest grandmaster!
Isamu Arakawa: Yeah talk about it
Suddenly they see all the explosion happening in Asgaror
Isamu Arakawa: (In his thought) Wait a minute I sense a demonic aura coming from where Sakura was!
Cut to
There are group of women trapped in a house and there is a demon with them
Demon: Oh my my look at all of you… so hot and fuckable
As the demon is about to rape a woman suddenly Brook kicks the demon on his face
Brook Grim Lock: How dare you touch a woman without her consent
Brook is filled with rage
Flash Back
Brook is 10 years old and is playing with a toy when he suddenly hears a load noise from the living room
Paul Grim Lock: How many times should I tell you bitch (he is holding her neck)
Anna Grim Lock: I'm sorry, I'll try remembering the next time
Anna has a memory loss problem… she can't remember somethings as per her condition
Brooks father Paul is an alcoholic and often abuses his wife
In the morning Anna is bruised up crying in the kitchen
Brook Grim Lock: Hey mom, are you ok?
Anna looks at Brook while crying
Anna Grim Lock: Yeah
For the next 15 years Paul keeps on abusing Anna
One night Paul comes back home drunk, as soon he sees Anna he gets angry and kicks her, she falls to the ground
Anna Grim Lock: What did I do Paul, why are you hitting me
Paul Grim Lock: because I married a dumb bitch like you!
As Anna is on the ground Paul takes off his belt and starts hitting Anna very brutally non stop
Brook is watching it scared and angry, he has a knife in his hand
Brook Grim Lock: Take your hands off her dad
Paul Grim Lock: Oh… why don't you make me (smiling)
Brook run towards his dad Paul holding a knife, but Paul beats the crap out of his own son…
Anna Grim Lock: (Begging) Please Paul stop beating our son… Paul… Paul stop
The End Of Flash Back
The camera zooms out of Brook eyes as he is in rage
Brook Grim Lock: (Pulls a sword out of his left hand) Kaze no kosen
Cuts the demon in half
Brook Grim Lock: Is everyone's ok?
Woman: Yeah but another demon kidnapped a girl and run away that way before you came to rescue
Brook Grim Lock: Alright
Brook goes to save the girl, there is a track of blood, Brook looks at that and follows it
Demon: You look so tasty
The demon grabs the girls both hands as she is on the ground, he leans in to bite her neck but before the demon does that his head gets cut
Brook Grim Lock: Aka no kaze
The demon falls down and its head beside it, Brook is checking on the girl
Brook Grim Lock: Are you ok?
The girl nods her head, but points her hand towards her right leg, Brook looks at that leg and carry's her to safety and the girl does sign language and tell him thank you
Brook Grim Lock: Sorry but I don't understand sign language, if you are trying to say thank you then you're welcome
Cut to
Isamu is flying towards Sakura but the whole sky gets dark
Isamu Arakawa: What the hell is going on
He doesn't know that someone has placed him in an illusion
Alexander and Christopher are using a kid
Alexander Okamoto: Good job Hiroshi
Hiroshi: Thank you sensei
Christopher Kobayashi: How old are you Hiroshi?
Hiroshi: I am 27 years old sir
Christopher Kobayashi: For a 27 year old kid you are really good at this Hiroshi or should I call god of illusion
Hiroshi laughs
Hiroshi: But sir isn't this wrong what we are going
Christopher Kobayashi: What?
Hiroshi: Trapping the grandmaster in an illusion
Christopher Kobayashi: Well kid that's not wrong because we are evil!
As Hiroshi is using his illusion on Isamu, a man comes up to Christopher holding a woman, Hiroshi looks at that woman
Hiroshi: Wait a minute
Man: Sir what should I do with her, only she was alive in the search area
Christopher Kobayashi: Kill her
Hiroshi: No... she is my sister!
Christopher Kobayashi: Boy, we are evil and that means we shouldn't have feeling for anyone
Hiroshi: I don't care about that… she is my sister and she sacrificed her life and everything for me I'm not let you kill her!
