
Eve took a deep breath as she stood outside the Knight family's grand estate. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the meticulously manicured gardens and the elegant mansion that loomed before her. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant emerald green dress that complemented her eyes and contrasted beautifully with her dark hair, which cascaded in loose waves over her shoulders. 

Alex, standing beside her, looked dashing in a tailored black suit. He glanced at Eve, his expression a mix of admiration and gratitude. "Ready?" he asked, offering his arm.

Eve nodded, taking his arm as they walked up the stone steps to the front door. They were greeted by a butler who ushered them into a lavishly decorated foyer.

As they entered the dining room, Alex's mother, Olivia with a warm smile across her face, rose from her seat. She was dressed in a navy blue dress, her hair elegantly styled. "Eve, I'm so glad you could make it" she said, her eyes twinkling with genuine warmth.

Eve smiled politely, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Olivia's enthusiasm. "Thank you for having me, Mrs. Knight."

"Please, call me Olivia," she insisted, giving Eve a welcoming hug. 

Robert nodded, a pleased smile on his face. "Welcome, Eve. We're delighted to have you here."

Dinner was a sumptuous affair, with a variety of exquisite dishes laid out on the table. Eve marveled at the attention to detail, from the perfectly cooked roast to the delicate desserts. The conversation flowed easily, with Olivia asking Eve about her interests, her work, and her life. Eve answered politely, keeping her responses brief but honest.

As the dinner progressed, Olivia couldn't contain her excitement. "I must say, Eve, I think you're wonderful. I can see why Alex speaks so highly of you."

Eve blushed slightly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "Thank you, Olivia. That means a lot."

As the night drew to a close, Alex and Eve stepped out of the Knight estate and walked towards Alex's sleek black car. Alex opened the passenger door for Eve, and she slipped into the seat, the warmth of the car a stark contrast to the cool night air. Alex climbed in on the driver's side, started the engine, and they pulled away from the grand house. The tension between them was palpable, neither speaking as they drove through the quiet streets.

After a few minutes of silence, Alex glanced at Eve. "You wanted to discuss some conditions?"

Eve nodded, turning to face him. "Yes. I need you to stop my aunt from selling a huge part of the Sinclair Estate. She's planning to sell off large sections and I won't have that, my father worked tirelessly to build it up. It would devastate everything he stood for."

Alex listened intently, his expression serious. "This is a huge ask Eve"

Eve took a deep breath, her voice steady. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I don't have many options left. And you owe me since I'm going along with this your dating scam"

Alex took a deep breath. "It wasn't a scam. The reason I lied about us being in a relationship is because my father gave me an ultimatum. He told me that I had to get married or step down as CEO."

Eve's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that's intense."

"I was under a lot of pressure, and I didn't think you'd understand," Alex admitted. "But now, I see how unfair it was to drag you into this without your consent."

Eve sighed, her frustration evident. "So what now?"

Alex glanced at her, determination in his gaze. "I have a proposal for you. A marriage of convenience. No strings attached. If you agree to marry me, not only will I stop your aunt from selling the estate, I'll do all in my power to make you the head of the Sinclair Estate."

Eve's frustration turned to anger. "You can't be serious. You want me to marry you just to keep your job?"

Alex nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, and in return, you'll get everything you want. It's a win-win situation."

Eve shook her head, her anger boiling over. "This is ridiculous. Stop the car."

Alex hesitated. "Eve, please, just think about it."

Reluctantly, Alex pulled over to the side of the road. Eve opened the door and got out, slamming it behind her. She flagged down a passing cab and got in, leaving Alex sitting alone in the car, watching her disappear into the night.

"Stop the car!" she repeated, her voice rising.

Reluctantly, Alex pulled over to the side of the road. Eve opened the door and got out, slamming it behind her. She flagged down a passing cab and got in, leaving Alex sitting alone in the car, watching her disappear into the night.

Eve tossed and turned in her bed, the events of the evening replaying in her mind like a broken record. She felt a whirlwind of emotions—anger, confusion, disappointment, and frustration. The conversation with Alex had left her rattled.

She grabbed her phone and called Anna, hoping to get some advice from her. But after a few rings, it went to voicemail. Eve sighed, assuming Anna was already asleep. She put her phone down and stared at the ceiling, her thoughts spiraling.

"How arrogant can he be?" Eve muttered to herself. "How lowly does he think of me? He wants to use me just to keep his precious job. And I thought he was different... I really thought highly of him"

Eve sat up in bed, hugging her knees to her chest. She was disappointed in herself for once thinking Alex was a good person. He had seemed so genuine in their previous conversations. But now, it all felt like a façade.

"What are my options?" she pondered aloud. "If I marry him, I can save the Sinclair Estate and honor my father's legacy. But at what cost? Do I really want to tie myself to someone like Alex, even if it's just a business arrangement? I've never thought I would marry for love honestly but still this just feels like he's taking advantage of my situation"

She weighed the pros and cons, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't come to a decision.

As the night wore on, Eve's thoughts became more fragmented. She imagined life as Alex's wife, managing the Sinclair Estate, and the potential backlash from her aunt. She considered what it would mean for her own independence and future happiness.

Eventually, the mental exhaustion caught up with her. Her eyes grew heavy, and she didn't even notice when sleep finally claimed her.