Chapter 10: Unveiling Potential

Name: Malakai

Race: Frostrunner Wolf

Age: Juvenile

Pack: Frost Pack (Members: 3)

Titles: ######


Level/Stage: N/A

Absorption Required: N/A

Growth Potential (GP): D-Rank

Physical Capability: 4


Inherent Racial Abilities:

- Ice Shield

- Frostbite (Passive)

- Ice resistance (Passive)

- Snow camouflage(Passive)

- Enhanced agility (Passive)


Malakai stared intently at the panel, his eyes scanning the information with a newfound understanding.

The transformation he had undergone had matured his mind, allowing him to comprehend the complex terms and stats before him.

"WH-WHAT ISH PO-TETIAL GRO-W TH?" he asked, his words still slightly stuttered, but filled with curiosity.

He had always wondered about his place in the world, and now he was finally getting some answers.

Mene smiled, her eyes shining with amusement. "Ah, Malakai, Potential Growth is what determines your growth, your future development. It's a measure of your innate talent, your capacity to learn and adapt."

She paused, her gaze piercing through the darkness. "The world is not fair, Malakai, and has never been. Not everyone gets the same opportunities. Take you, for example. Your Potential Growth You have a D-Rank, which means your growth rate is relatively slow compared to others."

Malakai's ears rose up, his tail playing with excitement.

"The lowest is F-Rank, giving only 1-2%," Mene continued. "That's just what is expected. I'm sure you're also asking what these percentiles mean. Well, you see, in the Cultivation of beasts..."

Malakai's eyes widened, his heart pounding with wonder. He was eager to learn more, to understand the secrets of this new world.

After Mene explained, Malakai asked again, "YOU S-SAID I MALAKAI- WH-HY?"

[To not spend the whole chapter explaining the power system, check out the Auxiliary Volume]

Mene's expression turned serious, her voice filled with a hint of sadness. "Because, child, you are pure. Unable to acquire sin or any negative karma. You are truly what they call an Angel."

She paused, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "But do not take this word 'Angel' heavily, Malakai. You are a wolf, a predator. You must survive, no matter the way. Slaughter, carnage, or maybe even peace."

"I already know your thoughts, You are no Frostrunner, You are a TRUE BEAST!!" Her voice boomed, echoing off the mysterious space, and Malakai's eyes closed at the wince of the sound.

He felt a sudden jolt, and when he opened them again, he found himself back in the familiar surroundings of his family's den.

His mother and sister were watching him with worry etched on their faces, their tails held low in concern.

Malakai's gaze met his mother's, and he felt a surge of excitement mixed with a hint of fear.

He tried to stand up, his new body feeling strange and unfamiliar. His legs trembled beneath him, but he managed to rise to his feet, his tail wagging tentatively.

His sister, sensing his unease, ran towards him, her tail wagging excitedly. She pounced on him, and Malakai felt a rush of joy as they began to play fight.

His new body seemed to have an advantage, and he easily pinned his sister to the ground. He let out a triumphant yelp, his chest puffed out with pride.

As they rolled around, their fur intertwining, Malakai's sister began to lick his face, her tongue warm and comforting.

Malakai's ears perked up, and he returned the affection, his own tongue lapping at her fur. But their playful moment was interrupted by a shadow looming over them.

Malakai's ears folded back, and he turned to face his mother, his tail tucked between his legs.

Her eyes were wide with shock, her gaze fixed on him as if she was seeing him for the first time. "You have grown," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Malakai remembered that he could speak now, and he tried to form words. "M-OTH-ER," he stuttered, his voice filling the den.

His sister's ears perked up, and she looked at him in shock, as if she had never heard him speak before.

His mother narrowed her eyes, her gaze piercing through him, as if trying to understand this sudden transformation.

She took a step closer, her tail held low, and Malakai instinctively stepped back, his heart racing with fear.

His mother began to sniff him, her nose twitching as she took in his scent. She sniffed every inch of him, as if trying to confirm that this was truly her son.

Malakai stood still, his heart pounding in his chest, as his mother examined him with an intensity he had never seen before.