Christopher teleports behind Hiroshi and is about to attack him but Hiroshi uses his illusion powers before Christopher could even do anything
Alexander Okamoto: Ahh this these idiots are going to kill me out of frustration… good thing I created these (holding a black triangle shaped device)
That device is called trivex, a powerful triangular device that absorbs and stores a person's powers, making them powerless for 4 to 5 years, once the power is taken, it remains inside Trivex forever, allowing the user to activate it at any time anywhere, even after the original person regains their power back, trivex still holds their stolen power, example if a human uses trivex on a god lets say fire god and he stole the powers of the god, after 4 to 5 years the god gets his powers back but if the human still hasn't used the trivex then he can use it against the god, fire vs fire, but the gods power may glitch somethings…. It's a onetime use like you take someone's powers and then use it the triangle will turn into ashes, however creating this device is nearly impossible because it requires a single drop of Celestial's blood
Anyway Alexander uses trivex on Hiroshi, before Hiroshi could figure out whats happening Alexander kills Hiroshi
The illusion goes off, Isamu is confused as hell
Isamu Arakawa: What the fuck was that… wait Sakura
He starts flying towards Sakura, there are so many demons killing grandmasters and Isamu is ignoring all of them focusing just on Sakura, a bunch of demon's steps in his way
Demon: Hello grandmaster
Isamu Arakawa: Get out of my way
Demon: I don't think I can do that, ora no hatsugen – Kyodai jigen
This attack creates a big dimension, now Isamu is trapped under this dimension
Demon: Hey grandmaster I hear they say you are the strangest one here huh? Well tell me as the strongest one can you break this dimension that I created, which is as big as 3 universes
Isamu Arakawa: (Laughing) Fool… do you really think I am weaker than you
Demon: What you mean by that?
Isamu Arakawa: What I mean is do you think my limit is only 3 universes that's it?
Demon: Are you saying you are stronger than 3 universes?
Isamu Arakawa: (Laughing) In my base form I can destroy 7 universes (laughing out like an evil person) if I can do that in my base form then just imagine what I could do in my ultimate form and dragon form
Isamu kicks the dimension and it breaks, after he does that more demons came to fight him
Isamu Arakawa: Look you not going to achieve anything but death by fighting me, get out of my way
As all the demons get ready to use ora no hatsugen
Isamu Arakawa: Didn't you all just hear what I said
Demon: We will take our chances
Isamu Arakawa: Ahh I can just kill you all under 1 minute but I am too lazy to swing my sword today, I guess I have to use my ultimate form now
Demon: You wouldn't dare to use it
Isamu Arakawa: Since I am the marked one I can erase someone out of existence just by using my ultimate form and flexing my aura
All the demons say ora no hatsugen at the same time
Isamu Arakawa: Hikari no Fushi Kamiwaza – Kōri no Shihai
Isamu uses his ultimate form and erases all the demons out of existence
Cut to
A group of gods who are born power less are in fear, they all are in a big half collapsed house
A demon walks in laughing, blood is dripping from his hands
Demon: Is this all that remains of the so called gods of Asgaror? Hiding like insects, powerless and broken!
All the gods are scared, among them is an elderly god, he has long beard, as the demon is about to attack the gods Anthony walks in saving them
Oldman: Looks at yourselves (telling to every god in the room) isn't any one going to help him
Man: What, does it matter? Without our powers we are nothing, we cannot fight, we cannot win
Oldman: Wrong, you are a god not because of your powers but because of your will, look out there… do you see him?
The old man points his hand towards Anthony who is fighting the demon, Anthony keeps getting his ass beaten but he keeps getting up covered in blood but still not giving up
Oldman: Look at that healer, he has no powers, he was not even born in Asgaror and yet he fights like a lion, not because he is strong but because he refuses to kneel
All the gods are inspired by his words
Oldman: If a healer can stand and fight for a place he wasn't even born at, then what are you all waiting for? Get up! Take up stones if you must, strike with your bare hands if you have to but fight! Let this demon know that gods are more than their powers!
Demon: You can't defeat me healer
Anthony Fishman: Let's see about that
Cut to
Ethan is still fighting the demons, he is cutting demons with his swords from left to right but they keep regenerating, Ethan gets tired and his attack becomes slow as it goes
Demon: Forget about it kid, you can't kill us
The demons take Sakura to a high place, to a machine called velkor
Velkor is a machine that was created by Alexander, the velkor is created to undo the inverted balance seal, you have a being sealed inside you then this machine will unseal it and the user/host will die
So yeah, as the demons take Sakura to the machine, all the demons pin Ethan to the ground making him unable to move, a demon turns on the velkor, a blue light goes through Sakura… she screams in pain
The camera zooms in Ethan's eyes showcasing what is happening to Sakura, blood comes through Sakura's eyes, nose, ear, and mouth
She looks at Ethan in sadness reaching out her left hand
Sakura Arakawa: Ethan help me!
