A Broken System

INT. Asgaror – Classroom – Morning

It's the first day of college, all students sit at their desks, some chatting quietly

A male teacher walks in the class

Teacher: I heard that there's a student in this class who is mute?

A girl with expressive eyes slowly stands up

Also from now on if Priya says/sign languages something I address it in a round bracket () and if she thinks something like in her thoughts I will show it in a square bracket []

Priya Grim Lock: (Me)

Teacher: Get out!

Priya is confused

Priya Grim Lock: (What did I do wrong?)

Teacher: (Raising his voice) I said get off my fucking class!

As all the students are talking about how the teacher is being rude, Brook suddenly stands up from his seat

Brook Grim Lock: What the hell is wrong with you? She didn't do anything wrong!

Teacher: (Pointing at Brook) You want to join her? Get out

Ethan Arakawa: Brother just say sorry

Anthony Fishman: Its not worth it man, sit down

Brook looks at Priya, then back at the teacher

Brook Grim Lock: No!

He grabs his bag and walks out of the class

EXT. Asgaror – Hallway – Morning

Priya and Brook stand outside the classroom, Priya looks at him, eyes filled with gratitude

Priya Grim Lock: (Thank you for standing up for me)

Brook Grim Lock: You're welcome… that guy's an asshole

Priya watches him, her heart pounding fast, she tries to say something but Brook doesn't understand, so she takes a book from her bag and hands it over to Brook

Brook Grim Lock: (Taking the book) You want me to read this and learn sign language

Priya nods her head, and tries to say something

Priya Grim Lock: (I am the girl you saved from that demon)

Brook checks in the book to look at what she is saying, he reads the sign language and understands what Priya is saying

Brook Grim Lock: Oh I remember you, I saved you from that demon and you tried to say something but I didn't understand

Priya Grim Lock: (I'm glad you remember me)

Brook Grim Lock: (Smiling) Well its not like I meet a mute woman everyday

Both Brook and Priya laugh

She looks at Brook

Priya Grim Lock: [In her thought – Brook… thank you for saving me from the demons, the world needs more men like you, who would risk their own life to save someone else, without expecting anything in return]

Brook Grim Lock: It must be hard, not being able to talk like everyone else

Priya Grim Lock: (Maybe but I see what others miss, I listen in ways they never do)

Brook Grim Lock: Doesn't it ever feel... empty? Not being able to say what you want?

Priya Grim Lock: (Silence is never empty, it is filled with all the things words are too small for)

Brook Grim Lock: I wish you could shout at people when they mistreat you

Priya Grim Lock: (A silent scream can shake a heart louder than words ever could)

After a few minutes the class gets over, all the students run toward the hallway, we see Anthony running fast

Anthony Fishman: I'm going to win that contest no matter what!

Ethan holds Brooks hand and pull him

Ethan Arakawa: Brook… Anthony is taking a part in the food eating contest come fast!

Brook Grim Lock: (Looking at Priya) Alright Priya see you later, bye

Priya Grim Lock: (Bye Brook)

INT. Asgaror – Cafeteria – Morning

The food eating contest stage is set with a long table, plates stacked with burgers, there are a bunch of people cheering

Host: (Holding a microphone) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual big bite challenge! Today our contestants will battle for the grand prize… a custom black suit!

The crowd cheers

Host: Let's meet our eaters! First up, the rejoining champion, Big Tony!

Host: And challenging him today, we have… Anthony Fishman, also known as the strongest healer

Anthony Fishman: I need that suit

Big Tony: (Laughs) You? This ain't a kids game boy

Anthony Fishman: Shut the fuck up, you bold motherfucker… you are already in your death bed die fast

Host: Alright competitors, hands on the table… and go!

A bell rings, the contestants dig in, Anthony eats slowly while Big Tony eats like a machine

Crowd: Chew! Chew! Chew!

After a few minutes the time is up

Host: Five… four… three… two… one!

A loud buzzer can be heard

Host: We have a winner… Anthony

Anthony Fishman: I told you I needed this suit

The host gives Anthony the black suit

After the food eating contest was over, everyone was walking over to attend the next class

As Ethan is walking with Brook someone throws a water balloon at Ethan accidently

Ethan Arakawa: The fuck?