His mother stared at him, her piercing gaze boring into his very soul. "You can talk now, it means you have reached Juvenile, how?" Malakai's ears folded back, and he hesitated, knowing he couldn't deceive his mother.

He took a deep breath and began to explain everything that had happened, from the strange dream to the encounter with Mene.

He spoke of the transformation, the newfound strength, and the mysterious voice that boomed in his mind.

As he spoke, his sister's eyes grew wider, her tail twitching with excitement. She felt left out, her whole family could talk, but she couldn't yet. She whined softly, as if urging Malakai to hurry up and finish his story.

After what seemed like an eternity, Malakai finally finished his explanation.

His mother stared at him, her eyes gleaming with a mix of surprise and concern. "Tomorrow, you will begin to hunt alone," she declared, her voice firm and commanding. "You have matured too early, and you must learn to fend for yourself. What happened before should not happen ever again, understood?"

Malakai nodded his wolf head, not daring to disagree. He knew better than to cross his mother, the leader of their small family pack. Her tone was stern, but her eyes showed a hint of pride and admiration for her son's rapid growth.

"You must also never tell anyone about this, okay?" she looked at both her daughter and Malakai, her gaze piercing through them. They glanced at each other, then nodded in unison, like a chicken pecking at the ground.

"Good," she said, her voice softening. "It seems the Goddess has named you, so no initiation is needed to uncover your name, Malakai." She smiled, her tail wagging slightly, and Malakai felt a warmth in his chest.

"Now, rest," she said, her voice firm once more. "Tomorrow, you will hunt alone, while I take your sister to train." She lay down, and Malakai and his sister moved towards her, their tails entwining as they settled beside her.


In a vast, cavernous space, the darkness seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

The sound of crickets outside created a soothing melody.

Three predators, natural enemies, sat in an uneasy alliance, their eyes fixed on each other with a mix of wariness and calculation.

The white fox stood up, its tail twitching with agitation. "I've heard enough," it said, its melodic voice laced with a hint of frustration. "I didn't come here to be lectured or threatened. I came to form an alliance, not to be bullied into submission."

The polar bear's gaze never wavered, its eyes fixed on the fox with an unyielding intensity. "You're backing out already?" it growled, its deep voice dripping with disbelief.

The fox's ears folded back, its fur fluffed up in a defensive posture. "I'm not backing out," it replied, its voice firm. "I'm just not willing to risk losing another member of my skulk. I've already sent one to the Arctic Queen's territory, and I won't send another to their death."

The lynx's eyes gleamed with excitement, its tail twitching with anticipation. "Coward," it sneered, its voice low and menacing.

The fox's eyes flashed with anger, but it remained calm, its voice even. "I'm not a coward," it said. "I'm just a leader who values the lives of my skulk. And I won't be swayed by empty threats and promises of power."

With that, the fox turned and walked away, its tail held high as it disappeared into the darkness of the cave. The polar bear and the lynx watched it go, their eyes fixed on the spot where it had vanished.

"Well, that was a waste of time," the lynx said, its voice dripping with disappointment.

The polar bear's gaze never wavered, its eyes fixed on the darkness beyond the cave. "It's not over yet," it growled, its deep voice full of promise. "We'll find another way, another ally. And when we do, the Arctic Queen will fall, and we'll rule the territory."

The lynx's eyes gleamed with excitement, its tail twitching with anticipation. "Well, we shouldn't have trusted the foxes," it said, its voice low and menacing. "That dog probably sent someone she wanted to kill. Since the Arctic Queen has done the dirty job, why stay?"

The polar bear's gaze never wavered, its eyes fixed on the lynx. "It doesn't matter," it growled, its deep voice full of disdain.

"Those foxes are useless anyway. I'll send some of my bears to cause trouble and distract the Arctic Queen while we prepare. I'm sure that will be enough for you to get your feral mark, right?"

The lynx's eyes flashed with excitement, its ears perking up in anticipation. "Oh, it's more than enough," it purred, its voice dripping with malice.

And with that, the two predators shared a sinister glance,