INT. Asgaror – Classroom – Morning
The teacher is saying something about blessing and the students listen
If you are wondering that, if this is the same teacher that kicked Priya out of the class then no
Emily gets up from her chair asking something
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Sir, what if someone does not feel blessed?
Teacher: Mm, Answer my questions, and I will see if this person is blessed or not
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Ok
Teacher: Do this person have a bed to sleep in?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Do this person have clean water to drink?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Do this person have clothes to wear?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Did this person unlocked their powers?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Does this person eat food every single day?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Does this person live inside a house?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Does this person have freedom?
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yes
Teacher: Then you are blessed
Emily Inochi Tarinai: I wasn't talking about myself sir
Teacher: I know
There is a long pause between the teacher and Emily
Teacher: Sometimes, we overlook the simplest things that make us blessed
The teacher is trying to tell that blessings are often found in the everyday things we take for granted
After the class was over Emily walks toward Ethan
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Hey Ethan
Ethan Arakawa: Yeah
She hands him his shirt
Emily Inochi Tarinai: Your shirt
Ethan Arakawa: I don't need it anymore, you can throw it out
Brook calls Ethan so he says bye to Emily but she stops him
Emily Inochi Tarinai: (Smiles with shyness) Thank you… for saving a nobody like me yesterday
Ethan Arakawa: A nobody? No, you're not a nobody, you're someone who's been through more than most, yet you still stand, that's strength, you don't need to prove your worth to anyone, especially not to yourself, the world may try to knock you down but your true power is in getting back up, you're not invisible Emily, you're unforgettable and I'm just lucky enough to see that, and if anyone bully's you anymore you just tell me, ok?
Emily looks at Ethan with her admiring eyes
Ethan turns back and walks away leaving her standing there, for the first time in a long time, Emily feels seen, truly seen and in this moment, she realizes something she never thought that could be possible, that maybe, someone in this world believes she matters other than her mother, and that she doesn't just blend into the background
She watches him walk away
Emily Inochi Tarinai: He sees me, he really sees me… maybe there's something more to me than I thought, maybe there's more to this world than I realized, maybe… I matter
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Brook's House – Morning
Brook has bunked the college today, he is in his room reading the sign language book that Priya give him
He hears a loud sound, so he checks what's happening
Paul comes home kicking the door, this was the loud noise that Brook heard, anyways he comes inside the house, his wife Anna was watching the TV sitting on a chair, she turns back scared, Paul kicks the chair
Paul Grim Lock: How dare you watch the TV
Anna stumbles but does not fall to the ground
Paul Grim Lock: Oh my god… the nerve to get back up
He slaps the shit out of her and she falls to the ground, Brook is watching all this happen
Anna gets up and walks over to the kitchen angerly and comes back, she looks at Paul and hands him a divorce paper
Anna Grim Lock: Take this, I'm done with you
Paul Grim Lock: Do you really think its that easy to get rid of me
He takes the divorce papers and rips it into 2 pieces, he kicks her so hard that she gets slammed into a wall, blood comes out of her head
He removes his belt
Paul Grim Lock: Today I'll show you… why you can't divorce me
Anna eyes are filled with tears
Paul Grim Lock: Because I, am, your fucking husband
As Paul is about to hit her with a belt, Brook comes in front of his dad, his back against his father, he is looking at his mother as she is scared to death
Brook Grim Lock: Hey mom, are you ok?
Paul doesn't stop beating with his belt even if Brook stepped in taking her place
After a while Brook holds Paul's belt and stops him, Brook punches his own father in the face
Brook Grim Lock: I'm not a weakling anymore dad!
Paul gets unconscious after he crashes into the wall, Brook hands a sword to his mother
Brook Grim Lock: Take this and kill him mom… I'll take all the responsibilities for this
Anna is crying in rage while killing her husband
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Library – Morning
It's a quiet library, the air smells like old books, Anthony enters the library
Woman: (Whispering) Oh my god, its him
Woman2: (Whispering) Anthony Fishman… the hottest healer
Anthony is searching for a book called "The Forgotten Heist"
Woman: Look at his posture, he stands like he doesn't give a damn about anything
Woman2: And he wasn't even a soldier! Just a healer who decided, yeah I'll rescue some people today
Woman: Why is disinterest so sexy?
Anthony finds the book he needed and starts reading it right there
Woman: Ok, someone has to ask him out
Woman2: No way! He'd just say no and keep reading, he probably doesn't even know what romance is
Woman: Maybe he's into quiet girls, like the mysterious type or maybe he likes confident women
Woman2: Ugh, I don't know if I can handle rejection from him, it would be too powerful
Woman: What if he says no without even looking up? That's a death sentence
Suddenly a woman walks up to Anthony, she flips her hair and smirks
Vanessa Fishman: Hey there big guy
Anthony turns a page without looking up
Vanessa Fishman: Reading anything… steamy?
