Chapter 9: The Unleashing

Malakai was trapped in his dream, reliving the same surreal landscape he had encountered before.

The massive wolf loomed before him, its piercing gaze fixed on him like a predator sizing up its prey.

Suddenly, a thunderous voice boomed through the dreamscape, shaking the very foundations of the realm. "IT IS TIME FOR YOUR AWAKENING." The words echoed through Malakai's mind, leaving him stunned and disoriented.

As the dream world trembled, the sky above began to collapse, its fragments crashing down like a celestial avalanche.

Malakai's gaze remained fixed on the large wolf, which suddenly shrunk in size and began sprinting towards him.

Despite his instincts screaming to flee, Malakai felt an inexplicable sense of calm, as if the wolf's approach was a harbinger of something profound.

The wolf pounced, its body engulfing Malakai in a warm, golden light.

He felt his body burning, his senses overwhelmed by an intense, primal energy. Everything went dark, and Malakai's dream self dissipated into the void.

Back in the den, Malakai's physical body writhed in agony, his small form trembling as he whimpered in pain.

His mother and his sister, who had been sleeping nearby, were jolted awake by his distress.

The Arctic Queen's piercing blue eyes, attuned to the subtlest hints of magic, detected a dangerous, ancient power emanating from her son.

Her instincts screamed at her to retreat, to shield herself from the unpredictable force coursing through Malakai's veins.

Yet, as a mother, she couldn't bring herself to abandon her pup in his time of need.

With a deep breath, she steeled herself and approached Malakai, her daughter following closely behind.

As they drew nearer, the den's walls seeming to vibrate in harmony with Malakai's transforming body.

The Arctic Queen's eyes widened in awe and trepidation as she beheld her son's metamorphosis.

His bones were breaking, expanding, and reforming at an alarming rate, his body aglow with a fierce, crimson light.

The sound of shattering bones filled the den, a mixture of cracking and reforming that sent shivers down the spines of both the Arctic Queen and her daughter.

Malakai's eyes snapped open, blazing with an unholy, blood-red light. A Red mark that was releasing a light appeared on his forehead and disappeared back in.

A primal howl tore from Malakai's throat, a sound that shook the earth and sent tremors through the den.

The Arctic Queen and her daughter felt an inexplicable urge to join in, their own howls blending with Malakai's in a chorus of wild, untamed energy.

The den reverberated with their cries, the sound waves echoing through the frozen wilderness beyond, a declaration to the world that a new force had awakened, a force that would not be silenced or contained.

Malakai's eyes fluttered closed once more, his wounded body still recovering from the fox's attack.

But as he lay there, he felt a strange sensation wash over him - his fur was growing back, the ripped patches repairing themselves at an alarming rate.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the soft hum of a gentle melody.

As he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a realm both familiar and unknown.

The space around him was a deep blue, like a clear summer sky, and speckled with stars that twinkled like diamonds.

A soft, ethereal voice spoke, the words barely above a whisper. "Mmmh, you're growing steadily, but still slow." Malakai's ears perked up, his head turning towards the sound. His tail wagged slightly, a faint tremble running through his small wolf body.

Before him stood a woman, her hair a silver cascade down her back, her dress a flowing white that seemed to shimmer in the starlight.

Her eyes, glowed, piercing silver, held a warmth and compassion that made Malakai feel safe, like a pup in his den.

The woman's smile was like a ray of sunshine, her voice a gentle breeze. "You are such a beautiful pup," she cooed, her words sending a thrill through Malakai's chest.

Malakai wanted to speak, to ask her who she was, and where he was, but his voice caught in his throat. He remembered, with a pang of sadness, that he couldn't talk.

But the woman's eyes seemed to see right through him, her gaze understanding. "You can speak now, you have grown enough, to do that," she said, her voice encouraging.

Malakai's ears perked up, his tail wagging slightly as he tried to form a sentence.

His voice was barely above a whisper, but he knew what he wanted to say. "Who..... ARE .. Y.-YOU" he stammered, his eyes locked on the woman's face.

The woman smiled. "A leader's voice indeed," she said, her voice filled with gentle, ethereal music.

"Who I am, child, shall remain a mystery to you until you uncover it yourself. But I shall leave you a name that you can call upon to reach me: Mene, goddess of the moon and the mysteries of the night."

As she spoke, the stars above them seemed to respond to her name, shining brighter for a moment before returning to their soft twinkle.

Malakai's eyes widened as he took in the celestial surroundings. "WH... RE A-M I?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"My domain, my home," she said, her voice filled with a deep affection. "And yours, for a time. You have been brought here for a purpose, Malakai. A purpose that only you can fulfill."

She paused, her gaze piercing through the darkness. "The reason I brought you here is to tell you that you have finished your transformation. From now on, at certain times, when you meet certain requirements, you will have the chance to evolve to a higher wolf. You will be given choices, sometimes two, sometimes more. The path you choose will determine your destiny."

Malakai felt a shiver run down his spine as he absorbed her words.

"From this moment on, you shall possess the ability to behold your own strength, a gift that may fade when you reach the pinnacle of your mortality."

"With each evolution, you shall acquire new abilities and enhancements, some of which will remain with you forever, while others may vanish like the mist, depending on the path you choose in your journey."

"But first, I must bestow upon you a name, for in the ancient traditions of our kind, a name is given when one reaches the threshold of adolescence, and you, my Malakai, have reached that milestone."

"As I speak, a light shall envelop you, and your body shall be transformed, standing tall with a confidence that commands respect."

"You are one who shall be revered, admired, and followed. You are one who shall be worshipped as a symbol of hope and strength."

As the woman spoke, a radiant light enveloped Malakai, his body glowing with an ethereal energy.

His posture straightened, his eyes shining with a newfound confidence and purpose.

The air around him seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly power, as if the very fabric of reality was acknowledging his transformation.

"You are as I have said, My Malakai, you are Malakai, YOU ARE THE MALAKAI!" The woman's voice resonated like a gentle drumbeat, echoing through the celestial landscape.

With each repetition, the words seemed to take on a life of their own, imbuing Malakai with a sense of purpose and identity.

"Note that this gift to see your strengths," she continued, her voice dripping with an otherworldly music, "will help you choose the next evolution, it will also help you maintain other skills you may gain." As she spoke, the very fabric of reality was alive and singing with energy.

The woman's eyes gleamed like stars in the night sky, her gaze piercing through the darkness. "Now, for your first evolution, your wolf species was chosen automatically, which is the Frostrunner."

"The Frostrunner," the woman's voice whispered, "a hunter type, based on strength and agility, mostly agility in this case." The words seemed to fade into the distance.

"Now, open up your Identity skill by thinking about it," the woman said, her voice gentle and guiding. Malakai closed his eyes, focusing on his strength, name, and race.

He thought about the power coursing through his veins, the sound of his name echoing in his mind, and the image of a wolf's silhouette etched in his thoughts.

Suddenly, a blue panel materialized before him, its surface glowing with a soft light.

Malakai's eyes opened, his gaze fixed on the panel with a mix of wonder and anticipation.