Ashes of the Past - Shadows of the Present

447 Years Ago

Its been 70 years since the war happened

EXT. Asgaror – Midnight

A woman is getting chased by a group of men, she is screaming for help, these 5 men have raped her for hours, her cloths are ripped/torn

She is unable to breath because these men have been choking her while raping her, she is unable to run, blood comes out of her uterus area

As these 5 men catch up to the woman, before they are about to touch her, 4 men's hands get cut

They scream in pain

Brook Grim Lock: Men like you are the reason woman are scared of all men

Brook cuts the 4 men into little pieces without showing any mercy

One man escapes from Brook, as he is running he turns back to see if someone is following him, he bumps into something

Anthony Fishman: Hello rapist

Man: (Holds Anthony's legs and begs) Please let me go sir, I will never touch a woman in my life

Ethan Arakawa: Do you even know what a woman is? a woman is not an object, she is not something you take when you feel like it, she is strength, beauty and fire, she carries life inside her, she builds homes from broken pieces, she is a daughter, a sister and a mother, a force this world cannot live without and you… you tried to break her

Man: Please let me live

Ethan uses this powers and burns the rapist alive, he burns 80% of the rapists body, he screams in pain and blood spills on the floor, his clothes are almost burned away, his skin turns black, smoke comes out of his body and his face is barely recognizable melted from the heat

Man: (Looking at Anthony and Ethan, breathing heavily) You fucking monster help me!

Ethan Arakawa: Monster? That's rich coming from you, you're not a man, you're a disease

The rapist coughs blood from his mouth on the ground, his body trembles in pain

Man: Please help me it hurts!

Ethan Arakawa: Good, it should hurt, that woman begged you to stop, she cried and you just laughed while raping her

Anthony Fishman: Here (throws his sword on the rapists body) take it, you need help right… cut your throat, me killing you would act as if I'm showing you mercy

The rapist is realizing that if he doesn't get a quick death then he will die here slowly and painfully

He brings the sword near his throat and slashes his own throat instantly, choking on his own life… after few minutes his body goes still

Cut to

By the way Isamu is 700 years old and Ethan is 100 years old… Anthony and Brook are 5 years older than Ethan

EXT. Asgaror Training Ground – Morning

Anthony is training all by himself in the training ground, suddenly a group of gods attack him, they pin him on the ground holding him tightly making him unable to move

Anthony Fishman: What are you all doing?

A man punches Anthony on his face

Nebelon Jones: Shut up healer, you have no right to talk right now

Man: Yeah, you have no right at all, I mean look at yourself, do you think you belong here on Asgaror, with us, with all the gods huh?

After the war ended something happened, most of the gods became egoist and racist, they only accept their kind and treat others like they are outsiders

Man: Come on now, break out of this, aren't you strong… healer?

Nebelon Jones: Nobody likes you healer, you are all alone in this world

Anthony tires to break out it but he is not that strong, as these gods are beating up Anthony suddenly a sword fall beside Anthony, all the gods look up

Brook Grim Lock: Who said he's alone?

Ethan Arakawa: He's got us

Cut to

There is a Sakura sitting under a pink tree, Isamu is far way from Sakura, he looks at her and starts walking towards her

Isamu Arakawa: Sakura?

As Isamu is walking towards her, a demon suddenly uses ora no hatsugen and blows her head

Cut to

INT. Isamu's House – Morning

Isamu wakes up from his bed all sweaty and traumatized

He's back in his room, realizing his wife is gone, he runs his hands through his hair, his fingers are shaking as he reaches for a half empty whiskey bottle on the nightstand, he opens the bottle and finishes all the whiskey in one go

Every single day Isamu wakes drinking a beer or a whiskey, he goes to the living room sits on the couch, bottle in his hand staring blankly at the tv which plays static, there are unwashed dishes piled up in the sink

Isamu has took a break from being a grandmaster, he has been in depression for 50 years after his wife died, in these 20 years Isamu trying to get out of depression

A god goes to school for 50 years, the other 50 he or she must train every single day, when they turn 100 they have to join college and the college will be only for 1 week, after that you can either get a job and mind your business or you can work for grandmaster by taking a part in the tournament

Most of the people like to get a job, also I want to tell you all the people living in Asgaror are gods, some are born powerless and some are born with powers

Example Skyler is born with powers like he is God of thunder and his sister Sophia is born without any powers

The End Of Chapter 24…