Anthony Fishman: It's a bank robbery book, it's as steamy as a rock
Vanessa Fishman: Rocks can get hot you know, ever heard of lava?
Anthony Fishman: Are you trying to flirt with me using geology?
Vanessa Fishman: You bet your fine uninterested ass I am
Anthony looks at her for 1 second and goes back to reading his book
Anthony Fishman: No
Vanessa Fishman: (lowering her pinkish glasses) So cold, so distant… so sexy
Anthony Fishman: (Turning a page) Please leave me alone
Vanessa Fishman: Aww, come on Fishman, I heard all about you, the war, the heroism, the effortless coolness
Anthony Fishman: You heard wrong, I just happened to be there
Vanessa Fishman: Oh, so you're saying you weren't a hero?
Anthony Fishman: (Turning another page) What I'm saying is I was just walking somewhere and happened to see a demon on my way, that's it
Vanessa Fishman: And you happened to save 32 people in that process
Anthony Fishman: They were luckily in my way
Vanessa Fishman: Interesting… can I call you daddy?
Anthony Fishman: (Still reading) No!
Vanessa Fishman: Mm-mm I feel like we'd make a great couple, I'm bold, beautiful and I have so many ideas on how we could spend time together
Anthony Fishman: (Without looking up) I don't date
Vanessa Fishman: Well I do
Anthony Fishman: Sounds like a you problem
Vanessa Fishman: Ok, lets play a game, if I can make you laugh, you take me out for dinner
Anthony Fishman: I'd rather be hit by a bus
Vanessa Fishman: You like public transportation huh? Great, our first date can be on a train, super romantic
Anthony Fishman: Do you have an off switch?
Vanessa Fishman: (Wiggling eyebrows) Yes its right down the kitty hole
Anthony closes his book
Anthony Fishman: I'm going home
Vanessa Fishman: Is that an invitation?
Anthony Fishman: No!
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Kobayashi's house – Evening
The 4 boys who harassed Jennifer have gone to grandmaster Christopher Kobayashi's house, David, Oliver, James and Daniel
Oliver: Why are we coming to grandmaster Christopher Kobayashi inside of grandmaster Alexander Okamoto
David: Because grandmaster Christopher Kobayashi likes raping woman and grandmaster Alexander Okamoto doesn't
After few minutes Christopher comes to meet them
Christopher Kobayashi: Tell me boys, what brings you all here?
David: We are here to make a deal grandmaster
Christopher Kobayashi: What kind of deal are we talking about?
David places a photo of Jennifer, and Christopher picks it up
Christopher Kobayashi: What do you boys want?
David: We want you to rape her that woman
Christopher Kobayashi: Interesting… what do you want in return?
David: We just want to be there while you rape her
Christopher thinks about it and agrees to rape her
Christopher Kobayashi: Ok I will rape her but I want to see her first
Oliver: Why?
Christopher Kobayashi: I just want to see if she is rape-able material
David: Ok
They shake hands agreeing the deal
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Hospital Room – Evening
Isamu comes to hospital for a visit, his old friend is about to die
Isamu Arakawa: (Carrying flowers) Hey asshole, how are you?
Theodore Maxson: Better than you dickhead
They both smile
Theodore Maxson: Isamu, you know that I am god of time right?
Isamu Arakawa: Yeah
Theodore Maxson: I have to tell you something
Isamu Arakawa: Go ahead!
Theodore Maxson: I have seen the future
Isamu Arakawa: What are you talking about?
Theodore Maxson: Just listen to me
As Isamu is listening carefully Theodore says something shocking
Theodore Maxson: someone from your clan will give birth to a chosen one!
Isamu Arakawa: When does this happen, who is it… my son Ethan?
Theodore Maxson: I can't tell you everything about the future… but yes, your son Ethan Arakawa will marry Emily Inochi Tarinai in the future
Isamu Arakawa: But I was planning on taking the seal out of Emily and putting it on myself
Theodore Maxson: You have to scrap that plan of yours
Isamu Arakawa: Sakura wanted me to become the chosen one
Theodore Maxson: Isamu, Isamu, listen to me… if you go that path you will die, I've seen the future
Isamu Arakawa: What I should do?
Theodore Maxson: Do not fight anyone, you can stop a fight but don't start a fight with anyone in Asgaror, don't use your ultimate form or dragon form in Asgaror until the war happens
Isamu Arakawa: What war?
