Cold Shoulder

The morning sun crept through the blinds of Eve's apartment, casting a warm glow over her room. She groaned as she woke, the memories of last night's conversation with Alex flooding back. Determined to push it aside and focus on her work, she dressed in a crisp white blouse and a tailored navy skirt. Her hair was neatly pulled back into a bun, and she applied a touch of makeup to brighten her tired eyes.

Arriving at the Knight Enterprises, Eve took a deep breath before stepping into the bustling office. She greeted her colleagues with a polite smile, but her mind was racing. She knew Alex would be looking for her, and she was determined to avoid him at all costs.

She threw herself into her work. She sorted through reports, attended strategy meetings, and coordinated with various departments.

During her lunch break, Eve sat alone in her office, picking at a salad. Her phone buzzed with a message from Anna, wishing her a good day. Eve smiled slightly, she wondered what Anna would think about the past events.

The afternoon dragged on. Eve was in the middle of a meeting with Daniel Brooks, the head of luxury real estate development, when she heard a familiar voice outside her office.

"Is Eve available?" Alex asked, his voice firm yet polite.

Her heart skipped a beat, but she maintained her composure. "Tell him I'm in a meeting," she instructed her assistant, Jessica, who nodded and relayed the message.

Jessica returned a moment later. "Mr. Knight said he'll wait."

Eve sighed inwardly, knowing she would have to face him eventually. She wrapped up the meeting with Daniel, thanking him for his time, and watched as he left her office. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for the inevitable confrontation.

Alex entered, looking every bit the polished executive in a tailored grey suit, a navy tie, and his hair perfectly styled. His expression was serious, and there was a hint of frustration in his eyes.

"Eve, we need to talk," he began, closing the door behind him.

She stood up, her posture rigid. "There's nothing to talk about, Alex. I've made my decision."

He stepped closer, his tone softening. "Please, just hear me out."

She shook her head, her resolve unwavering. "I can't do this right now. I have work to do."

"Eve, I understand you're upset, but we can find a solution that works for both of us."

She looked him in the eyes, her gaze cold and unyielding. "I'm not interested in your solutions, Alex. I need time to think. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot to get done today."

With that, she turned her back on him and walked out of the office, leaving Alex standing there, speechless.

Eve spent the rest of the day in a flurry of activity. When she finally left the office, the sun had already set, and the city was bathed in the warm glow of streetlights. She felt exhausted, but relieved that she had managed to avoid Alex.

Eve's footsteps were heavy as she made her way to Anna's apartment. The city lights glinted off her tired eyes. When she reached Anna's door, she hesitated for a moment before knocking.

Anna opened the door, dressed in casual jeans and a cozy sweater, her eyes widening in surprise. "What a lovely surprise! You look a mess, what's going on?"

Eve stepped inside, her face etched with exhaustion. "I needed to talk to you. It's been a rough day."

They settled on the couch, and Eve recounted everything that had happened with Alex. She spoke of their heated conversation and his conditions for helping her. Anna listened intently, her expression growing more incredulous by the minute.

"That's really wrong of him, Eve," Anna said, her voice rising with anger. "He's so manipulative! How dare he put you in that position?"

Eve sighed, her hands trembling slightly. "I know, Anna but in his defense I was also manipulative. I just don't know what to do. He's got the power to stop the sale of the estate, but at what cost?"

Anna's eyes flashed with determination. "You can't let him control you like that. Maybe you should try talking to your aunt. See if you can reason with her."

Eve nodded slowly, considering Anna's words. "You're right. As much as I dread going back home, maybe if I spend the weekend at the Sinclair estate, I can get through to her."

Anna placed a comforting hand on Eve's shoulder. "I'm sure that everything is going to be just fine. And I'll always be here for you"

Eve felt a glimmer of hope, bolstered by Anna's unwavering support. "Thanks, Anna. I needed to hear that."

"Let's get you something to eat. You look like you could use a good meal."

Eve laughed softly, feeling a bit lighter. "That sounds perfect."

Alex sat at the dimly lit bar, nursing a whiskey on the rocks. The neon lights reflected off the glass, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the polished wood. He wore a tailored navy suit, the jacket now slung over the back of his chair, his tie loosened, and the top button of his crisp white shirt undone. Mike, dressed in a button-down shirt and jeans, joined him, a beer in hand.

"Alright, Alex, spill it," Mike said, taking a sip of his drink. "What's eating you?"

Alex sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I did something, Mike. Something I feel really guilty about."

Mike raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Do tell."

Alex took a deep breath, recounting his conversation with Eve. He explained how he had given her that she had to marry him in exchange for stopping her aunt from selling a large part of the Sinclair Estate. "I know it was manipulative, and I hate myself for doing it," he admitted. "But I've worked too hard to just be pushed aside by my father."

Mike listened intently, his expression serious. "I get it, man. You've put your blood, sweat, and tears into the company. But it sounds like you're taking advantage of Eve."

Alex shook his head, a conflicted look on his face. "I'm not trying to take advantage of her, Mike. I genuinely respect her. But I'm desperate. I can't lose everything I've worked for."

Mike leaned back in his chair, studying his friend. "I understand where you're coming from. But you've got to think about her too. This isn't just a business transaction; it's her life. Do you really think she'll agree to this?"

Alex took a sip of his whiskey, his gaze distant. "I'm pretty sure she will. She's just as desperate to save her family's legacy. Also, she was raised as an heir, marriages are usually business transactions for us"

Mike shook his head. "Alex, you need to put some more thought into this. Just because you're desperate doesn't mean you should drag her into this mess. Think about what's right, not just what's convenient."

Alex sighed, nodding slowly. "I've made my decision."

Mike clapped a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Take a step back and think it through. There might be another solution that doesn't involve manipulating her into marriage."

"Goodnight Mike."