The camera zooms out of Ethan's eyes as he watches his mother getting tortured
The screen goes black
Ethan Arakawa: Hi, Hi, Hikari no… (Ethan's heart is beating fast) Hikari no… (all the demons who are near Ethan step away from him scared and Ethan gets up screaming) Hikari no Fushi Kamiwaza – Hi no Shihai
Demon: No way this kid just used an ultimate form
All the demons are shocked to see Ethan
Demon: He is just 30 years old and he achieved an ultimate form, it takes 70 years for a god to achieve an ultimate form
Hikari no Fushi Kamiwaza is a form also known as ultimate form, when a god uses this form, he will be immortal for a certain period of time, also his powers will become 2x like as Isamu said if he can destroy 7 universes in his base form then when he uses this form he can destroy 14 universes
Drawback is this form will completely drain your energy
Ethan throws his sword at the velkor and it crakes, all the demons starts attacking Ethan at the same time and he starts killing each demon one by one even though they keep regenerating
Ethan Arakawa: Rengoku Ha shan
This attack makes a double strike combo and hits the target
As Ethan is fighting all the demons, Sakura barely has any strength but she tries to escape as far as possible knowing she will die eventually
Sakura is on the ground, her clothes are torn, she knows the real danger is coming soon
She is searching for anyone at this point, why? Because she knows that Ethan can't keep on fighting the demons forever, so she plans to seal the child celestial inside someone else making sure that if the demons did find her, they won't get the child celestial that's sealed inside her
Sakura sees a girl far away and calls her, her eyes are wide with desperation, her hands are trembling as she reaches for the girl
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Hey mam are you ok? do you need any help?
Sakura Arakawa: (She is in pain and unable to breath) You have to listen to me, there's something sealed inside me, something powerful, something the demons want, they're coming for me and they'll kill me to take it
Emily looks confused
Emily Inochi Tarinai: What are you talking about?
Sakura Arakawa: You have to let me seal it inside you, if you don't the demons will kill me
Emily looks at Sakura in more confusion, because she's young and she doesn't understand the gravity of the situation
Sakura Arakawa: Please, I don't have much time, they're coming… if you let me seal it inside you they won't know where it went, they'll think its still in me and they'll leave you alone, you'll be safe
Emily was searching for her mother, in the middle of the war
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Are you sure I'm going to be safe?
Sakura Arakawa: You won't die I swear, you won't
Emily Inochi Tarinai: The thing that's sealed inside you, is it evil?
Sakura Arakawa: Its not evil it's a force of creation, it will keep you safe
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Really?
Sakura Arakawa: Yeah
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Ok I'll do it
Sakura seals the child celestial inside Emily
Sakura Arakawa: Its inside you now… run away and please don't let the demons find you
Emily runs away
Ethan's ultimate form goes off, and Ethan gets his ass beaten my demons
He falls far away on a rock covered in blood, he as accepted that he is useless because he couldn't save his mother
Flash Back
EXT. Asgaror's School – Morning
We see Sakura and Isamu dropping off Ethan for his first day of school
Ethan is walking to his school, suddenly Sakura stops Ethan
Sakura Arakawa: Hey Ethan hold on a minute, its your first day of school, let me take a photo of you
She takes a photo of Ethan, after the taking the photo she comes close to Ethan and starts squeezing his cheeks left and right
Ethan Arakawa: Stop it mom you're embarrassing me, I'm not a baby anymore
Sakura Arakawa: No matter how old you get you'll be a baby to me
Ethan walks to the school
Ethan Arakawa: Alright fine, goodbye
Sakura Arakawa: Don't say goodbye
Ethan Arakawa: Why not?
Sakura Arakawa: Cause it feels like you are saying bye to a dead person, instead say alright or bye mom I'll come back
Ethan Arakawa: Alright mom I'll come back and save you from his monster
Isamu Arakawa: From his monster? I'm your father you idiot
Ethan Arakawa: Yeah that's what I meant to say
Isamu Arakawa: Come here you idiot
Ethan runs from his father
End Of Flash Back
Ethan Arakawa: I have no purpose… I couldn't save her, I failed as a son, there's nothing left for me to do but die!
Ethan closes his eyes accepting his fate, all the demons get ready to finish off Ethan
Demon: Ora no hatsugen – Hi no Tama
Hi no tama means fire ball, as the demons throw a fire ball at Ethan, suddenly a man appears in front of Ethan and takes all the damage to himself, Ethan opens his eye to see what happened, it turns out to be Brook
Brook Grim Lock: Hey brother what are you doing?
Ethan Arakawa: Brook?
Brook Grim Lock: Yes its me what are you doing?