Theodore Maxson: The war that units everyone… everyone will unite to kill the celestial being, the war starts differently but your grandson will unite every single being
Isamu Arakawa: Tell me more about my grandson?
Theodore Maxson: People call him by many names
Isamu Arakawa: Like what?
Theodore Maxson: Thunder Knight, the beacon of hope, the blood crowned demon and so on and on, but mostly… people call him the boy who brought peace to the whole multiverse
Isamu Arakawa: Can I know his name?
Theodore Maxson: Sure… his name is… Skyler Arakawa
Isamu is shocked when he hears that name
Flash Back
INT. Asgaror – Hospital Room – Morning
Sakura is in a hospital bed, Isamu is holding her hand and the doctor stands beside him
Doctor: Congratulations! You two are having twin boys
Isamu smiles and kisses Sakura's forehead
Isamu Arakawa: 2 little warriors
Sakura gently places her hand on her belly smiling
Sakura Arakawa: We're going to be so happy
Isamu Arakawa: We should start thinking of a name
Sakura Arakawa: Its 2 boys right? Why don't you name the first boy and I'll name the second?
Isamu Arakawa: (Thinking) The first boy's name will be… Ethan, Ethan Arakawa
Sakura Arakawa: That a nice name, now my turn (thinking) mm, I will name the second baby Skyler… yep that's what I'm gonna name him Skyler Arakawa
Isamu Arakawa: Wow that's a better name then Ethan
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Delivery Room – Night
A few months later its time to deliver the baby's, Sakura cries out in pain, Isamu stands by her side holding her hand tightly
Isamu Arakawa: Come on Sakura push, push, push
The doctor pull the baby out, and hands the baby over to Sakura, Isamu places his hand on the baby's head
Isamu Arakawa: Your name will be Ethan Arakawa
Sakura is exhausted but still smiles
Sakura Arakawa: Isamu… look at him, he so cute
After a few minutes the doctors prepare for the second baby, the baby comes but its not breathing the doctors try their best but are unable to do anything
Sakura Arakawa: (Crying) No!
Doctor: I'm… I'm so sorry
The doctor places the lifeless baby on Sakura's arms, Isamu is kneeling down on the floor his left hand on his mouth and the other holding Sakura, he is unable to process what just happened
Sakura Arakawa: Skyler… my angel…
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Isamu's House – Morning
Isamu is telling all this to his son Ethan who is 12 years old
Isamu Arakawa: So that how your twin brother Skyler Arakawa passed away
Ethan looks at his father
Ethan Arakawa: Father?
Isamu Arakawa: Yeah?
Ethan Arakawa: When I have a son… I'll name him Skyler Arakawa
Isamu smiles looking at Ethan
Isamu Arakawa: Sure
The End Of Flash Back
Isamu Arakawa: (Emotional) So Ethan named his son after his dead twin brother huh?
Theodore Maxson: Don't be happy so fast Isamu because darkness hovers over that boy
Isamu Arakawa: What do you mean by that?
Theodore Maxson: Everyone Skyler truly loves will die in front of him
Isamu Arakawa: What?
Theodore Maxson: That's how he becomes the true chosen one, when everyone he loves dies in front of him
Isamu Arakawa: (Concerned) So Emily and Ethan are going to die?
Theodore Maxson: Yes and no
Isamu is confused
Theodore Maxson: There is a future where Skyler doesn't give up and in anger he uses time and fate manipulation and prevents everyone's death but 2 people will die despite that
Isamu Arakawa: (Hits a nearby table in anger) Why does everybody have to die?
Theodore Maxson: I understand your pain Isamu
Isamu feels very sad knowing about the future but there is more information to come
Theodore Maxson: That's not all…
Isamu Arakawa: Are there more deaths…
Theodore Maxson: (Tears starts coming out of his eyes) Someone who isn't your son but you love him like a son… will sacrifice his life saving Ethan
Isamu Arakawa: Is it Brook? Or Anthony?
Theodore Maxson: I can't tell you that my friend, but when that person dies the celestial being will come… and in that time… please don't lose your temper and try to attack the celestial being all by yourself
Isamu Arakawa: I won't… (he looks at his friend dead in the eye) is there anything I must do?
Theodore Maxson: Yes… after that person dies, you must to go to universe 38!
Isamu Arakawa: Why?
Theodore Maxson: To train the other chosen one!
Isamu is thinking something
Theodore Maxson: His name is Ashiro Kazuki, they call him the multiverse walker, he will be born 108 years before Skyler
Isamu is still thinking
Theodore Maxson: Isamu, look at me! These boys need your help to kill the celestial being
Isamu Arakawa: Is this the only way? What about Asgaror and everything that will happen to it?
