This was it I couldn't believe it I have finally found him a ray of hope or rather I must say my blind man's stick who will support show me the way, I could feel it I realize I'm smiling a smile that knows that I've deserved this support and this friendship, for the first time I feel life in the wind as it fly pasts my long hair. 

"Will you stop smiling so cheeky? it scares me when you are not angry."

Nell says teasingly and it interrupts my flow of thoughts, did he even know he was the cause of my blissful expression. "I'll show you angry" I reply with a playful tone raising my fist and punching him playfully.

"Show him what? how bad your score was in theoretical paper?"

Lock enters sitting on the concrete bench. "The results are up on the common dashborad looks like wannabe offense team leader has failed" he continues and looks at me. "You are joking" I scoff.

"Uh Lock might be right Mars... you really are in rank 105 among 109 students in theory damn all those muscles should have been put in brains" Nell joins with Lock after he sees the result on the dashborad which is easily accessible in the chips on our wrist.


I look at the transparent grey screen and exclaim. "Who cares I'm still acing the physical test. It's a drill right? in the human realm?" "Yes" Nell quickly responds his demeanor holding a sense of pride and seriousness "We will leave Nebula Dive tomorrow, Also I will be the one who aces the physical test before anyone so forgive me leader (Mars) and Lock I'll be going ahead"

Just like that he turned his back on us his uniform is same as us but both me and Lock could feel it he was slightly different his back was blended with the every shade of Nebula's atmosphere around us the thunder fog was common and it was already surrounding us but it parted as he walked further away and then he turned to look back at us. My memory always switches to the next day from there. The smoke looked like red fog in the zoo which was burning in flames. I was shaking I tried to activate my kill weapon but it was useless my scale of fear was higher than my killing intent, and I see him Nell is walking between the fiery fog it scared to see how perfectly he blended with it, his back turned at me just like yesterday. 


He stops, did he finally notice me? will he joke about me being a bloody mess... Is what I thought but instead I faced a face which was faceless I could see his physical features but its the first I have seen him so expressionless what does he feel all bloody and wounded while the carrying an almost dead lioness in his hands he was the protector, I was his leader had I failed him why wasn't he using his powers!!!!