Woman: Sorry Ethan!

As Ethan ignores and starts walking, he hears a woman crying, so he looks behind

There are a bunch of women bullying Emily by throwing water balloon at her

Ethan Arakawa: (He steps in front of Emily looking at the bully's) Hey stop, what are you doing?

He turns behind and looks at Emily to make sure if she is ok or not

Ethan Arakawa: (Concerned) Hey are you ok?

She is crying without saying any word, Ethan looks at everyone

Everyone is laughing at Emily because her cloths are see through

Man: Oh my god look at body

Woman: This is what happens if you are poor

Man2: Her boobs are very nice

Man3: Forget that look at her ass

Ethan quickly removes his shirt and places it on Emily

Ethan Arakawa: Here wear my shirt… your cloths are see through

Brook and Anthony are distracted in something else, Ethan tells everyone to stop bullying her, and everyone listens to him because he is a grandmaster's son

Ethan looks at Emily very closely

Ethan Arakawa: Are you going to be ok?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Mm-mm

Ethan Arakawa: Take care of yourself alright!

As Ethan is walking towards Brook he hears a voice from behind

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Hey wait

Ethan Arakawa: Yeah

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What's your name?

Ethan Arakawa: Ethan Arakawa! And yours?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Emily Inochi Tarinai

Ethan walks over to Emily and shakes her hand

Ethan Arakawa: Nice to meet you Emily, take care ok

Ethan runs towards Brook, Emily is standing looking at him

Flash Back

Emily is 20 years old

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Mom… nobody wants to be my friend because I'm poor, everyone bully's me

Emily is crying while hugging her mother

Luba Inochi Tarinai: Hey look at me, all this will be over

Emily Inochi Tarinai: When?

Luba Inochi Tarinai: When you meet the man

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What man?

Luba Inochi Tarinai: A man who will protect you when you are in danger!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Why would he do that?

Luba Inochi Tarinai: Because a true man will never let anyone suffer

The End Of Flash Back

Emily looks at Ethan

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (In her thoughts) Ethan… are you that man?

Cut to

INT. Asgaror – Court – Afternoon

There are 6 judges in the court, a man named Ryan Parker is asking the judges to punish 4 men who are harassing his sister

In Asgaror there is no lawyer you must defend yourself with proof

Ryan Parker: Your honour, these 4 men are tribble gods are harassing my sister every single day

Jennifer Parker: Yes your honour, they are harassing me every day (she starts crying) I can't take it any more

Judge: If you can't take it anymore then kill yourself, quit your life

Ryan Parker: I'm sorry what!

Judge: You heard me, a woman is nothing but a man's slave, she does not have the right to do anything against a man

Ryan Parker: Are you hearing yourself

Judge: Yes can't you hear me?

Ryan Parker: Being a woman that you are don't you have any shame saying things like this

Judge: No… not at all

Ryan Parker: What if someone harasses your own daughter, would you still say the same thing your daughter

Judge: Yes, and listen carefully a woman is nothing in front of a man, we are not as strong as them, as are not as smart as them and we are just an object for them to play with, even if you have any proof that these 4 men have harassed you, you only have 20% chance of winning this case even with the proof

Ryan Parker: I don't agree with you… maybe all the things that you just mentioned about woman are just you describing yourself

Judge: Excuse me?

Ryan Parker: You heard me, my mother is a powerless god yet she killed 17 men gods who had powers, what do you say about that?

Judge: Don't care, don't give shit about your mother or anybody

Ryan Parker: People like you are the reason, Asgaror is not growing

Judge: Nice joke… but very well case dismiss

Jennifer Parker: Brother… this is the 13th time my case has been dismissed, will I ever get justice

Ryan Parker: You will sis… you will

Cut to

The 4 men who harassed Jennifer are planning something evil to do

David: Jennifer is starting to get on my nerves, we should something bad to her, something horrible

Oliver: Like rape?

James: Now that's a good idea!

Daniel: We can't do that to her because someone can see us kidnapping her, and that will only get us in more trouble

David: What if we make the Grandmaster rape her…

The 4 men laugh as they are going to ruin a woman's life

The End Of Chapter 25…