Theodore Maxson: Some monsters grow stronger when caged, sometimes the only way to end their terror is to let them believe they've already won, Isamu… a villain unchallenged becomes careless but one left to roam writes his own downfall (he rises his hand towards Isamu) promise me my friend… that you will train these 2 boys yourself
Isamu holds his friend's hands
Isamu Arakawa: I promise you… I'll train these 2 boys so hard that the celestial being won't even see what hit him
As Isamu is leaving his friend says something
Theodore Maxson: Isamu… this is not a prophecy… it's the future!
Ethan, Brook and Anthony are eating ice cream in a shop, Isamu walks over to them and hugs all 3 boys tightly
Ethan Arakawa: What are you doing father?
Brook Grim Lock: Grandmaster is everything?
Anthony Fishman: Ahh
Isamu Arakawa: I want you 3 boys to be safe
Ethan Arakawa: I mean we are safe
Isamu Arakawa: I know that but if something happens, please sick together
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Afternoon
Ryan's sister is an assistant nurse in a hospital, her work is done for the day, she is walking back home and her brother Ryan calls her
As she is walking, she is watched by grandmaster Christopher Kobayashi
Christopher Kobayashi: You were right boys… she is rape-able
Jennifer Parker: Hello Brother
Ryan Parker: Where are you?
Jennifer Parker: Heading home
Ryan Parker: Bring some eggs ok
Jennifer Parker: This is the 15th time you have said that!
Ryan Parker: Sorry but you keep on forgetting things
Jennifer Parker: Ugh, fine, I'll get the eggs… anything else, your highness?
Ryan Parker: (Smiles) Just get home safe ok
Jennifer Parker: Yeah, yeah, I always…
Suddenly there is a loud sound
Ryan Parker: (Concerned) Sis? Are you ok?
Ryan can only hear murmur of some people, heavy footsteps and Jennifer screaming
Ryan Parker: (Panicked) Jennifer! Jennifer, what's happening?
A man voice could be heard
Man: Shut her up, somebody could hear us
A loud slap can be head
Ryan Parker: (Yelling) Jennifer! Talk to me!
Man: I have done as you said… Kobayashi sensei!
The call disconnects, Ryan's hands start to tremble
Cut to
INT. Asgaror – Kobayashi's house – Night
Jennifer is kidnapped by grandmaster Christopher Kobayashi, he rapes her without her consent for 3 hours straight, after raping her he wears his cloths
Jennifer is on the ground bruised unable to move, her torn dress, her eyes half open
Christopher acts as if what just happened meant nothing to him
Christopher Kobayashi: Throw her in prison
Grandmaster Christopher Kobayashi, throws every single woman in prison after he rapes them, because when someone man/woman is in a prison cell nobody is allowed to meet them whether you are family or friend
The guards are about to take Jennifer to prison but suddenly the 4 men who planned all this step in
David: Don't worry her, we'll take care of her
Christopher Kobayashi: You sure?
David: Yes sir, we will take care of her
The 4 men carry Jennifer's body outside
David: (Looking at Jennifer's) Look happened to you… if you just stayed quiet shutting the fuck up… this wouldn't have happened!
The all the 4 men laugh, one of the men start to think something
Oliver: Yo guys… is it wrong of me to get a boner looking at a raped woman
James: That's fucked up
Daniel: I mean… she is fucking hot
Oliver: That's what I'm saying
Oliver removes his cloths and is about to rape Jennifer but suddenly she moves her hand and the 4 men get shocked seeing her moving
Oliver: The fuck? She is moving!
James: What the hell?
Daniel: I think she is dead
James: Mm
Oliver: Then how did she move
David: Yeah she's still breathing
James: She's still conscious look at her eyes
Daniel: Nah its just muscle memory
After a few minutes later the 4 men rape her thinking she is dead
Jennifer wants to scream, move and fight but her body is paralyzed
Jennifer Parker: (In her thoughts) (she is in despair staring at nothing) Life was once warm… I remember the sun on my skin, the laughter in my brother's voice… I remember believing in kindness, in love, but today… today I learned what it means to be nothing… they took my voice, my body, my choice, and yet… I still exit, does that mean I've won? Or does it mean I've lost everything except the pain? Justice… is that even real? If I die tonight, will the world mourn me? Will someone say my name with anger, with love, with a promise to make this right? Or will I just become another forgotten whisper in the dark? Brother… if you ever find me, don't remember me as broken… remember me as the sister who never stopped fighting… even when the world tried to silence me
The End Of Chapter 26…