The demons try to attack one more time, Brook turns back
Brook Grim Lock: Kaze no kosen
There is a huge dust all over now the demons can't see where Ethan and Brook are, as Brook takes Ethan to a different place
Brook Grim Lock: Hey stay with me! don't you dare give now
Ethan Arakawa: What's the point? she's gone… I couldn't save her
Brook Grim Lock: I know you are in pain but there's more to life than giving up, you think she would want you to end up like this? lying here, giving up? she's gone but you're still here, you still have a chance to live, to make her proud, to find a new purpose
Ethan Arakawa: But I don't know how, I don't know if I can
Brook holds Ethan's face
Brook Grim Lock: There is always something to live for, even in the darkest moments, there's a spark of light… that light is hope, its love, it's the memory of her smile and everything she believed in, don't let the darkness take that away from you, there's still beauty in this world and you have to fight to see it again
Ethan Arakawa: Ok… I'll try… for her
Brook smiles looking at Ethan
Brook Grim Lock: That's right, we'll get through this together step by step
As Brook is motivating Ethan not give up on his life, the demons find both of them and are ready to attack again but someone cuts their hands, all the demons are in shock on what happened
Anthony Fishman: Hey dickheads… the fuck are you 2 doing?
Brook Grim Lock: Just delay it for a while
Anthony Fishman: Bitch we are in the middle of the war, not playing some video games
Brook Grim Lock: (Screaming) Just do it
Anthony creates dust from the ground, making the demons unable to see again
Brook and Anthony are having a little pep talk with Ethan
As they are talking Brook and Anthony notices something happening
Anthony Fishman: What's happening to your sword Ethan?
His sword is becoming a Nullblade, I have explained what Nullblade does in chapter 19, now I am going to tell how to get one, ok in order to turn your normal silver swords into a Nullblade you have to experience extreme physical and mental pain, which Ethan did getting tortured by demons physically and seeing his mother die, unable to do anything to save her give him mental torture
Ethan Arakawa: (looking at his sword) Guys I think I will take from here
Anthony Fishman: I'm sorry what!
Ethan Arakawa: I'm not gonna repeat myself
Brook Grim Lock: Brother you are not ready to fight
Ethan Arakawa: Didn't you hear me Brook! I'll take it from here
Brook and Anthony stay away from Ethan
Ethan walks in front of the demons
Ethan Arakawa: Yoo demons… ready to have a rematch… with my Nullblade this time
The demons are shocked to see
Demon: No way in hell I'm scared of a 30 years of boy
Demon: He is the youngest god to achieve the Nullblade
Ethan launches towards the demon killing all of them one by one, the demons start panicking because they are not regenerating
Ethan Arakawa: Flame Fang Explosion
This attack summons a lion face that bites the opponent and explodes on impact
Cut to
A female god goes through the demonic dimension portal, for some reason
Cut to
After a while Ethan's ultimate form goes off again now, he is tired and powerless as he has no energy to fight, after a few minutes he falls to the ground unconscious
All the demon stop fighting with Ethan and bring the velkor towards Sakura thinking she still has the child celestial sealed inside her, as the demons are about to turn on the velkor, the velkor gets cut in half, all the demons are in shock and look behind them and Ethan is watching everything laying on the ground
Isamu Arakawa: Yin Yang… dragon's petrifying touch
This attack calls upon the yin yang dragon, capable of petrifying anything it touches, even the slightest contact can petrify your full body, the petrification is absolute and irreversible, and no force in existence, not even celestial beings can restore what has been turned to stone
If you use this attack on the celestial being it won't turn him into stone it will only injure him a little
Most of the demons become stones and the other run away from Sakura, Isamu runs towards Sakura who is in the ground, her kimono is torn covered in blood
Isamu kneels down trembling, tears rolling down his face
Isamu Arakawa: Oh my god no no no, Sakura no… please don't leave me… I can't live without you, I can't
Sakura Arakawa: Hey Isamu (she breaths shallow)
Isamu is holding her hand and head tightly, his tears falling onto her cold skin
Isamu Arakawa: Just wait we still have time Sakura, just hold on, I'll find a healer
Sakura Arakawa: No Isamu… its too late for me, if you are thinking a demon killed me then you are wrong because our son didn't let that happen… I am dying cause I… I sealed the celestial inside someone else
Isamu Arakawa: Who is it?
Sakura Arakawa: Inside a girl named Emily Inochi Tarinai
Isamu Arakawa: I can't do this Sakura, I don't know how to live in a world without you, you're my everything
Sakura Arakawa: You'll never be alone Isamu, I'll always be with you as long as you remember me in here (places her hand on his chest)
Isamu's purple glasses fall to the ground
Sakura Arakawa: Hug me Isamu
He hugs her tightly crying
Sakura Arakawa: (Unable to breath) Isamu… I… I love you
Her body goes still, he holds her more tightly crying out loud, even Ethan starts crying, after a while he stops crying and puts her body down… he looks at his purple glasses
Flash Back
INT. Asgaror – Isamu's House
Isamu is sleeping on the sofa, Sakura wake him up
Sakura Arakawa: Isamu do you know what day it is today?
Isamu Arakawa: Hmm… is it the day I finally win an argument with you
Sakura Arakawa: Haha! Keep dreaming, but anyways happy birthday birthday boy! Or should I say grandmaster Isamu Arakawa
Isamu Arakawa: Birthday boy? I'm 595 years old not 100 years old to call me a boy
Sakura Arakawa: Yeah yeah alright
Isamu Arakawa: (Sarcastic) Oh my god today is my birthday?! How could I forget? Wait, does this mean I don't have to do the dishes today?
Sakura Arakawa: Nice try, you're still on dish duty after dinner but first I have something for you
Sakura pulls out the small box and places it in front of him
Isamu Arakawa: Is it food? Please tell me it's food, I've been starving ever since you banned midnight snacks
Sakura Arakawa: If it were food, you'd finish it before I blinked so no, this is something you can't eat for once, open it!
Isamu carefully unwraps the box, revealing a pair of purple glasses
Isamu Arakawa: Sakura, are you trying to turn me into a fashion icon? Because I have to warn you, once I put these on, I might become irresistible
Sakura Arakawa: Yeah sure, that's exactly what I was thinking now try them on, Mr. Irresistible
Isamu Arakawa: it looks great but why purple
Sakura Arakawa: I chose purple because I thought you would look really hot and handsome on it
Isamu Arakawa: You're too good to me Sakura I don't deserve you
Sakura Arakawa: Well, someone's got to keep you in line
Isamu Arakawa: Thank you for the glasses, my queen I shall use them wisely... mostly to find the snacks you've hidden from me
Sakura Arakawa: You're impossible! But you're mine, and that's enough
End Of Flash Back
Demon: Good thing that she died, makes it easier for us to unseal the child celestial
Isamu gets up slowly his back against them, he wears his purple glasses
Isamu Arakawa: Hey you 3 is everyone safe
Brook Grim Lock: Yes sir
Isamu Arakawa: Good, now I can finally use the dragon form!
The dragon form also known as Ananta Shaktiya Oḍambaḍike (if you can't pronounce it then you can say it like this for a while, Anan-ta Shak-tiya Oḍam-baḍi-ke)
Ananta Shaktiya Oḍambaḍike meaning is infinite power covenant or agreement
When you use this form a dragon spirit appears with an agreement in which it gives you infinite powers in exchange for your lifespan, example an average human can live for 80 years and if the human uses this form then for every single minute he is in this form he will lose every single year of his life, 1 minute = 1 year
That's why so many gods are scared to use this form
Also your power level in this form is 10x, again as Isamu said he can destroy 7 universes in his base form so when he uses this form he can destroy 70 universes
Isamu Arakawa: You 3 get out of here
Anthony Fishman: Alright sir
Isamu looks at the demons in anger
Isamu Arakawa: Ananta Shaktiya Oḍambaḍike
All the demons who are under 50 kms get erased out of existence, Anthony, Brook and Ethan are far away from Isamu
Also one more thing, in ultimate form Isamu can choose who he wants to erase out of existence but in dragon form he can't do that, if you are near 50 kms then you will be erased out of existence
Ethan Arakawa: Brook, Anthony give me your energy!
Brook Grim Lock: Ethan your father is taking care of the demons, you don't have to do this
Ethan Arakawa: Just do as I say
Ethan is in rage not ready to listen, so Brook and Anthony agree to share their energy, they 2 put both of their right hand on Ethan, and they both say something at the same time
Brook Grim Lock: Shakthi vibhajan
Anthony Fishman: Shakthi vibhajan
Shakthi vibhajan means strength division or in similar terms energy distribution
Ethan gets up, still in anger
Ethan Arakawa: Hikari no Fushi Kamiwaza – Hi no Shihai
He starts attacking demons
Ethan Arakawa: Honoo no kyugeki
Cut to
A child demon named Lucifer comes out the demonic dimension portal, he sees that all the demons are losing, he gets anergy… in his pov Ethan is killing all the demons
Cut to
Isamu kneels downs and puts his sword in the ground
Isamu Arakawa: Glacier Collapse Strike
This attack summons a massive ice spikes from the ground
Cut to
After a while another child demon named Satan comes out the demonic dimension portal with a mentor
Demon: Keep an eye on Lucifer, make sure he is on the right path!
Also by the way Isamu is 630 years old as of right now but he used dragon form for 30 minutes so now he is 660 years old
Also by the way in the end both Isamu and Ethan managed to kill 72 million demons which is 50% of the demons
The End Of Chapter 23…